rower45 Member


  • Went to an event and the dinner was really and so didn't eat much :)
  • Wed Oct 29 th - another day! Anybody still with me? If so, jump in.
  • Stayed in my calories today and got at least some exercise by taking the stairs in the parking garage. Need to get to the gym! Will put it in my schedule tomorrow as an appointment - I feel so much better when I do :) Pearowl - I seem to be doing better on the calories and just need to be more consistent on the workouts.…
  • Flying cinnamon rolls? Ha ha love your comment!
  • Oct 27 - Day 7 to fabulous - took the stairs for a thigh burner today. Posted my calories and so far so good. How are you ladies doing?
  • I will have to try gunpowder green tea!
  • Nice job - hey what's gun powder green tea?
  • October 26. - flaked on exercise but did great on calories today. Hubby and I are planning our meals four days at a time and that really helps me stick to my calories. Goal this next week is to keep posting and add in four workouts.
  • Oct 26 - knowing I was going out with GFs, I hiked yesterday for an hour and a half. Tough hike so had some great appetizers and the girls! Starting week #2 - step up the exercise and watch all the little 100 calories like sugar in coffee or a handful of pistachios that puts me over.
  • Day 5 - TGIF stayed under calories today thanks to walking and stair climbing :) I love how exercise gives you more calories. Weekend here we come!
  • Oct 23 -day 4. Didn't have a chNce to work out today but did pretty well on calories. Well except for the "fun size" snickers bar. Need to figure out another way to have fun! Ha! Did step up the water :). Tomorrow = hit the gym!
  • Cleaning burns calories! Better than couch surfing :)
  • Oh yeah.... Water!
  • Day 3 for me - knowing I had to post tonight.... I made sure to get a good walk in with the dog and to get a weight workout while watching the World Series:). Stayed within calorie guideline, too. Thums up day.
  • Hmm... Don't notice sodium. Guess I better pay attention!
  • Day 2 - just over my calories. I noticed there are a few ways I can cut such as cutting sugar from my coffee and having a smaller glass of wine. Exercise a little longer. #italladdsup
  • Day 1 to fabulous. Checking in - I came in a little high on my calories so I need to burn 75 calories before I go to bed!
  • Wow! That sounds really good!
  • I recommend a great book by the guru of heart rate study -- Sally Edwards. Her book in called the Heart Rate Monitor Guide Book. It is for someone at a beginning fitness level and goes up to advanced training. She got her PHD (I think) at UC Berkeley years ago and challenged the then current accepted heart rate philosophy.…
  • Great job! I love how you didn't let your temporary state of being --- headache burdened --- ruin your day and your fitness. :flowerforyou: I don't know about you but I am starting to get addicted to exercise. The dog and I go for a walk every day and now its more of a jog. She loves it and I am starting to notice…
  • You probably wont believe this but I usually have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on wheat! I use natural peanut butter. It really fills me up. Then I have an orange or an apple with it. Iced tea. Then a couple of hours later --- air popped popcorn and a diet soda. Keeps me going. Something about peanut butter - gotta…
  • Also I have found that people are super helpful when I asked questions on posts. So go for it! :flowerforyou:
  • Hi. I started in January but really started about 3 weeks ago. I have found that posting my food and exercise daily has really help me to be aware of what I am doing and not doing. For me, I set a goal to stay within my calorie limits -- my net calories and no matter what to post them. So rain or shine -- track your meals.…
  • This is a very encouraging blog! I have been faithfully tracking my food in take and exercise for two weeks and my scale said I lost two pounds last week and then gained three pounds back. Since I have been following my food plan pretty closely except for Easter brunch :wink: , and exercising by running for 30 minutes 5…
  • I was afraid of that. I do have wine every night and I think it does inhibit wieght loss. Thanks for the bad news! :sad:
  • I logged my exercise and my food but not my water. I was only about 500 calories over on the weekend and I gained 3 pounds. I think that it may be that I am not getting enough water ---- and I was drinking wine so I be retaining water. Because I exercised every day --- there is no reason for me to gain weight. Any thoughts…
  • I hear you Chele36, I think posting my food each day has made all the difference in the world. It helps me to think of what I am eating and make the best choices. I have had more fruit this week than I have in a month. Why eat Doritos when its just going to rack up the calories and I'll be hungry again. My goal is simply…
  • By the way.... I LOST TWO POUNDS ALREADY!!! YEAH.....:love: :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Ok here we go. :noway: :huh: :drinker: this is coffee and it's not spiked!
  • Thanks so much for this information. I am new to the site (this week!) and I really didnt understand how this works. All of these posts were very helpful to me. At first it seemed crazy to exercise and then eat 300 more calories but you are right. Over time if you don't, it could be detrimental. Plus I like what you said…