Goal of March 14th....

Hi! Im new on here and i am going on holiday middle of March next year.... I want to loose anywhere between 20 - 30lbs.... i am following Weight Watchers at the moment, but i feel like i am stuck between a rock and a hard place and have too many food demons that i cant shake!!! Like not eating enough because i feel like i shouldnt eat if i want to loose weight.... etc....

So i have decided to start tracking everything on MFP again to really see what i am eating etc...

I have 15 weeks between now and March - is the 20-30lb goal do-able??
i plan to step up my excercise and i am about to start using kettlebells and planto go running also....

thoughts, help, guidance...? anything would be SO welcome...

feeling sad and wobbly and i want to get happy and toned!

thanks! :smile:


  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    I am a former WWer. I just never could make the new plan work for me, even though I lost on the old. So far I have been doing well with MFP (although I seem to be stuck the last 2-3 weeks). I haven't been very successful in setting a deadline as I am a slow loser, but I would think 20 lbs is doable for you. The exercise will help with the wobbly, even if you don't lose all 30 lbs. I have reached the same weight I reached on WW two years ago (with no exercise), and I am amazed that I am almost a full size smaller! So far I am trying to do cardio and weights 2-3 times a week, and horseback riding once a week. Good luck!!
  • tonkle
    tonkle Posts: 18
    hi! Thanks for replying...
    i just dont know what it is and i just think maybe i need to rid myself of points and things and just track my calories and exercise, which ultimately is the same thing.. sort of!

    I plan to kick up the stuff i am doing and if my weight loss is slower but my body is looking better then i am more than happy with that!

    Thanks for the motivation - i need it!
  • I am going on holiday at the same time!!

    & I am the exact same with trying not to eat as much because I'm trying to lose weight but keep caving in to chocolate & it's driving me insane!!

    Would be great to have someone to motivate me!!
  • tonkle
    tonkle Posts: 18
    We should be MFP friends....? I'll add you! I have to say that i drop off things so quickly - so if we can motivate each other that would be great!

  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    To the OP, if you incorporate strength training - bodyweight, resistance bands, kettlebells, dumbbells, barbells, etc - even if you don't lose the 30lbs, you'll look like you did.

    20libs might be possible in the next 15 weeks, it may not.
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    Hi! Im new on here and i am going on holiday middle of March next year.... I want to loose anywhere between 20 - 30lbs.... i am following Weight Watchers at the moment, but i feel like i am stuck between a rock and a hard place and have too many food demons that i cant shake!!! Like not eating enough because i feel like i shouldnt eat if i want to loose weight.... etc....

    So i have decided to start tracking everything on MFP again to really see what i am eating etc...

    I have 15 weeks between now and March - is the 20-30lb goal do-able??
    i plan to step up my excercise and i am about to start using kettlebells and planto go running also....

    thoughts, help, guidance...? anything would be SO welcome...

    feeling sad and wobbly and i want to get happy and toned!

    thanks! :smile:

    Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! "Do-able"?? Can you say "DONE"?!? If you want it, you can HAVE it. It's all about how hard are you willing to work to get it? What sacrifices are you will to make to have what you want? How strong will you be when things get tough? Will you reach out for support when you are weak? I'm telling you, that if you want it badly enough you CAN have it and you WILL have it. You'll have to burn more calories than you eat. Whether you scale back on the calories or load up on cardio and resistance training; you need to do whatever it is you need to do to reach your goal! I am CONVINCED that you'll get there. Send me an invite to the PARTY you're going to throw in celebration!
  • I also have a goal of mid march - anyone can feel free to add me!
  • lgsimons1
    lgsimons1 Posts: 8 Member
    We can all support each other in the quest to Mid-March. I'm in and looking forward to receiving/giving motivation !
  • tonkle
    tonkle Posts: 18
    Great! Thank you everyone!
    Through my first real day of scanning and tracking and i enjoyed it...and im not hungry either where as when i have been tracking 'points' im normally hovering around the fridge at this time!

    i also walked the dog this morning and i did a 30 minute kettlebell work out which i hope to feel tomorrow! :)

    I plan to check in every day to keep myself going because i realise that there are tonnes of people in the same boat!

  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    I dont exactly got a set goal for March right now but March 2nd Ill be 32 and my youngest will be 3 on the 16th. Im in a few fitness groups for Dec and Jan will be starting a new one. Hoping to get down to 20 lbs by end of Jan if I do it great if not then I know cuz of the holidays its why I wasnt able to. But good luck everyone and if any one wants to send me a friend request to help us all keep track send away
  • Jane2285
    Jane2285 Posts: 187 Member
    I don't want to discourage you as that is a great goal to have! BUT, with that said...and from my own personal experience...that if you try to lose too much too fast, you rebound or get discouraged. I'm on a plan with an ending goal of May 31, and my goal is to lose about 1.5 pounds a week for that. Which would total 36 pounds in the end. If you have 15 weeks to your holiday, that is about 22.5 in 15 weeks, which is doable and HEALTHY! I think you could do this!!!!!!!!!! I really do. Just keep in mind, small goals. Work for that 1.5 pounds a week and then in a month, you could lose 6 pounds!! FEEL THAT GLORY! Then move on to the next month. Or do it week by week. If you get 1.5 pounds, do it again! And keep going! It will add up!

    Good luck! and I KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • ArtemisRuns
    ArtemisRuns Posts: 251 Member
    I think you should focus on your target weight and making constant progress, and not worry too much about a self-imposed "deadline" that could make you feel discouraged if you are not reaching it.

    If you are too aggressive, you will be hungry and miserable and it will be hard to stick to it. They key is consistency. Even if you are only losing 1/2 lb per week, as long as you stick with it, you will eventually reach your goal.

    Just my $0.02.
  • Lynn1315
    Lynn1315 Posts: 26 Member
    Love the idea of a mid-march goal... my 36th birthday :) I have about 25-30lbs to lose total, so I mid-march goal for me would only be around 10-15 lbs (a pound a week). Hubby and I are planning a cruise in July for our anniversary.. and I would love to be at a good healthy weight by then.

    feel free to add me if you want to encourage each other.
  • Greywalk
    Greywalk Posts: 193 Member
    you can add as a friend...my goal then to a faster 5K but also to shift to phase 2 muscle building by then. I think your goal is doable it just depends on how determined you are and what you are willing to to get there. But then I am an optimist so....take my opinion in goal achievement with a grain of salt. Focus not on the weight so much as a healthy lifestyle.
  • GardenOfSongs
    GardenOfSongs Posts: 37 Member
    I'd highly recommend Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred - from what I've heard pretty much everyone has had some success losing inches/pounds on it... I started a week ago and I've already lost an inch from my waist and hips and around 5-6lbs!
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    I'd highly recommend Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred - from what I've heard pretty much everyone has had some success losing inches/pounds on it... I started a week ago and I've already lost an inch from my waist and hips and around 5-6lbs!

    Ive been thinking of doing the 30 day shred, do you know if their is rest days?
  • tonkle
    tonkle Posts: 18
    Thanks again!
    I have the 30 DS but i seem to stop after 5 days on..... i think its the repetetivness that maybe turns me off it? Although i agree its very good...

    i think that i will carry on with my 30DS on one day, then KB's and cardio on other days to mix it up....

    The idea is though that there are no rest days and you do it for 30 days on...... its only 20 mins but it is hard work!