

  • Resistance bands are also good for strength training, especially when you don't want to bulk up. I have been doing work outs on and they should have some workouts that incorporate strength training and cardio together.
  • see that little cutie in your picture??? do it for him/her (sorry I can't really tell..)! Be a healthy momma who raises a healthy child! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • I usually try to pre-log my dinners at least because I am such a snacker that I like to know what calories I have to eat. It's so easy to change and it makes me not so anxious during the day that I will go over my calories.
  • I am in! THis is only my second week and I was a little disappointment when i only lost a pound this past week. So I'm in for losing 2 pounds by the end of this month and exercising 4 time a week. Thanks for the encouragement, I need a kick in the pants :)
  • I feel like I am always hungry to and what works for me if i'm having a hungry day but don't want to blow my calories is to make a bag of light butter popcorn (I shop at Aldi's so it's the fit and active) which the entire bag is about 40-60 calories (1 cup is 20 calories) so I feel like I'm eating a lot with out hurting my…
  • I am such a snacker that I always put in my diary what I plan on eating at the beginning of the day so I know where I am going and then can adjust if changes occur. I usually plan all my dinners for the week and that helps when thinking about what to eat for the day.
  • I totally know how you feel, I am a full time student and work part time, I hate working out because it's boring for me and I'd rather watch tv! But I went on my On Demand and I found dancing workouts and I love them because it's only about 10-20 minutes and I am having fun and not thinking that I'm exercising. Try to find…
  • Thanks Ladies! I can see that encouragement will probably be what I need! Do either of you mind if I add you as friends?
  • It's also a good idea to mix up your workout routines so that your body doesn't get used to one thing.
  • Bob Harper Ultimate Cardio Body is a great work out but it's super intense!