very clever, fantastic way to satisfy sweet cravings without breaking the calorie count. Thanks ;-)
Jen, you are a champion for sticking at this over the long haul. I need to do what you've done. I am in the habit of counting calories and get a kick out of learning the calories of different foods so I can "eat out" without worry. While I am exercising its combating the boredom of doing the same thing which is becoming a…
it's so good to hear everyone has their 'treat days'. I tried to be so good on Australia day and then the next day I ate junk because I felt I deserved it after after being good the day crazy is that. The homemade oven chips is a top idea. Anyway it's all back to normal today, its hard to understand sometimes…
have to agree with you all. weight loss does not automatically equal happiness and confidence. I haven't seen the show yet; but will check it out tonight to see what all the hype is about.
I had never heard of C25K, but after reading the first blog and others, its a great idea. I think I need to try and work it into my routine to change things up a little. Thanks for the new tip.
MaynardLD50, you are a legend, thank for sharing such valuable information. Its hard to keep track of the do and don't sometimes.
Hi, I'm in Sydney, great to see some Aussies online. I have only been using this site a short while, but its seems to be working for me. Hopefully I am on track to lose my last 8 kilos over the next few months.