bokodasu Member


  • Dag, I need to figure this out in the next hour. I have no clue. It depends on how hot my kitchen is - I'll probably have a salad with tomato and avocado, but I still need to think of something for the kiddo.
  • I like them in oatmeal or yogurt, and I use them half-and-half with flax seeds to make vegan "eggs" for baking. My daughter's favorite after school snack is a teaspoon of chia seeds in a shot glass of water, which she then refuses to stir and eats the resulting goo with her fingers. (It is gross, but it's relatively…
  • Yes, it was probably water, but you've also probably already lost it, so no, you shouldn't drop 5 lbs if you go off the creatine. I don't bother with loading phases any more, and I don't get the bloat any more either - it seems to be just the large doses that bring it on.
    in Creatine Comment by bokodasu August 2013
  • Some of it is water, probably not all of it - usually that's why you get the first great week or two, but you really shouldn't be losing significant amounts of water after that. But that's ok. It's still part what you're going to lose, so yay, you've done that part! And the other thing that may either be depressing or…
  • Theoretically, it's the percentage of the calories you burned that came from fat. Realistically, it's a magical number that your HRM gets from the Magical Twinkly Weight Loss Fairy, who makes it up to give you more numbers to look at. It is highly unlikely to mean anything useful, and you should ignore it.
  • Nope. As far as I can tell, you entered your activity as sedentary? Which you're not. TDEE is *Total* Daily Energy Expenditure, which means you include your exercise. You didn't put your current weight, which means I'm not using exact numbers here, but your TDEE at "lightly active" (assuming you have a desk job and aren't…
  • Berries in general don't last more than a couple days - if they do, they've gone through some sort of processing to make them that way. Only buy them when you're ready to eat them, or get the frozen ones.
  • You don't have to do it all at once - most people recommend cutting first and then trying to gain muscle, but eating at a deficit for a long time isn't really a workable plan for most people. (Either it wears you down mentally, or you're fine mentally and you mess up your metabolism - neither is a great choice.) Take a…
  • Woot woot! My mom is three years older than you and is starting lifting this week. I'm going to show her this post! :smile:
  • I own lots, and wash them every time I wear them. But I don't need the expensive ones, so I can just buy a 3-pack of the Champion ones at Costco. (Totally envious of your UA bra. I'm still trying to pick up a couple more shirts, but waiting for sales is a pain in the butt.) When I only had two, I still washed every time,…
  • The doctor is not taking you seriously. Find one who will. Sadly, it may take a few tries, most of them suck. And if you're overweight, a depressingly large percentage of them will just tell you to lose weight and spend exactly zero time figuring out what your real problem is. Oh, and have you read "Taking Charge of Your…
  • Couples in general? Sure, if they want to. There's a very sweet older couple at my gym who do molasses-slow walking laps in the pool three times a week, they look like they're having fun. The couple that comes into my gym and he "instructs" her with terrible form and she sings out loud along with her iPod and both of them…
  • I have a piece of fruit, a spoonful of coconut oil, and a scoop of BCAAs about 20 minutes before (however long it takes me to get dressed and to the gym), and then real breakfast after my workout. But it took some experimenting to get there - it really is about finding what works best for you.
  • It's probably not as much less as you think - you will get SOME calories out of fiber, even if it's only from the secondary fermentation from your gut bacteria. (Yum!) No calorie counts are exact - really it's not worth worrying about.
  • It doesn't make much difference, but there might be a slight edge to splitting them up, if you do the easier one in the morning and the harder one later in the day. But do pay attention to doing too much - two cardio AND a resistance workout on the same day is going to be worse for you than just doing one workout (either…
  • I don't think "slows the metabolism" is exactly right, but it can slow weight loss. I like this article that explains it - the author is German so his English can be a little tough to read but it's good info, and he's got more on overtraining if you're interested:…
  • I think most people have stopped recommending stretching before the workout. Anyway, hot bath, epsom salts, foam roller if you've got one. Doing mobility exercises for that whole area can help for when you do that workout in the future - not just the hamstrings but the hips & glutes & everything.
  • Something's off, but it's hard to say what if you don't have all the data. Best to start filling out your food logs - you don't have to follow any particular "diet", just track it, so you can see if you really are getting enough protein/carbs/fat. You probably want to pay a little extra attention to your pre- and…
  • It gets easier, faster than you think it will. I tried level 1 of the 30DS and it seemed like a nice warmup, but a year ago I'm sure I couldn't have even finished it.
  • I think Old Navy's workout line is surprisingly good, especially for the price. JCP's line is is less "wicking" and more "wearing a big plastic bag full of sweat" so I'm not a fan, but I don't know, maybe that's what some people are looking for. Anyway, both of those go up to reasonably plus sizes and you can get them…
  • Get a ring guard! They're not expensive and they don't damage your ring and you can adjust as necessary until you're certain you're at (and will stay at) your GW. Plus if you want to splurge you can get ones that fancy up your ring even more.
  • You are awesome, and I almost fell out of my chair laughing. Now when you see him at work you can say, "hey, somehow I missed you at the race, what was your time?" all innocent-like and watch him squirm. Good times!
  • Oh yeah. I'm totally at a loss as to what size I am. I will bring four sizes of the same pants into the dressing room with me because I'm incapable of figuring out which ones will actually fit. And I've left stores without finding anything because I mentally can't try on a smaller size even when all the sizes that I'm…
  • It is probably low, and you are getting to the weight where you want to start losing more slowly. 1% of your bodyweight/week is an ok rule of thumb, or you can look up the TDEE method and see what deficit that would put you at. (The bigger you are, the happier your body is burning fat; the less fat you have, the more…
  • It depends what you're doing. The more intense the exercise, the more rest you need before you do it again. But you do always need rest days at some point, unless by "exercise" you mean "moseying around the office for 5-10 minutes a day".
  • I wear ALL THE PANTS. Underwear under compression shorts under regular workout shorts. Also sweatpants in the winter but that's only for getting to/from the gym, I am not quite crazy enough to need to wear them AND shorts for working out.
  • Ooh, that is a good one. One of the things I like most about my trainer is that he is able to explain movements twenty different ways until he finds the one that "clicks" for me, and he never gets frustrated or annoyed when it takes me ten times as long as a normal person to get there. (I have very bad body sense.…
  • If you can see it as collecting data, and are interested in linking up things like how much water you retain the day after you ate some pizza, or how your weight fluctuates with your cycle, and you DON'T see each weigh-in as a moral triumph or failure, then you should weigh every day. If you don't care about data but just…
  • I think you have most of it right there in your post - you should be able to pretty much say that word for word and then listen to their answer. You can also ask what their general philosophy is, if they specialize in anything, and what sort of customization they do for their clients. If they hand you a photocopied diet…
  • Good treadmills are expensive, and bad ones are bad. :( I recommend bodyweight exercise, because it's as close to free as you can get. They do tend to get you with the "stuff you have around the house" that actually requires trips to two hardware stores and a Sports Authority to actually acquire, but most of the time you…