

  • WeightWatcher: WOW!!!! That's awesome!! You'll have to give me all your tips and tricks.... if you say hard work and exercise I might get scared though.... hahaha... jokes.
  • OMG I love Labs! They are the best!!!! I want to brag about how awesome I am. Thanks, hahahah.
  • hahahahaha! Thanks for the laugh. If girls are listening to you in the gym just tell them to put their headphones back in. I am so pumped the weight side of the room could disappear and I wouldn't notice.
  • I think it also depends on the person. If you are overweight and not exercising daily then tracking your sugar is extremely important. If you exercise and burn sugars in the day then it's less of a concern if you are in your calorie limits. A common mistake for many people is to reduce their calories by adding meal…
  • I have mint leaves and orange wedges in my water which is nice and you can keep the same ones throughout the day (just refill with water). Check your diet soda's as some are worse for you than others (sometimes it's better to have the full sugar one if it is actual sugar and not chemical) If you like juice but not fruit,…
  • Totally vital. Sugar is linked to weight gain and will also increase hunger with sugar "crashes", although having too much sugar from fresh fruit isn't always an issue (although you should try to have twice the amount of vegetables that you have fruit). Review your diary and see where your sugars are coming from, there is…
  • The fact is weight loss and weight gain are incredibly personal and many things need to change for the process to fully work as in most cases it is a complete lifestyle change. There will be lots of people around you who will be discouraging, they get used to you as a certain personality (which is equated with a certain…
  • Look at your log and see if you have been consuming lots of Sodium, try to cut that down if you have and see if anything changes. Also, are you hot during the night? Sometimes you go "puffy" if you don't have fresh air in the room, try opening the window a crack. Defs see a doctor though.
  • Completely agree, but there is something entirely different telling a child/teen who is still adjusting to their bodies that they are fat compared to an adult who understands that being fat is something they need to accept to be willing to change.
  • Do you eat alot of salty foods? Or foods with high potassium? They sometimes make you thirsty. Also eating fresh fruit and vegetables should decrease your thirst. However, drinking 3L and tea is quite excessive. If you also get fatigue, blurry vision or pee more than five times a day you should see your doctor to retest…
  • Hey! I don't think you are slowing weight loss by moving too much and eating too little, it sounds like you are doing great and feeling a whole lot better! Essentially any exercise is good exercise and will make you feel better however to burn serious calories you need to increase your heart rate (no pain, no gain as they…
  • It's not the kind of advice I ever want to be giving and work out what's right for you but I would consider changing jobs. I know alot of people need to work night shifts and they can lose weight while they do it but sleep (even sleep at nights as opposed to day sleep) is really important: you can read more here:…
  • Also, remember that you are doing this for yourself, so you feel good. When you are happy and healthy that's when people will tell you you look good! Congrats! Keep up the good work!!
  • Things that work for me are having a full glass of water before eating anything and eating at a table without distraction (not in front of a computer, reading a magazine or in front of TV).
  • That is FANTASTIC!! Such a motivating story! Thanks for sharing and good luck¬!!
  • Awesome idea, unfortunately whenever I lose weight my boobs and face are the first to go.... :(
  • Well, nobody is perfect and the whole point of keeping the diary is so you can see where you go over the mark. I know that I have good days and bad days and keep the diary honest (or, what's the point?). It's pretty easy to work out for yourself where you go wrong and unless someone has specifically asked for advice then I…
  • Hey Chook! Don't let bad thoughts surround you as when you feel down that's when you are likely to overeat. Often the food you eat can have an impact on your mood so focus on being healthy as opposed to being thin (eating good food and lots of it instead of sugary sweets so you feel like you're being restricted because of…
    in :) Comment by elysia81 January 2012