Hips and Thighs...?

Hi - just curious to know if anyone has any exercises that can target specifically the thighs and hips? I desperately want to slim those down........:frown:



  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    You're wasting your time, and should do some reading if you're going to do this for real. I recommend New Rules of Lifting for Women... just like in the other topic you started.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Patience. I thought it would never happen. After I lost my 50 pounds I had gone from a size 16 to a size 10. Then during the last nearly two years I have mostly only been doing strength training, following Stronglifts 5x5 and doing some accessory lifts as well. I've only lost 3 more pounds, but have gone down to a size 4. Lifting changes your body. No doubt about it!
  • tonkle
    tonkle Posts: 18
    Sorry FrnkLft - why am i wasting my time? i was just asking of there were specific exercises to target certain areas? Not specifically weightlifting or kettlebells.... i will read what was suggested, but i thought i was ask if anyone had any suggestions...

    MB_Positif - wow thats amazing - well done! Patience is something i need to get a little better at, but i have to say i am enjoying following this plan and i have loved the kettlebells so far!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Sorry FrnkLft - why am i wasting my time? i was just asking of there were specific exercises to target certain areas? Not specifically weightlifting or kettlebells.... i will read what was suggested, but i thought i was ask if anyone had any suggestions...

    MB_Positif - wow thats amazing - well done! Patience is something i need to get a little better at, but i have to say i am enjoying following this plan and i have loved the kettlebells so far!

    He's saying that because there aren't specific exercises to slim certain areas. To strengthen? Absolutely.

    But nothing can "spot reduce" an area to reduce body fat %. As others have said, doing strength training (particularly heavy lifting) is best for reducing body fat % while maintaining LBM (muscle--which is what helps you look slim/tight).

    However, body fat % comes off where it comes off, depending on you and your genetics. If you carry in your hips/legs, your best bet is to find a weight training program, eat at a deficit, and be patient as your body slims down--legs/hips might be last.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I am assuming Frank meant you are wasting your time looking for specific exercises to target those areas. They don't really exist. Magazines and DVD's may make it seem that way, but ultimately working your whole body and sticking to your calorie goals will work.

    Thank you...patience is a tough one to work on, but I can assure you, if you stick with this and lose slowly and steadily you will have great results!
  • tonkle
    tonkle Posts: 18
    Ah ok - im with you :)

    I have found my self a selection of online exercises to follow, a mix of cardio, HIIT, Kettlebells and Ab work.. so hopefully i will be working my whole body and seeing a reduction to body fat and seeing tone too...

    thanks so much!