
I'd love to hear from people - not being sexist - but woman really, who have started doing Kettlebell excercises and have seen a real change in their bodies?
I have recently brought a set of 2, 4, 6 & 8kg weights and plan to start using them tomorrow... I really want to sculpt and im hoping this will do it for me?

what other excercise do you do and how many times a week would you suggest???

is there a board that shows before & after pics?
i have until Mid-March to make as much of a difference as possible..... :)

thanks all


  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Check out for free kb workouts and info. There should be plenty of before/after stuff. You have to register but there's no spam and they're legit. I've used them but not for 'sculpting', for general health. I would see if you can exchange your 2, 4 and 6 for a 12kg. Heavier is good.
  • tonkle
    tonkle Posts: 18
    Thank you for that - i will check this out!
    I ordered them as a set but i will definately be buying a heavier weight - i just wanted to make sure i use them first before i brought more!

    Thanks again!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    it's a weight with a handle on it- the exercises are the exercises and can be done with a sand bag- dumbbell or KB. use what's available.
  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    I have a penis, so my opinion isn't valid, but JoRocka is spot on. Swings, Turkish Getups, and maybe Kettlebell Cleans or Snatches are the only things you could do with KBs that aren't quite the same as with DBs.
  • tonkle
    tonkle Posts: 18
    Haha thanks! i didnt mean to rule out men, but i know our bodies are different when it comes to loosing weight!

    what is JoRocka?
    Thanks! :)
  • tonkle
    tonkle Posts: 18
    OH! haha i see what you mean - the person JoRocka is spot on... i thought it was maybe a class or something!

    Thanks!!! :tongue:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I have a penis, so my opinion isn't valid, but JoRocka is spot on. Swings, Turkish Getups, and maybe Kettlebell Cleans or Snatches are the only things you could do with KBs that aren't quite the same as with DBs.

    I do swings and get ups with plate weights and DB's

    I do clean/press with DB's some snatches.

    easier with a KB? sure- but totally do able with other equipment.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    But she HAS kettlebells so what's the point?
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Haha thanks! i didnt mean to rule out men, but i know our bodies are different when it comes to loosing weight!

    what is JoRocka?
    Thanks! :)

    By the way, our bodies actually gain and loose fat the same way, there is no difference. Hormones affect things some, but all the same rules apply regardless.

    Diet = Weight Loss/Maintainance/Gain
    Cardio = Most time efficient way to burn calories, great for cardiovascular health and endurance
    Heavy Lifting = Great way to burn calories too, necessary for muscle maintenance/gain & strength

    Since you're new, and I can tell you're interested in lifting weight, I HIGHLY recommend you buy and read New Rules of Lifting for Women. It's a very accessible book with tons of information for women on lifting weight and dieting (does a lot of myth busting too, which is great).

    Also, nothing special about kettlebells. They're just weights that are shapped differently, and look less intimidating than barbells.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Read New Rules of Lifting, original recipe, since there's not a lot of difference in the genders and the 'rules'. Which I totally agree with. And I like the original book better.

    There's nothing special about kettlebells but she owns them so why are we even discussing whether or not to buy them?

    OP, I own dumbbells in all sizes and a barbell set and kettlebells. KBs are what I use. They take up the space of a shoebox in a closet and when I want to workout, I pull one heavy one out with one hand and take it into a room and do my thing and put it back. My spare bedrooms don't need to be set up as a gym, I don't need to go out in the garage, I don't need a gym membership.

    Saying you don't need kettlebells is like saying you don't need a Fitbit or a spin bike or a yoga studio or any other fitness item. Nothing is essential. Do what you enjoy and let others do what they enjoy.
  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    I have a penis, so my opinion isn't valid, but JoRocka is spot on. Swings, Turkish Getups, and maybe Kettlebell Cleans or Snatches are the only things you could do with KBs that aren't quite the same as with DBs.

    I do swings and get ups with plate weights and DB's

    I do clean/press with DB's some snatches.

    easier with a KB? sure- but totally do able with other equipment.

    Eh I've done Cleans and Snatches with DBs, but Swings feel totally awkward to me. Feels much more satisfying with a KB for some reason.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Read New Rules of Lifting, original recipe, since there's not a lot of difference in the genders and the 'rules'. Which I totally agree with. And I like the original book better.

    There's nothing special about kettlebells but she owns them so why are we even discussing whether or not to buy them?

    OP, I own dumbbells in all sizes and a barbell set and kettlebells. KBs are what I use. They take up the space of a shoebox in a closet and when I want to workout, I pull one heavy one out with one hand and take it into a room and do my thing and put it back. My spare bedrooms don't need to be set up as a gym, I don't need to go out in the garage, I don't need a gym membership.

    Saying you don't need kettlebells is like saying you don't need a Fitbit or a spin bike or a yoga studio or any other fitness item. Nothing is essential. Do what you enjoy and let others do what they enjoy.

    I agree, you don't NEED anything, but if you have found something enjoyable, you're more likely to DO IT.
    I started with kettlebells last year, and I LOVE them. They are FUN. And while I suppose you could do many of the moves with a dumbbell, it's not the same as with a kettlebell. The distribution of the weight is different, making the movement different.

    I also agree with what someone said earlier, about the weight. Women typically start btw 12-18 lb bells, I think you will find that you will very quickly outgrow those lighter weights. They're good when you're learning form however.

    Try Sarah Lurie's Iron Core Kettlebell DVDs-they are great for instructional, and have some pretty tough circuits as well.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    But she HAS kettlebells so what's the point?

    It's the principle of the thing- you need to understand that just because it's a KB move that doesn't mean you are limited to JUST a KB. and vice versa- just because it's technically a DB move doesn't mean it can't be done with a DB.

    It's trying to help people to understand- use what you have... it has nothing to do with what she has or not- think bigger picture here my friend.
    Eh I've done Cleans and Snatches with DBs, but Swings feel totally awkward to me. Feels much more satisfying with a KB for some reason.
    I don't do mine with a DB- I don't like it- I have to go super heavy and then I feel like my grip is off... I use a plate weight- just the 25 lbs- it's easy- yes it feels a little different- but it's not really enough to put me off. I typically do a 2-4 minute swing warm up before leg day- and since I do legs 2-3 times a week... needless to say-I do a lot of swinging. But if I HAVE access to a KB? I'll definitely pick it up. I'd RATHER do KB stuff with you know- a KB- but it's not going to stop me.

    Saying you don't need kettlebells is like saying you don't need a Fitbit or a spin bike or a yoga studio or any other fitness item. Nothing is essential. Do what you enjoy and let others do what they enjoy.
    Agreed- and no one is arguing that. I think it's just bigger picture thinking- and keep in mind other people who do NOT own KB maybe reading this debating if they want some or not.

    We all know they are fabulous and a great workout- but the weights themselves are not what is so great- it's just different work.
    It's just useful information to know that's all. No harm in discussing it.
  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    Saying you don't need kettlebells is like saying you don't need a Fitbit or a spin bike or a yoga studio or any other fitness item. Nothing is essential. Do what you enjoy and let others do what they enjoy.

    Yes, but in recent time those who profit from KB sales have acted as if KBs are somehow magically superior than other weights. Just clarifying that they're good for certain things, but still only weight with a different kind of shape and handle.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    But no one in this thread mentioned magical properties or asked if they should purchase them. Who cares what shape weight anyone buys? She bought weights, that's the important thing. It's not like they're expensive.

    No offense but sometimes I think people see a word in a post and just automatically comment with their stock post on that topic, the one they've seen and posted a dozen times before, whether it's relevant or not.
  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    But no one in this thread mentioned magical properties or asked if they should purchase them. Who cares what shape weight anyone buys? She bought weights, that's the important thing. It's not like they're expensive.

    No offense but sometimes I think people see a word in a post and just automatically comment with their stock post on that topic, the one they've seen and posted a dozen times before, whether it's relevant or not.

    Actually KBs are usually priced quite higher than their counterparts. And posting in a thread isn't always about only addressing the OP. It's about addressing trends in the forums about the same topic.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Maybe I should go post in the new thread about someone's new Fitbit Force that I think they're ugly and she could just count and log her steps manually. Because someone might be reading that thread and considering buying one and find that valuable. :laugh:

    I guess I wasn't much more polite when I suggested this OP trade in her light KBs for a heavier one. :ohwell:
  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    Maybe I should go post in the new thread about someone's new Fitbit Force that I think they're ugly and she could just count and log her steps manually. Because someone might be reading that thread and considering buying one and find that valuable. :laugh:

    I guess I wasn't much more polite when I suggested this OP trade in her light KBs for a heavier one. :ohwell:

    Dude, a message board isn't the same as a Q&A. And yeah, she probably should. Though an adjustable weight one would be probably more cost efficient in the long run.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    In answer to the OP, I don't have b/a pics and I'm not using them to the extent that its every other day but I am using kb at least once or twice a week. We also do whole body sets (HIITS) where pushing my weight around is almost as much of a work out as using the kb. That's why you can use a kb, you can use barbells and free weights or canned goods or you can use your own weight in a decent HIIT routine - it all works and it depends on what you like to do to challenge yourself.

    I will say that I have very quickly moved past my 10# kb and I'm finding that my 20# one is almost not enough now. It depends on the move and which body part is stressed. You will progress very quickly past the smaller weights and I would trade them in for the higher weights if you can since kbs are expensive. (I think its all that solid metal that they use up that makes them cost so much.) If you go to a used sports equipment store, a lot of their kbs are in metric weights so go with a conversion tool or know what weight you are looking for reads in metric.

    There are also lots of vids on Youtube for kettlebell. If you want a whole body workout in one move - search for Turkish Get Ups. And I can't stress enough to use proper form. That's true of any exercise using weights though. So do some research about form to avoid injury. And enjoy the kbs!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    If your interested in learning more about kettlebells, search a user named joanne moniz , she's awesome and taught me so much about the kettlebell. You can also search her name on YouTube, she posts videos there.