Need some extra support!!

I am REALLY slacking, I've been here for around 4 months now and last 2 weeks have totally gone off the scale and put back on 4lb. Even with logging religiously! I'm just doing crap.

Now I need some extra motivation and people to keep me going, I need to get active on here again! I want to get back on track please!

Because I still wanna be able to keep my friends list under control so I can give what I get back from everyone, please only add me if you have plenty of constructive critism and maybe a few harsh words every now and again! I'm a single mum whos just getting back on her feet after a break up a while ago, I'm living with my parents again (argh!) so i eat what they have in, and need people who can understand that aswell!

Anyone got it in them to help me out?? :)


  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    OK WOMAN....LIsten up!!! You can do this!! Get off your tushy and get to moving!! Keep that salt in check and processed foods to a minimum!! get your blood pumping somehow each day!! I say....Baby lifts!! Pick up that baby & play airplane!! Not only will it cause squeals of glee from the little one, but I will tone your arm muscles, going side to side will trim your waistline and it will be loads of fun!!

    You can also do this on the floor!! Put the baby between your knees, or sitting on your tummy/hip area and do sit up kisses!!

    BTW, your baby is ADORABLEEEE!!!!
  • stacyb521
    see that little cutie in your picture??? do it for him/her (sorry I can't really tell..)! Be a healthy momma who raises a healthy child! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    I'm usually good at constructive :o) Welcome and, I'll let you know. You can do this. You CAN.

    I did, but it wasnt from trying, it was from DOING.

    WILLpower, not wont-power.

    You have already taken the first step ... look at that ... Woohooo !!!
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    Yep!! You're the kind of people I need!

    He's a little boy haha, and was my reason for starting this! Since I started work I just don't have the energy to come home and work out, and healthy teas have gone down the pan! Back to work tomorrow and I'm gunna get back on track, no excuses!
  • 226Muriel
    226Muriel Posts: 137 Member
    Read your profile....Was very similar to mine many years ago...

    There is something that is triggering the "sabotage of your plan of action"....

    This journey is 3-fold::: physical, emotional and spiritual.

    I have no problem at helping you stay accountable to your plan.

    If interested, add me as your friend.
  • softsculptor
    Maybe you could ask your parents to help you lose weight? Who cooks, most of the time?

    Tell them that you can only have a certain amount of calories, ask if they wouldn't mind helping by cooking lighter? Or if that is too much, simply explain that you have to weigh your portion sizes now because of your diet, and ask if they could let you serve yourself so that you could keep track, etc. Or you could ask if you could cook your own separate meals, do more of the cooking, watch what ingredients goes into the meals, etc.

    The key thing is that you need to regain control over what you are eating.
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    Muriel, will add you now!

    And my mum cooks most of the time, but I cook for me and my son, it's just what she buys really. Shes on a strict budget so she lives within her means, I buy extra for us when I can just the little things really. She started buying frozen veg for me and has started using this site aswell so she knows it can be tricky!

    I got so used to eating fresh and my own way now it's gone, I feel a little lost!

    I do weigh food but I just need to be stricter.. it's NOT ok to have extra from my sons plate! Heres to getting back on track!