hnsmith89 Member


  • That’s what I do too. I’ve always been more inclined in cardio than lifting but I have recently gotten into heavy lifting and while I noticed it’s benefitted my running tremendously, I have to do cardio prior to lifting. I believe my muscle memory for running is just at a higher tolerance than lifting so I’m able to run…
  • I have major depressive disorder and opt out of medication because I was on many different meds throughout the years so I completely know how you feel. I am a single mom to twins, 27, and still live with my dad. I just got over a depressive episode where I did nothing for a week straight but lay in my bed and it is…
  • Took me alittle over 2 years, but I weighed about 141 when I first found out I was preg with twins, gained 50 lbs total, lost about 15 after the girls were born, and now I'm down between 122-124, which is obviously about 20lbs lighter than my pre-preg as long as you lose your remaining weight (after your lil…
  • I just realized I didnt really answer your question HA...but I can explain through example...sometimes when I want to burn more calories with least amount of impact, I walk 4.8mph on the treadmill at an incline of 15%. I can walk 1mi and burn nearly 70 calories more than running at a 6.8mph pace for a mile. So basically,…
  • your heart rate shouldn't really get TOO high, but you don't want to stay in your max heart rate zone for more than a minute, but you don't want your heart rate to be too low either because it won't improve your endurance. My trainers always say intervals are the best to build endurance and heart strength.
  • first of all, NO, you aren't! And I would hope no one is snickering because if they are, they don't have empathy at all! You need to feel proud of yourself for joining this website because you are clearly ready to change your lifestyle to a healthier one, and that's the first step. Second step is to realize you aren't the…
  • crystal lights of course! My favorite is sweet tea with lemon flavor :))
  • 1 cup of fat free vanilla yogurt 1 tbsp of honey either 1 banana, strawberries, mango, or pinapple and some ice OR if you prefer a more milkshake like smoothie 1/2 Silk unsweetened vanilla almond milk (50% more calcium, lower fat!) 1 tbsp of honey strawberries, mango, etc. Try to avoid Greek yogurt because even though it's…
  • It's awesome you're wanting to take control :) Being in shape and healthy makes a world of difference in every aspect of life, I believe :)
  • def hayley williams!
  • Breakfast needs to be around 350 calories, a small snack before lunch, lunch is the smallest caloric intake of a main meal you should have, another snack, then dinner should be around 500 calories or so give or take. Always eat AFTER your workout for your body to refuel on energy. For example, I workout at 5:30a Mon, Wed,…
  • Heyy I'm a working mom of twin girls, going to school part-time, and an avid exerciser. My goal is to lean down to increase my fitness performance rather than just lose weight. After my girls were born I weighed 168 (I'm only 5'1") but now, about 1.5yrs after getting back into exercise, my weight varies between 134-139. I…