

  • Cous cous is wheat, sadly! "Brown version" are generally better than white versions! I'm doing something similar, cutting out most carbs specially wheat and gluten. have you tried substituting veggies for starchy carbs? I shred carrots, courgettes or butternut squash, blanche it and have it as a replacement, generally…
  • I find that something is ALWAYS better than nothing. For example yesterday I couldn't get a proper workout in as my mum was taken into hospital and I needed to go home and had a full day so missed my planned trip to the gym. So I did a short bodyweight circuit in. Basically just did a few rounds of a number of different…
  • Hi guys! Made it to the gym again today for Cardio only! Did 20 mins on the bike and x trainer and 10 mins of rowing.
  • I started boxing in my sessions with my trainer a few weeks ago. It is an amazing workout and great stress relief too, I now do a class a week plus do it with my trainer. I would definitely recommend you give it ago. I didn't think I could love a workout as much as I love boxing. Let us know how you find it! Hope you enjoy…
    in Boxing? Comment by ali139 November 2011
  • Gym day today so in total 65 mins (45 cardio and 20 strength training and a little bit of boxing - they had the punch bag up and I really couldn't resist!)
  • Kickboxing is great! My trainer started doing some kickboxing with me once a week and I love it so much! It's not easy but a lot of fun It's my favourite cardio workout and great stress relief.
  • Ok so stupidly not realised we've moved to this thread and posted in the old one! Whoops! Anyways I've done 20mins on the cross trainer and 10mins of a bodyweight circuit my trainer gave me. So 30mins today! X
  • Day 1 check in: 20mins cross trainer and 10min bodyweight circuit! Hope everyone's doing ok! X
  • I would love to join in! I get to the gym 3 x a week but dont do anything the other 4 dyas but really want to get into the habit of getting some exercise in everyday! :)
  • Congrats on joining the gym! And really well done for getting their first thing in the morning. I've been attempting o do that for a while but never manage! To be honest, 30-40 mins is actually pretty good. I've been told that the point of cardio is to break a sweat and keep you're heart rate up. 30-40 mins is fab. I…
  • Reading this made me giggle because I was asking myself the same question last week. I got conjunctivitis, which meant no lenses for over a week :( Anyway I wore my glasses at the gym, it wasn't ideal but I took them off, within 5 mins of getting on a piece of equipment once i had set my workout time/level etc. then put…
  • I can really sympathise with what you're going through! if you are working with a trainer, my advice would be ask them to weigh you and get rid of any scales you have. This is what I did, not buy choice, I must add BUT to be really honest it works. Knowing that my trainer will weigh me whenever he ants means that I have to…
  • Hey! I completely understnd wht you mean about feeling self concious about classes! There always going to be there for you when you feel ready! As for cardio, have you tried the random setting on the elliptical, or hills. Basically its mixes up your level, or sets levels to seem as if your going up hill. It mixes the…
  • If you go for indian, get anything thats grilled like tandoori chicken or sheekh/sheesh kebabs have that with salad and a chappati or small bit if nan bread and you should be fine. If you fancy a curry, you ould maybe skip the rice/nan and have it with salad, thats hat i do. Kebab shop: get a chicken kebab with salad Hope…
  • I love chicken breast too! Got a few things, I like to do: Bake it in a foil parcel with coriander/cilantro, little bit of lemon juice, onion, black pepper and if you like then green chillies too. (this works well with fish too) Seal the chicken breast in a pan, then add chopped onions then add chopped tinned or fresh…
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