Sticking to it but GAINING!



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Try this for a week....

    1. Retake the MFP Guided Goals and see if your current weight requires less calories.
    2. Don't eat your workout calories.
    3. Choose food with a higher fiber content.
    4. Know that MFP works and sometimes the body changes shape even though the scale doesn't reflect it. :)

    MFP's #s require you to eat back your exercise cals otherwise you could risk netting very low. Their #s already configure in a deficit. Creating too large of a deficit can be counter-productive
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    ... WOW. I can't even join a weightloss community without someone trying to bully me off the site lol! Sorry, not sorry :D. You're all around 40 years old, grow up already!!!

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    you sure you're not gaining muscle? i don't know about normal women but i gain muscle really easily, even just walking up my street (granted it takes 10 minutes to walk up and its a very very steep hill) every day made me gain muscle pmsl

    your post also made me pmsl.

    btw, pmsl is quite possibly the worst of the internet jargon acronyms.


    Happy Friday Capt.

    What does that (pmsl) even mean? Sorry, not used to all the acronyms yet :blushing:

    Pissing myself laughing.

    OH then just change it to PML, or "pantiliner" which is what I usually say when that happens. because PMSL looks like" that made me pms longer". and no one wants to even THINK of a longer PMS. ever.
  • norrisski
    norrisski Posts: 1,217 Member
    Try this for a week....

    1. Retake the MFP Guided Goals and see if your current weight requires less calories.
    2. Don't eat your workout calories.
    3. Choose food with a higher fiber content.
    4. Know that MFP works and sometimes the body changes shape even though the scale doesn't reflect it. :)

    Good advice -- though I like to eat back most of my exercise cals I also know and can attest that my best weight loss is when I do not.

    Agreed. I try to stay within 1200-1400 calories no matter how much exercise calories I burn.
  • lilcassers
    lilcassers Posts: 163
    Switch up your routine. If you're doing the same exercises everyday then you won't see more progress. The key is interval training and muscle confusion.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Ok, for the last 3 weeks, I have been sticking to the numbers, going to the gym every day, eating off the calories, I've taken things to help my digestive system stay on track, I'm drinking my water and yet, I have GAINED weight! I eat a low salt diet and I just keep getting bigger. Does anyone have any ideas on ways in which I can kickstart things? I'm doing a sponsored slim for a local canine charity and I NEED to lose. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    for the dogs?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Switch up your routine. If you're doing the same exercises everyday then you won't see more progress. The key is interval training and muscle confusion.

    If I tell you this is incorrect, will you accuse me of bullying?

    Because it's incorrect.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    ... WOW. I can't even join a weightloss community without someone trying to bully me off the site lol! Sorry, not sorry :D. You're all around 40 years old, grow up already!!!

    I'm 21 :/ The people who replied to you probably just don't want you giving the OP incorrect advice.

    This. It's best to nip inaccuracies in the bud before they grow into nearly impossible to kill myths. Famous ones include drinking cold water to burn more calories or zero calorie foods. Those are still around. Just think if someone had jumped all over it and said "Nope, that's not true." right away. We'd have less bulls**t to wade through each day. You should be thanking those folks for quickly correcting you before you did real damage to the weight loss/fitness community.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Switch up your routine. If you're doing the same exercises everyday then you won't see more progress. The key is interval training and muscle confusion.

    If I tell you this is incorrect, will you accuse me of bullying?

    Because it's incorrect.

    Interval training/muscle confusion shamer!!! Oh, and you're a bully too.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    ... WOW. I can't even join a weightloss community without someone trying to bully me off the site lol! Sorry, not sorry :D. You're all around 40 years old, grow up already!!!

    what... no.

    you're almost forty.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Switch up your routine. If you're doing the same exercises everyday then you won't see more progress. The key is interval training and muscle confusion.

    If I tell you this is incorrect, will you accuse me of bullying?

    Because it's incorrect.

    Interval training/muscle confusion shamer!!! Oh, and you're a bully too.

    Hey hey beef is with "muscle confusion"...I have nothing against interval training (although I don't believe it is the One True Way). And I don't even have a problem with "muscle confusion" as a means to keep your workout interesting...I just don't believe it has any real support for being most effective. Or said another way, I don't believe it is the "key".
  • hyinkm
    hyinkm Posts: 4 Member
    Not sure if this will hep but I know that when I use my elliptical at home it tells me about 30 calories less than this site estimates. So you may want to take some calories off their estimation on calories burned. That is what I've been doing that way I don't have secret calories building up. :)! I wish you luck. Whatever you do don't give up.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Switch up your routine. If you're doing the same exercises everyday then you won't see more progress. The key is interval training and muscle confusion.

    If I tell you this is incorrect, will you accuse me of bullying?

    Because it's incorrect.

    Interval training/muscle confusion shamer!!! Oh, and you're a bully too.

    Hey hey beef is with "muscle confusion"...I have nothing against interval training (although I don't believe it is the One True Way). And I don't even have a problem with "muscle confusion" as a means to keep your workout interesting...I just don't believe it has any real support for being most effective. Or said another way, I don't believe it is the "key".

    Well why didn't you say so? Or were you using this technique I've heard of where you say things to make a point, a hidden point most of the time and don't say things out in the open to often. I've heard that's an effective strategy.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Switch up your routine. If you're doing the same exercises everyday then you won't see more progress. The key is interval training and muscle confusion.

    If I tell you this is incorrect, will you accuse me of bullying?

    Because it's incorrect.


    PS - Not PMSL or bullying :flowerforyou:
  • jjmae
    jjmae Posts: 5 Member
    Not only are you increasing your metabolism to burn weight faster, you will soon be able burn more calories. Do not stop exercising! Your energy level will increase, along with reducing your stress levels and, & you will look and feel younger. As you continue to exercise you will build bone, and tone your muscles to become more shapely.
    As we age, our metabolism drops; when you exercise you will raise your metabolism, and begin to lose the weight faster. The scale is weighing your increased muscle mass. If it bothers you that much, weigh only weekly, but continue to use your tape measure to record the changes.
    It takes at awhile for bodies to respond to new diets, along with exercising. A know fact!!! MUSCLES TAKE UP LESS SPACE THAN FAT. Look this up in any exercise will go down a dress or pant size before you even see a change on the scale. Muscle weighs more than fat, so don't get discouraged. Go with the process. Hold on...... Whatever you do don't give up. Keep remembering how many people in this world want to exercise, but are unable to. How long did it take you to gain the weight? will all be there soon.:happy:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Switch up your routine. If you're doing the same exercises everyday then you won't see more progress. The key is interval training and muscle confusion.

    If I tell you this is incorrect, will you accuse me of bullying?

    Because it's incorrect.

    Interval training/muscle confusion shamer!!! Oh, and you're a bully too.

    Hey hey beef is with "muscle confusion"...I have nothing against interval training (although I don't believe it is the One True Way). And I don't even have a problem with "muscle confusion" as a means to keep your workout interesting...I just don't believe it has any real support for being most effective. Or said another way, I don't believe it is the "key".

    Well why didn't you say so? Or were you using this technique I've heard of where you say things to make a point, a hidden point most of the time and don't say things out in the open to often. I've heard that's an effective strategy.

    Actually, I *do* use that technique often...

    ...except that it's entirely unintentional...

    ...and I wouldn't necessarily call it "effective"...

    ...and certainly not "optimal".
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Not only are you increasing your metabolism to burn weight faster, you will soon be able burn more calories. Do not stop exercising! Your energy level will increase, along with reducing your stress levels and, & you will look and feel younger. As you continue to exercise you will build bone, and tone your muscles to become more shapely.
    As we age, our metabolism drops; when you exercise you will raise your metabolism, and begin to lose the weight faster. The scale is weighing your increased muscle mass. If it bothers you that much, weigh only weekly, but continue to use your tape measure to record the changes.
    It takes at awhile for bodies to respond to new diets, along with exercising. A know fact!!! MUSCLES TAKE UP LESS SPACE THAN FAT. Look this up in any exercise will go down a dress or pant size before you even see a change on the scale. Muscle weighs more than fat, so don't get discouraged. Go with the process. Hold on...... Whatever you do don't give up. Keep remembering how many people in this world want to exercise, but are unable to. How long did it take you to gain the weight? will all be there soon.:happy:

    Agree: She should continue exercising for various and numerous benefits.

    Disagree: Her lack of weight loss is almost certainly not because of a measurable increase in muscle. More likely, it is that she is either a) not truly eating at a calorie deficit because of an error in estimate of calories in or calories burned (both the result of improper measuring/bad estimates); or b) her weight loss is being masked by an increase in fluid uptake to her muscles for repair as a result of her recent increase in exercise activity. Personally, I'm going with a combination of the two as both are very common.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Not only are you increasing your metabolism to burn weight faster, you will soon be able burn more calories. Do not stop exercising! Your energy level will increase, along with reducing your stress levels and, & you will look and feel younger. As you continue to exercise you will build bone, and tone your muscles to become more shapely.
    As we age, our metabolism drops; when you exercise you will raise your metabolism, and begin to lose the weight faster. The scale is weighing your increased muscle mass. If it bothers you that much, weigh only weekly, but continue to use your tape measure to record the changes.
    It takes at awhile for bodies to respond to new diets, along with exercising. A know fact!!! MUSCLES TAKE UP LESS SPACE THAN FAT. Look this up in any exercise will go down a dress or pant size before you even see a change on the scale. Muscle weighs more than fat, so don't get discouraged. Go with the process. Hold on...... Whatever you do don't give up. Keep remembering how many people in this world want to exercise, but are unable to. How long did it take you to gain the weight? will all be there soon.:happy:

    Agree: She should continue exercising for various and numerous benefits.

    Disagree: Her lack of weight loss is almost certainly not because of a measurable increase in muscle. More likely, it is that she is either a) not truly eating at a calorie deficit because of an error in estimate of calories in or calories burned (both the result of improper measuring/bad estimates); or b) her weight loss is being masked by an increase in fluid uptake to her muscles for repair as a result of her recent increase in exercise activity. Personally, I'm going with a combination of the two as both are very common.

    QFT. And the thread should end there as nothing said beyond this will explain it any better (although I suspect it will roll on!).
  • wannabfit34
    wannabfit34 Posts: 23 Member
    Generally the way women are composed you will gain before you lose, try measuring or going by how your clothes fit. As long as you are sticking with your program the scale will follow. Sometimes it seems as if it takes forever but eventually the body will let go of some weight.
  • erikkmcvay
    erikkmcvay Posts: 238 Member
    It is not uncommon to gain and then lose or for that matter to lose and then gain and then lose...and so on.

    3 weeks isn't really a good measure unless perhaps you are perfect and 100% accurate in all areas of a perfect program *snicker*.

    Chances are you just need to remain positive and hang in there. UNLIKE TV, weight loss is not a simple instant gratification program but a LONG LONG effort of changing your life.