Love Kettlebells! But 1 question...

I have enjoyed using my kettlebells and i believe that the workouts i am doing are hard and are pushing me... i make sure i use the heaviest weight poss to get the most benefit...
One question - i said before i go away middle of march, is 5 workouts a week too much - if i rest 2 days? I want to make as much difference as possible!

thanks in advance!


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Hard to say without knowing which exercises you do with them, and the training volume (# of sets and reps). If you feel fine and don't feel constantly sore or tired, then it's probably ok.. just be careful. Place the rest day after 2 or 3 workouts, not next to the other rest day.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Yeah it depends in large part on what your goals are and what you're doing.
  • tonkle
    tonkle Posts: 18
    Hi! Thanks for replying!
    Basically I have a holiday in March and I'm trying to lose 2 stone (if I can)
    I'm doing between 10-15-20 mins of kettlebell using fitness blender online & I'm trying to couple that with a hiit cardio 20 mins too....

    I want to lose as much weight as possible and tone up as much as possible before my holiday! Hence the number of workouts......

    Possible and ok to do?
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I do every other day at most, but with other kinds of exercise on the non-kettlebell days.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    I'm doing between 10-15-20 mins of kettlebell using fitness blender online
    Possible and ok to do?
    Hard to say without knowing which exercises you do with them, and the training volume (# of sets and reps).
    If you feel fine and don't feel constantly sore or tired, then it's probably ok.

    If you post a link to the workout you do, and the weight you use, that would help us answer your question.
  • CivicSi71
    CivicSi71 Posts: 14 Member
    Try using them every other day, like 3 days per week and the other 2 days do some other resistance work like traditional weights oar body weight exercises. Check out Pavel's book, "Enter the Kettlebell.' It teaches the Turkish get up, swings, clean and press & snatch. The workouts are good and intense. I do like the idea of rolling a pair of dice to determine how many minutes of swings you need to do in your workout.The book is very informative, but a little propaganda-ish and over the top at times.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    Try using them every other day, like 3 days per week and the other 2 days do some other resistance work like traditional weights oar body weight exercises. Check out Pavel's book, "Enter the Kettlebell.' It teaches the Turkish get up, swings, clean and press & snatch. The workouts are good and intense. I do like the idea of rolling a pair of dice to determine how many minutes of swings you need to do in your workout.The book is very informative, but a little propaganda-ish and over the top at times.

    in for the Turkish get up love!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    It's 15 minutes of light kbs. She'll be fine doing them 5 days a week. She had better get her diet in check is she wants to get anywhere close to that goal
  • tonkle
    tonkle Posts: 18
    Thanks all...
    im using 8kgs for almost all apart from the clean and press, and side rows.... i use this website and i alternate between these...: i brought a set, so i know i need to invest in a 12kg, but the 8kg is quite hard for me at the mo... :o)

    I am trying to work on my diet too, and also adding cardio to 3 of the workouts too...

    id love to know your opinion on these workouts...?

    thanks again

  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    I did them every day for months with no ill effects, but I rotated the exercises between 'strength' and 'cardio'. Here's an example of what I mean:

    Monday - strength (all tabata sets so 4 mins of each)

    goblet squats
    2 handed swings
    clean and press
    high pulls

    Tuesday - cardio (all tabata)
    2 handed swings
    Insanity level 1 drills (squat down, legs back, 4 press ups, jump up i.e. squat thrust with 4 press ups)
    1 handed swings

    So apart from swings, which won't cause problems, I never did an exercise on consecutive days. Swings are fine to do like this - just look up the 10,000 swing challenge or 21 day kb swing challenge online for confirmation!
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Hi! Thanks for replying!
    Basically I have a holiday in March and I'm trying to lose 2 stone (if I can)
    I'm doing between 10-15-20 mins of kettlebell using fitness blender online & I'm trying to couple that with a hiit cardio 20 mins too....

    I want to lose as much weight as possible and tone up as much as possible before my holiday! Hence the number of workouts......

    Possible and ok to do?

    Your diet is going to be the determining factor here. Working out only burns calories, and that doesn't help you at all if you're not monitoring your calories.

    Just make sure you're eating a deficit (so that you loose at most 1.5 per week), and you'll be fine. I don't recommend eating any less than that, since you're exercising a lot and you need food to sustain that in a healthy way.