Man to Man: A Support System for Men



  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    I guess you have to, to live up to a name like metalpalace :laugh:
  • I wasnt a very good metalpalace on day one when I was barely doing a single rep with only my body weight!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Hey homies, I'll join the club.

    Gr8dad, that late night binge eating has wrecked my cal limits on many occasions.

    About me, I am Man, I run, I want to run farther.

  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member

    Welcome to the club!
  • bortass
    bortass Posts: 91 Member
    I'm doing P90X again. Nuff said
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Hey guys,

    I'll be more than happy to contribute to the group. It's nice to see you fellas out there. Sometimes I feel like the only guy on a boat full of ladies. Only have a minuete to post but here's the overview.

    Name is Andrew,

    Joined MFP in November of 2008. In the last year I have lost 125 points and found a love for running and cycling. I love racing because it helps me push myself to be better. (That and we guys tend to be competetive). I've run alot of 5k's and a couple of 8k's and on Duathlon. I am working on my swimming over the winter and will start my Triathlon career this spring. lol. Anyway keep up the good work guys!
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    Hey, Andrew

    We are glad that you decided to stop by. We have a great group of men here at the Man to Man Forum. Congrats on your 5k, 8k, Duathalon, and your upcoming Triathalon. You mentioned your passion for running which is apparent by all the K runs that you are involved in. But I am more of a daily walking, cycling kind of a guy. While my friends and a few of my co-workers will swear by running, I have not put in the effort that they have. I have recently started to gradually include jogging to my weekly routine. I must admit, it's not that bad. Maybe one day I will be able to compete in a 1k :laugh:
  • bortass
    bortass Posts: 91 Member
    I tried to take up running via C25K. I stopped after I got tendonitis in my right knee. My sports now are volleyball and golf. I walk the course when I golf but it's still not much of a workout. Better then riding and drinking beer though.

    Andrew I see you're in Brunswick. I'm just south of you in Gorham.
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    I am starting P90X in January. It's a great system and will yield results. HOWEVER, results don't stay without some work :laugh: :laugh: I did it this summer and loved the change.

    Hi Skywalker, it's been awhile since I've posted on the cycling board. Planning a good snowy ride on Saturday, no reason to stop for that :drinker: :drinker: Great job on the running and the upcoming tri's.

  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    I am working hard on this running thing and it is getting easier, especially since MFP gives me credit for just running in place :bigsmile:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Hey, Andrew

    We are glad that you decided to stop by. We have a great group of men here at the Man to Man Forum. Congrats on your 5k, 8k, Duathalon, and your upcoming Triathalon. You mentioned your passion for running which is apparent by all the K runs that you are involved in. But I am more of a daily walking, cycling kind of a guy. While my friends and a few of my co-workers will swear by running, I have not put in the effort that they have. I have recently started to gradually include jogging to my weekly routine. I must admit, it's not that bad. Maybe one day I will be able to compete in a 1k :laugh:

    Just adding a bit of jogging to your routine will do wonders. Increasing and decreasing your heart rate during your work outs can have a great impact on weight loss. Keep that up it's good stuff.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    I tried to take up running via C25K. I stopped after I got tendonitis in my right knee. My sports now are volleyball and golf. I walk the course when I golf but it's still not much of a workout. Better then riding and drinking beer though.

    Andrew I see you're in Brunswick. I'm just south of you in Gorham.

    Tendonitis is not fun. But your right. Walking the course is much better than riding and drinking beer. Then again drinking beer is good stuff. lol Problem I have is that I can't stand running on a treadmill and as you know being in Gorham, It has been a bit cold for the out door running. It's friggin BRUTAL out there right now. Now your making me want to golf. Havnt picked up a club in years. Damn wife and kids. lol
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    Speaking of golf, I been really getting into watching it (and enjoying it), but I have not exercised the bravery it takes to actually hit the greens. I am thinking I should probably get me some lessons first....Imagine being green on the greens :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • bortass
    bortass Posts: 91 Member
    Well most golfers suck, me included. I think i saw a stat that said 90% of golfers can't break 100. The biggest gripe I see isn't about bad golfers. It's about SLOW golfers. So as long as you pay attention to pace of play, you should be fine. Doing stuff like picking up your ball when there are people behind you and you already duffed it 5 times and are still 150 out etc.

    Lessons are definately a good idea. You may need to look around to find a pro that fits your style. It's worth it though. I still haven't broken 100 but I'm getting closer with 4 9 hole rounds under 50 this summer. All because of the lessons i've been taking.

    It's a fun game and I like the competition against myself.
  • I'm doing P90X again. Nuff said

    Me to! I'm in week eight
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Well, as always, I'm around if anyone needs support!

    I'm especially well versed in athletic training for explosive sports like football, basketball, hockey, tennis ...etc.

    I'm also pretty good with nutrition and human physiology as well.
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    Hey Guys,

    I haven't tried it (yet), but what is the real deal with P90X? I needs details...the good, the bad, and the ugly!
  • Hey Guys,

    I haven't tried it (yet), but what is the real deal with P90X? I needs details...the good, the bad, and the ugly!

    The good the bad and the ugly...

    Performance nutrition and massive various modalities of exercise all very strategically placed to bring out your full potential in total fitness. A lot of it is really simple but very tough. If you're a beginner definitely don't start here. It's for someone already in at least decent shape who wants to find new challenges and get into the best shape possible. Lots of sweat involved. No plateauing. I'm a team beachbody coach and I probably won't check this thread regularly. If you would like my one on one help give me a shout in a private message either here or facebook me. Lot's of p90x fanatics I'm friends with over facebook
  • InTheMoney
    InTheMoney Posts: 249 Member
    Hey Guys,

    I haven't tried it (yet), but what is the real deal with P90X? I needs details...the good, the bad, and the ugly!

    I can tell you that I used to spend up to 3 hours at the gym and now get the same workout in 60-90 minutes.
    Without the monthly cost.
    It's awesome
  • I'm in.
    Took things for granted. Would get my act together and workout in earnest, eat right, tomorrow, next week, whenever.
    I knew I could get it done.
    Had a car accident 6 weeks ago and now find myself further from my fitness goals than ever before.

    I am back though. Determined to lose 80 pounds starting NOW.
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