bortass Member


  • Day 1 is done. It's very different from P90X. I think this will be perfect to get back into shape before retrying X again.
  • Always used to do that. Make a bowl of oatmeal or cream of wheat. Toast 4 slices of bread and butter them. Cut in half and dip in the oatmeal/cream of wheat. Awesome stuff. Haven't done it in 20 years though. Other ones, though not very weird. Sweet relish on fried eggs. Also adding frozen corn to leftover spaghetti. We…
  • P90 came in while I was out of town on a business trip a few weeks ago. I meant to start Monday but didn't. I played 9 holes of golf walking and yesterday was a repeat along with 2 hours of 4 on 4 volleyball. So I'm procrastinating but at least I got some excercise each day. I have started watching what I eat and plan to…
  • I recomend classic FWIW. Lean was added later on to appeal to the cardio junkies out there, or so I've heard a few times on the BB site. The P90X program is designed to lean you out even with classic. I can't compare it to P90 since I don't know what's in P90. Be prepared for alot of pushups and pullups. My shoulder can…
  • You'll probably love the P90X results. I lost 33 lbs and went from XXL to L shirts and tight 36 inseam jeans to a 33 when I did my first round of the X. I'm doing things a little backwards. I just ordered P90 today and am looking forward to it. I completed 90 days of P90X back in early 09.Got into the best shape of my…
  • Good news on the scale this morning. Most of what I put on during my hiatus was water and is gone. My legs and shoulders have that nice soreness you get that tells ya you worked out.
  • All my wife complains about is not eating pizza and trying to figure out what I can eat etc. She's pretty thin, so trying to lose weight is a foreign idea to her. So that's my support system. Oh and making snide comments about my workouts and how cleaning the house is excercise. I do help with that BTW. So I'm my own…
  • Hope it's nothing too serious.
  • Played Volleyball last night and it went well. the shoulkder injury from April doesn't seem to be an issue. I was swinging hard and never felt anything. Losing the 11 lbs is starting to help, along with the p90X, on the court. I feel like I'm moving a bit better and do not feel as sluggish. It'll be awhile till I'm back…
  • Well the scale may not be your friend. It could be a number of things like retaining water from sodium; burning fat but putting on muscle, etc. Maybe you shouldn't get on the scale if it throws your day off so much. Are you doing p90 or p90X? FWIW, my weight loss is normally all over the place. I can hold steady for 3 - 7…
  • I got from 23% to 11.5 in about 13 weeks early last year doing P90X. I'm just starting my 4th week of my second round. I had a BF test a few weeks ago and it came back at 20% even though I weighed more then when it was 23%. That really was eye opening on what sort of after effect P90X had on my system. I wasn't working out…
  • Are you eating your excercise calories? Something else to look at is what you are eating. A calories is a calorie, but where it comes from makes a difference. Carbs for example, you're better off getting carbs from veggies, beans, whole grain type foods then from white flour and sugar. What are you eating? Are your clothes…
  • Got some good news today. I had a BF test done using calipers with 3 site measurements taken. The same exact test and person I've had do it 4 previous time. I came out at 20.1% BF. The reason it'sa goodnews is I weigh more now then when i first had one done back in january. Back then I was 5 lbs lighter but at 23% BF.
  • Now I want to eat some graham cracker cake! All you do is layer graham crackers and coolwhip. all the crackers should be covered with cool whip. You then put in the fridge overnight. It becomes soft and tastes sooo goood. Drools......
  • I'm feeling Ab Ripper X tonight. For those asking P90X does work if you put in the time. I did a full round back in January and lost 32 lbs and went from a XXL to L in my shirt size and 36 in to 33 in waist in my jeans. Not bad for 90 days work. Too bad I hurt my shoulder playing VB and stopped all activity besides eating…
  • Well most golfers suck, me included. I think i saw a stat that said 90% of golfers can't break 100. The biggest gripe I see isn't about bad golfers. It's about SLOW golfers. So as long as you pay attention to pace of play, you should be fine. Doing stuff like picking up your ball when there are people behind you and you…
  • I tried to take up running via C25K. I stopped after I got tendonitis in my right knee. My sports now are volleyball and golf. I walk the course when I golf but it's still not much of a workout. Better then riding and drinking beer though. Andrew I see you're in Brunswick. I'm just south of you in Gorham.
  • I'm doing P90X again. Nuff said
  • lbpw, Sounds like you're just stressing yourself out during the day. Take a deep breath and relax. Weight loss is a cumalative(sp?) journey. Changing when you workout(as long as you do workout) is not gonna make or break you. If the only change is when it occurs during the day, you bascially have a zero sum game. The order…
  • Yes it is.
  • Goals... Hmmmm My goal is to finish my second round of P90X in 89 days. I don't have any smaller targets that are specific yet. I just don't know how I'll react this time around. Last time I lost 30 lbs and dropped a couple sizes in shirts and pants. That was earlier this year though. I set myself back by using a shoulder…
  • Pop tarts are a small reason I'm a tub. Well I know they are not WHY I'm fat, after all I'm the one that eats them 4 at a time........ So my lousy willpower/choices kill me.
  • Why can i only buy Tab soda in lame 12oz cans now?
  • Awesome program. I did 1 round of classic earlier this year and lost over 30 lbs. I shrank from XXL to L for my shirt size and went from tight 36 inch jeans to wearing a 33. I will be starting back up soon. An injury, unrelated to P90X, set me back so my work is cut out for me.
  • When I lost alot of weight i noticed that crunchees started to hurt my tail bone. I never realized i had that padding keeping it nice and happy. too bad that padding is back now :embarassed:
  • Classic all the way.
    in P90X Comment by bortass June 2009
  • Nothing special. 1 c All Bran - mmm fiber! 1 c skim milk 1 SB meal bar 1 liter of water It's my normal breakfast the last few weeks.