OK scales... they are doing my head in... i have had three pairs of different electric scales and i have used the ones at the personal trainers... i know i need to weigh myself so i can make sure i am keeping to the calories.. i have even used my mothers all done over periods of time... i know the whole muscles weighs heavier, and i measure and i go by my clothing more than anything else..

SO what do people use to weigh themselves. cause the scales just don't move... apparantly i have been 104kg for 3 months.. yeah right... give up with electric scales...

i think i will go back to the old fashioned needle point scales..


  • Jennieam
    Jennieam Posts: 300 Member
    Before joining MFP, I was "stuck" on a weight for months, so I know what it is like.

    Are you sure that it is the scale that are the issue? I have an old-fashioned set, and they are not ideal - as I have to estimate the fractions of a kilo between the measurements on the dial.

    From your post, it sounds as though you have been working out with a personal trainer. Do you have more stamina? Have you been taking body measurements? Do any of your clothes feel looser? Is so, then this well be proof that you are becoming more muscular, and that your health is improving (even though it may not appear on the dial).

    Other suggestions for consideration ... are you drinking your water? are you varying the types of training you are doing? are you eating your calories?

    All the best
  • ali139
    ali139 Posts: 17
    I can really sympathise with what you're going through! if you are working with a trainer, my advice would be ask them to weigh you and get rid of any scales you have. This is what I did, not buy choice, I must add BUT to be really honest it works. Knowing that my trainer will weigh me whenever he ants means that I have to stick to my plan. It also takes away the whole issue of different scales giving different readings.

    It takes some getting used to but it seems to be working. For me its extra motivation as well!

    Good Luck!
  • I talked to my personal trainer he not happy with the electronic scales either that he has... they have gone out of sync on him and has to find better one..

    I had weight watchers scales they weren't cheap. they didnt move i mean i got on my PT scales when he first got them and said i was 5kg lighter got on my mothers and said the same so they went not even a new battery did anything...:(...

    i measure myself.
    i drink my water.
    i have done down a dress size.
    I am now eating my calories.
    which is what i was eating before.. any way..

    I am doing every thing right

    I want to get me a set of scales that are actually going to point getting something that is going to stop working properly after awhile..

    i got weighed at the drs they said i was 98kg.. i got to pt and it still said i was 104kg...

    i know i am toning up i know i am getting fitter..

    just really frustrated that i can not get a scale to weigh me properly...