help take away food uk

so the hubby wants a take away tonight any tips please on the best chinease or indian options or kebab shop I have 643 calories left and dont want to go over by to much if possible xx


  • ali139
    ali139 Posts: 17
    If you go for indian, get anything thats grilled like tandoori chicken or sheekh/sheesh kebabs have that with salad and a chappati or small bit if nan bread and you should be fine. If you fancy a curry, you ould maybe skip the rice/nan and have it with salad, thats hat i do.

    Kebab shop: get a chicken kebab with salad

    Hope that helps!
  • thebamboophoenix
    thebamboophoenix Posts: 58 Member
    king prawn or tandoori chicken tikka type thing - a dry dish as such, with any sauce on the side so you can control it. Oh, and no fried rice, poppadoms or prawn crackers!
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I always get chicken tikka, the one with no sauce, then have it with a little rice and salad. :)
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    Go for a small chicken shiesh with salad and no source!! It has under 400 cals I think!! I cheat whenever I am thinking about take out and I look inthe database. If you search the datebase from the link in Food instead of by clicking add food then you can see what the nutrition info is for something before you add it! Give it a go! Its quite interesting!!
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    Better options if you go for the chinese, especially if the can dry stirfry veg for you. Had q curry the othernight and it was 1000 cals easy
  • Pinkmaddycat
    Pinkmaddycat Posts: 175 Member
    chicken kebab with salad, avoid the pitta...
  • morenita71
    morenita71 Posts: 137 Member
    I'd probably go for indian out of the two! And agree with the others - chiken tikka kebabs (not in a masala sauce though) or tandoori chicken/prawns/fish kebabs. The hotter the dish the less likely there is cream/nuts in it. Also you could not order your rice and just cook it at home so you know the exact quantity (i sometimes do that to save a few pennies anyway!) Also go for things like dhal and chickpeas or spinach curry - opportunity to try things you might not normally order. You never know you might enjoy it!

    I do like Chinese takeaways but haven't really risked it as I'm less familiar with cooking the cuisine so less sure about what goes in! Look for things that are steamed, bolied or stir fried (not deep fried obviously!) Avoid cashew nuts and stick to prawns chicken tofu or veg.

    Last tip put everything you're going to eat on your plate so you can see it and maybe sit at a table and eat it rather than eating it while watching telly. Trust me it makes a difference - you appreciate each mouthful so much more! (Oh and leftovers are ok too - you don't have to eat everything you order this evening...)

    Enjoy and good luck!!!
  • Persipan
    Persipan Posts: 85 Member
    Chicken chow mein tends to run at about 550ish calories...
  • thank you will either go for chicken tikka no sauce chicken chow mein or chicken shish with salad will be able to enjoy it then with out the guilt thank you for helping as would of felt so guity if ruined my diet but want to enjoy a treat now can do both