Body back after baby.



  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    I had heartburn from 25 weeks on! And I was sick all day every day up until the day I had her...I was the same way with my son. That's why I vow never to get pregnant again. I will shoot my husband in the big toe if it happens again! :bigsmile:

    Yeah I already told my husband this is our last as well. I envy the women who are super happy and euphoric during their pregnancies! I hear it means the hormones are working and your baby is healthy, but still... I am already really excited for these next four months to go by, haha!
  • Mrsfullwood
    Mrsfullwood Posts: 172 Member
    With my first child I walked out of the hospital wearing my pre-pregnancy size 3 jeans...

    There are so many moms hating you right now! lol! That is awesome, though. I doubt I will be that lucky!

    :grumble: Yes I am one of them!
  • hnsmith89
    hnsmith89 Posts: 14 Member
    Took me alittle over 2 years, but I weighed about 141 when I first found out I was preg with twins, gained 50 lbs total, lost about 15 after the girls were born, and now I'm down between 122-124, which is obviously about 20lbs lighter than my pre-preg as long as you lose your remaining weight (after your lil one is born) fairly slowly, but persistantly, you might even do how I did and weigh less than before you were preg :)
  • GumballMachine
    I've had 4 kids and am within 8 pounds or less of pre-pregnancy weight two days after the birth every time. Apparently I've been "lucky". If you are eating as healthy as you can manage (I understand being pregnant and wanting things from time to time that aren't exactly super healthy), your body will gain what it needs to. Eat healthy, stay as active as you can manage, and you will be giving yourself a fighting chance at being able to be at your pre-pregnancy weight within a a few months of the baby's birth. =)

    And just an aside, breastfeeding has never helped me lose weight. It actually made me hold onto it, and I know other women who experienced the same thing. Hopefully it helps you and doesn't hinder you like it does for me.