Slow walking/net calorie question

Hi all,

I'm new to MFP but really like it so far. I have been eating around 1200-1400 calories a day of whole foods - veggies, fruit, legumes, fish, turkey, etc (my food is public if anyone would like to comment on it). I have been doing 45 minutes on the elliptical each mornng and hiking on weekends.

I have been walking slowly (around 2-2.5mph) on my treadmill desk. I absolutely love it and am very grateful that I have it, but I'm wondering if I'm slowing weight loss by moving too much and eating too little. I walk anywhere from 6-10 miles a day while I work. I'm walking as I type this actually! The thing is, I am never hungry and eat regularly. Plus I feel really good so this is somewhat about vanity but I also am trying to make this a lifetime habit and want to make sure I'm doing it the right way.

Any thoughts on what I might be missing and if I need to change anything? Could my body just be slower to lose? It's not uncommon on MFP for my net to be zero or even negative, but I'm just slowly walking while talking on the phone or typing and again, with mostly whole foods I feel energized and sleep really well. Drinking lots of water too. I have about 75 more pounds to lose.

Thanks in advance!


  • elysia81
    Hey! I don't think you are slowing weight loss by moving too much and eating too little, it sounds like you are doing great and feeling a whole lot better! Essentially any exercise is good exercise and will make you feel better however to burn serious calories you need to increase your heart rate (no pain, no gain as they say).

    If you want to speed up your weight loss you should add some weight training to your day, even if it's just half an hour. Weight training will increase the weight loss and might help you feel like you've lost more weight as you tone your body, if you have particular area's you'd like to target you can focus on those too.