wannabfit34 Member


  • I am at a similar point I actually just set my settings to maintenance although I am still wanting to lose my thinking is this will give me a few "sane" months before getting back into weight loss mode. I found that I was getting frustrated on days where I wasn't hitting my calorie goal and exercise goal and I was starting…
  • Generally the way women are composed you will gain before you lose, try measuring or going by how your clothes fit. As long as you are sticking with your program the scale will follow. Sometimes it seems as if it takes forever but eventually the body will let go of some weight.
  • I actually follow the guy on Facebook it is more of a sarcastic article about the recent addition of obesity as a disease. He is a good follow most of his posts are actually about how he got large and how he changed.
  • Sodium and carbonation will create a lot of bloat. Water and a couple days of healthy eating the scale should be back to normal
  • Good to know about the lack of display that is part of what keeps me moving throughout the day I think I will hold off until they make a band that shows the display. I like seeing the flower grow and I like that I can clip my ultra right to my bra. Perhaps when my ultra dies I will consider the band.
  • I think that I would either ignore him or call him out for being a hypocrite smoking weed and drinking a six pack are not great behaviors either. I don't think that it has anything to do with him being vegetarian I think he is just a jerk.
  • I walk and take the stairs I also do desk push ups and standing abdominal exercises. If possible you could bring a exercise band to work and do exercises as well.
  • Very good advice. I weigh daily but I know that doing workouts affect this so I never get too stressed unless it continues to go up for more than a week. I also find if I feel a bit discouraged by a number, I usually go to my tape measure often I see that it has either not changed or I have gotten smaller. For people who…
  • A buddy of mine used it in a tri that he was injured for. It slows you down but if you are good at it then maybe it won't slow you that much especially if you are not comfortable with freestyle
  • That is about the going rate for them mostly because of traffic control, liability and then there is the additional $10 for a USAT sanctioned event. Find one with a good T-shirt or swag bag it makes the sting a little less.:tongue:
  • Don't feel too awful I think everyone does this once we get a little more comfortable. For me I do this almost daily at work. I see people who are gaining weight mostly because our work is not exciting and leads to sitting and eating out of boredom. I often find myself thinking "if only I could help you because I know how…
  • I'm with you we can control what our children eat and their activity levels. I have a cousin who is 17 and was never taught to eat properly, she already has type II diabetes. Her parents were always to afraid to help her take control. While I don't think we should push kids to the point of disordered eating etc, you have…
  • Tri top with sports bra otherwise slip the bra over the swimsuit, you don't want to be in pain from the girls flopping around.
  • Awesome! I'm going for a half Iron distance this year. Did the marathon thing got bored, did a sprint tri and fell in love, now it's all about farther!
  • Dead horse here, but only do it on your non run days, your calves will thank you!
  • One of the best things I have read about this sort of thing is from Runner's World The Newbie Chronicles by Marc Parent. He Says you have to learn to go hungry, sadly it is true our bodies all of the sudden think we can eat more because we ran 5 miles, but we should still eat within a healthy calorie range. That being said…
  • I'm completely stressed about it!!!
  • I'm battling the case of the night shifts right now. Just blogged about making a good choice, but still having to be very mindful the rest of the day. Congrats to you on beating the bad influence of the night shift.
  • Pretty much agree with everyone here, especially with the idea of logging (or checking the calorie content before eating). Had I done this one of the days I stopped at fast food place I would have made a much different decision.
  • I read about them in the book Born to Run by Christopher McDougall, they are quite popular with endurance runners the Tarahumara use them and they run non stop for days. Its a good read check it out it might peak your interest in them more.
  • I'm a newbie too!