

  • Thanks all... im using 8kgs for almost all apart from the clean and press, and side rows.... i use this website and i alternate between these...: i brought a set, so i know i need to invest in a 12kg, but the 8kg is quite hard for me at the mo... :o)…
  • Hi! Thanks for replying! Basically I have a holiday in March and I'm trying to lose 2 stone (if I can) I'm doing between 10-15-20 mins of kettlebell using fitness blender online & I'm trying to couple that with a hiit cardio 20 mins too.... I want to lose as much weight as possible and tone up as much as possible before my…
  • You look incredible! And you have a lovely shape too!! Keep going! Kel x
  • Ah ok - im with you :) I have found my self a selection of online exercises to follow, a mix of cardio, HIIT, Kettlebells and Ab work.. so hopefully i will be working my whole body and seeing a reduction to body fat and seeing tone too... thanks so much!
  • Sorry FrnkLft - why am i wasting my time? i was just asking of there were specific exercises to target certain areas? Not specifically weightlifting or kettlebells.... i will read what was suggested, but i thought i was ask if anyone had any suggestions... MB_Positif - wow thats amazing - well done! Patience is something i…
  • Thanks again! I have the 30 DS but i seem to stop after 5 days on..... i think its the repetetivness that maybe turns me off it? Although i agree its very good... i think that i will carry on with my 30DS on one day, then KB's and cardio on other days to mix it up.... The idea is though that there are no rest days and you…
  • Great! Thank you everyone! Through my first real day of scanning and tracking and i enjoyed it...and im not hungry either where as when i have been tracking 'points' im normally hovering around the fridge at this time! i also walked the dog this morning and i did a 30 minute kettlebell work out which i hope to feel…
  • We should be MFP friends....? I'll add you! I have to say that i drop off things so quickly - so if we can motivate each other that would be great! x
  • OH! haha i see what you mean - the person JoRocka is spot on... i thought it was maybe a class or something! Thanks!!! :tongue:
  • Haha thanks! i didnt mean to rule out men, but i know our bodies are different when it comes to loosing weight! what is JoRocka? Thanks! :)
  • hi! Thanks for replying... i just dont know what it is and i just think maybe i need to rid myself of points and things and just track my calories and exercise, which ultimately is the same thing.. sort of! I plan to kick up the stuff i am doing and if my weight loss is slower but my body is looking better then i am more…
  • Thank you for that - i will check this out! I ordered them as a set but i will definately be buying a heavier weight - i just wanted to make sure i use them first before i brought more! Thanks again!