
My name is Jessica. I'm 240 pounds at the age of 18. Yes, I'm aware it's over weight. Ever since I was about 10 years old I have been teased, and continuously embarrassed of my weight. I never went out my teenage years, I never had really close friends because I was always comparing myself to how beautiful they were. How skinny they were. I always tell myself "someday, you will be skinnier", but I know I need to stop saying 'someday' and I should just do it. I have tried many diets. But I have a sweet tooth, of course. It usually doesn't last long. I just want to be comfortable in my body. And I want to be happier with my life. I never have enough support with my weight loss, and it's becoming scary for me. And out of control. I joined this for some better results. And some support.
If anybody has tips, or advise. Any motivation. Feel free, because I need as much as I can. :) have a good one.


  • Hey Chook!

    Don't let bad thoughts surround you as when you feel down that's when you are likely to overeat. Often the food you eat can have an impact on your mood so focus on being healthy as opposed to being thin (eating good food and lots of it instead of sugary sweets so you feel like you're being restricted because of calories).

    I know it sounds colloquial but you are already beautiful and you should focus on losing weight to make yourself healthy instead of punishing yourself because you don't feel beautiful or like you fit in. To be honest, and I understand how difficult it is being teased, but no one can make you feel bad about yourself except for you. So focus on rewarding yourself, such as doing your nails, going for a walk, shopping, dancing like a fool instead of punishing yourself (counting calories, eating sugars and crying in your room) and you can lose the weight.

    It is a difficult journey but I have faith that you can do it.

    P.S. Is that you in your photo? You don't look 240 pounds!

    Good luck!! :)
  • YUP, i totally agree with you. I know I shouldn't be acting so negative that's why I'm trying to be positive about all of this. I know for a fact I can lose weight. I want to do this for me..
    Yes, that is me in my photo. I get it a lot that I don't look as much as I weigh. But it's a fact. I have just gotten home from being alone for two years, I lost about 20 pounds then and kept it off. But when I came home again I just gained it all back. I know if I've done it before I can do it again.