My Food Addiction Help!!!

Hi All,

My name is Neha, and man am I addicted to sweets. But I work out everyday and weight train twice a week with my trainer. When I don't train with him, I usually do an hour of Pilates and an hour Zumba. I got the exercise piece covered, it is the food aspect that I don't have. I spend most of my day working from home, so the easy access to food is a night mare. But we do not keep junk food in the house. But I sometimes find myself going out of my way to get some. Today, I had three McDonald's cookies and a small french fries. And the entire time I was saying over and over again, "I don't need this," but it didn't help. I feel like every day I need something sweet. I don't know what to do. But I stay within the calories that I need for the day. I need help, or some suggestions as to what you may do. Most people just control yourself, but I guess this is what it feels like when you do drugs. The pull is so strong. I eat healthy, smoothies and lots of protein. No bread, just some cracked wheat to go with each of my meals. But every day, around the same time, the damn craving comes back. Any suggestions?



  • AmberCrudup
    AmberCrudup Posts: 8 Member
    I have an extremely sweet tooth as well, so I feel your pain! I came across this recipe for chocolate truffles…and they are only 28 calories! I made a batch and keep them in my freezer….I've only had 4 since making them this past weekend. I think having something available helps to ease my urge. I know if I need something sweet, it's there and I'm not obsessing about it.

    OAN, you could always grab some fruit to get that sugar fix. I eat fruit 2 to 3 times a day….it's quick, easy and satisfying.

    Good luck!!!
  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    Get some real help,

    Join a support group like overeaters anon and/ or get some therapy.

    You don't need to do this alone.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    If you truly believe you have an addiction, then join a 12-step group.

    If you think you can exhibit self control, then do it.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Have you ever tried protein shakes?.( please do not think I'm insinuating that you should buy some over priced weight loss shakes) you can get protein powder from almost any supermarket, or health store and certainly don't need to spend a ton of money. My point is, if made correctly, you can make a protein shake that tastes great and will satisfy your sweet tooth, as they come in chocolate, vanilla, and many other flavors. I put banana in, or peanut butter, and it definitely helps my sweet tooth!
  • Chantilly_laced
    try substituting the junk sweets with fruit... lower in calories and natural sugar, which is better than the man-made stuff. Cut out sodas as much as possible, and go with Diet if you absolutely NEED it. I was once addicted to sugar too, but I found that after cutting it out for a couple weeks and actively saying "NO" to anything that involved sugar (even diet sodas for me!) I no longer craved it!

    Good luck! Sugar addiction is hard to knock, but you can!
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    If you stay within your calorie goal as you say, what's the problem? Having a sweet tooth wont kill you.

  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    Options exercise. You normally eat rather healthfully. You stay within your allotted calories even WHEN you eat something sweet.

    What is the problem?

    Having three cookies and small fries is not an addiction. Craving something sweet and being able to eat it while staying within the calorie goal you set for yourself is not an addiction. It's normal to crave sweets. The problem you have is being unnecessarily afraid of eating a little "junk" food every now and then. It's better to eat a little bit of a calorie dense food that you like instead of cutting it out completely. That prevents REAL binges, like eating an entire box of dozen donuts after dinner. When you're doing THAT, then you can talk about an addiction.
  • GiveItAll92
    GiveItAll92 Posts: 26 Member
    If it fits into your daily goal needs is it really a problem? I get wanting to be in control and wanting to say no to things that are tougher to overcome and all but it sounds like you work really hard and earn your sweets. Maybe you could plan a head and find a way to make sure one or two fit in a day if they don't already.

    Someone also mentioned adding fruit which I think is a great idea. I never think I want an apple but if I start eating one I realize it is way more satisfying than I was expecting it to be. Dark chocolate is another thing I see recommended for people with a sweet tooth.