40 Days to Fabulous - Oct 20th

Who is up for a goal of sticking to their calorie and workout goal every day for forty days? Starting Monday Oct 20th, make it happen with me. Log in once a day and let us know on this thread how you do. Challenge on! (Except Thanksgiving - day off and count the next day instead )


  • rower45
    rower45 Posts: 36 Member
    Day 1 to fabulous. Checking in - I came in a little high on my calories so I need to burn 75 calories before I go to bed!
  • Stiang
    Stiang Posts: 82 Member
    I'm under my calories - but WAY over sodium. :(
  • bigcrystal123
    bigcrystal123 Posts: 246 Member
    Oct.20- went way over my calories..... :(
  • AlaskaSusan
    AlaskaSusan Posts: 35 Member
    Oct 20: under on calories but did not get all the exercise in that I wanted. Tomorrow will do an hour on the dreadmill
  • DanielleH1213
    DanielleH1213 Posts: 154 Member
    I'm in!

    Oct 20: under calories, but no exercise.
  • bigcrystal123
    bigcrystal123 Posts: 246 Member
    Oct.21- ate under my calories but went over sodium and made bad choices.no exercise besides cleaning
  • rower45
    rower45 Posts: 36 Member
    Day 2 - just over my calories. I noticed there are a few ways I can cut such as cutting sugar from my coffee and having a smaller glass of wine. Exercise a little longer. #italladdsup
  • rower45
    rower45 Posts: 36 Member
    Stiang wrote: »
    I'm under my calories - but WAY over sodium. :(
    Hmm... Don't notice sodium. Guess I better pay attention!
  • Sorry I'm late to joining! Today my goal is to eat a colorful and healthy variety of nutriti
  • Nutritional goodness! I also need to really make sure my intake of water is good! Will plan to workout and give an update of my day later...thanks for setting up the group Nancy! Good luck today everyone
  • rower45
    rower45 Posts: 36 Member
    Day 3 for me - knowing I had to post tonight.... I made sure to get a good walk in with the dog and to get a weight workout while watching the World Series:). Stayed within calorie guideline, too. Thums up day.
  • rower45
    rower45 Posts: 36 Member
    fitmiss27 wrote: »
    Nutritional goodness! I also need to really make sure my intake of water is good! Will plan to workout and give an update of my day later...thanks for setting up the group Nancy! Good luck today everyone
    Oh yeah.... Water!
  • rower45
    rower45 Posts: 36 Member
    Oct.21- ate under my calories but went over sodium and made bad choices.no exercise besides cleaning
    Cleaning burns calories! Better than couch surfing :)
  • Pearowl
    Pearowl Posts: 48 Member
    I'm joining late!

    October 22- ate a satisfactory amount of calories and squelched about 1200 at work, then took a nice, long walk:) Also trying to get more fiber in my diet and a little less carb
  • bigcrystal123
    bigcrystal123 Posts: 246 Member
    Oct.22-ate pretty good I think.was under my calories.but didn't stick to just drinking water.will try again tomorrow.....
  • Pearowl
    Pearowl Posts: 48 Member
    23 October- Did well today, until dinner! My boyfriend and I made a rare trip out to a restaurant for a couple of beers and sammys, so I went about a meal's worth (650) over my calories today...BUT I did make it to the gym for a nice 500 calorie burn on the elliptical and a couple hours of walking outside for a total of 976.
  • kangaroux92
    kangaroux92 Posts: 188 Member
    way under my calories today hoping a logged wrong and ate more cuz its pretty scary. idk why im not hungry though so wierd.
  • bigcrystal123
    bigcrystal123 Posts: 246 Member
    Oct.23- was under my calories until my boyfriend went to taco bell.im gonna change my work outs in the mornings and night time its getting hard to motivate myself.but on a good not I lost 4.3lbs in a month
  • rower45
    rower45 Posts: 36 Member
    Oct 23 -day 4. Didn't have a chNce to work out today but did pretty well on calories. Well except for the "fun size" snickers bar. Need to figure out another way to have fun! Ha! Did step up the water :). Tomorrow = hit the gym!
  • Pearowl
    Pearowl Posts: 48 Member
    24 October- ate slightly over my calories with a big breakfast this morning. Went for a 3.2 mile run this afternoon, then a walk later in the day before sundown. Getting in fiber well and leafy greens:)