StrangeKraem Member


  • Hello there! Day 10 on keto and can't wait until my body has properly adapted, still seem to be struggling with fatigue and lactic acid feelings whenever doing something. Anyhow! I jumped on board not because of weight loss, but because of having Lipoedema. There are several reports saying that some of the symptoms are…
  • My keto flu was (is) absolutely horrid as well! I started drinking a glass of pink Himalayan salt water (just a regular glass of water with one tablespoon of salt) in the morning and took another one as soon as I started feeling any ache or nausea, and kept doing that throughout the day. Really helped me in that regard! I…
  • When you're having cravings, try identifying what it is you're craving as it's usually your body telling you that you've been cutting down on something. When Im craving things such as candies it's usually related to carbs, when it's chocolate & chips it's carbs/fat. I eat a whole lot of protein by default so I never really…
    in SUP Comment by StrangeKraem October 2015
  • Ohai deer. :D
  • Thank you! Yeah, so far I'm absolutely loving it, I've been doing "strict" diets where you set a specific calorie goal and just stick to it for a couple of weeks, and honestly.. that just drained my energy. This is a little bit slower compared to that "method" but so much more fun! Not to mention the whole feeling of…
  • Ever tried out Shock Absorber? They are a bit expensive but they are totally worth it! I use mine when at the gym lifting weights, during any form of cardio (jogging, dancing, HIIT..) and when working (am a welder) and I've never felt restricted in any way whilst it's definitely keeping everything in place. Worth every…
  • Another PCOS-gal here! Just wanted to point out that there's an awesome group here called "P.C.O.SIS", you should join it!
  • I'm also one of the gals who started out with Stronglifts 5x5, and my first times in the free weights section.. I just found it so embarassing! It felt like I didn't belong, I wasn't quite sure what to do - like, can I even take this weight plate? Am I allowed to use the barbell from the squat rack even though I'm about to…
  • PR for the win! Well done!
  • Awh yiss, how could I have missed this thread?! I always work out to either Amon Amarth - Twilight of the Thunder God or Heaven Shall Burn - Veto albums, not sure what I listened to before those, but man they set my focus straight! Other than that, I listen to pretty much everything though if I had to chose it'll always be…
  • I have two albums that I vary between, no changing the playlist, start from track one and play it all through. Amon Amarth - Twilight of the Thunder God Heaven Shall Burn - Veto ..So awesome :love:
  • I've been on my weight loss & muscle gain journey for a little over three years now, and from those three years I've found a few things that I simply could not do this without. 1) A good food scale. The more accurate it is, the better. It's so easy to get things wrong when you estimate and with some foods that could mean…
  • Yay, nice to meet you! :D
  • Heh, and did I mention I have the most awesome friends ever? Thank you Mental, that's exactly what I needed this morning <3
  • I'm gonna join the rest of the people and whine a bit about how fast the forum becomes flooded.. I'd very much like a friend or two! :(
  • Yeah I know that now! Completely different story when I started my journey though, it was just SO important to lose weight that it didn't quite matter what kind of weight you lost! Thankfully I realized that quite soon and started off with weight lifting in order to minimize the muscle loss, but the mentality is still hard…