Getting teased for training



  • ntjelmeland
    ntjelmeland Posts: 24 Member
    Ran the race and he was a no show! Ran my first 5k in 30:13!
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Ran the race and he was a no show! Ran my first 5k in 30:13!

    Shocked, I am... SHOCKED!!!

    Oh, and good job on completing your first 5k!
  • Remember the Tortoise and the Hare fairy tale? You're slowly and surely working towards your goal steadily and he's bouncing about, wearing himself out, lazing around, and when the time comes to put his money where his mouth is, he'll be asleep under a tree while you pass him by. Let him gloat, it's all he really has. He may have the natural ABILITY to do what you're doing, sure, if his strutting is, in fact, justified, but 'slow and steady wins the race,' and who cares if he can? Are you doing this to impress him? No? Then he can take his opinion and stuff it.

    And congrats on your first 5k!! Go you!!
  • malk2651
    malk2651 Posts: 55 Member
    Ran the race and he was a no show! Ran my first 5k in 30:13!

    Oh sweet, sweet victory.
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    Ran the race and he was a no show! Ran my first 5k in 30:13!

    You are awesome, and I almost fell out of my chair laughing. Now when you see him at work you can say, "hey, somehow I missed you at the race, what was your time?" all innocent-like and watch him squirm. Good times!
  • kdkyzer
    kdkyzer Posts: 137 Member
    Way to go!!! Well done!
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    Don't be discouraged because some guy is being a jerk. If he can do a 5k in under 30 minutes without training, good for him. Some people are just better/faster runners. Just ignore him or don't talk to him about it anymore. It sounds like you are doing good. Focus on your goals and keep up the good work.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    You cannot measure your personal progress against other people. Compare yourself to the past versions of yourself.
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    Ran the race and he was a no show! Ran my first 5k in 30:13!

    That is awesome!!
  • jonjhayden
    jonjhayden Posts: 165 Member
    Just smile sweetly and say "How nice for you. I'm not you." Then go on with your life. He's not worth worrying about.

    ^^This with a long pause followed by "...*kitten*."