My Plateau Nutrition Story, Learn from my mistakes.



  • SandraNancy
    SandraNancy Posts: 127 Member
    Wow what a response! I'm glad I'm not the only one who was/is/did suffer from this same problem. I'll gladly answer all of your questions here
    THANK YOU for posting this. This is what I've been going through. I have 9.5 lbs to my goal & have upped my work out intensely (from Tae Bo to Insanity) and kept my calories at what MFP has put me - 1200. Usually, a little lower. Well, I burn close to 1000 calories with Insanity and when you mentioned your Net & that was what your body was running off of, I checked mine. Today it's a big ol' 97. Yes. 97. NO WONDER I have stayed at the same weight within 0.5 lb for the last 5 days. I've lost, in total 228 lbs (97 lbs lost in 2004, then 2 pregnancies - 77 lbs gained & lost with one, 54 lbs with the other) and this is the first time I've been really flummoxed and frustrated about my weight loss & have hit a wall. Now the dilemma: It's 8:26pm, should I be eating something to get my calories up? If so, what?
    I've just joined MFP and I wonder if it's the calorie counting to the extreme that's making me go so low in calories; all the other times I've been roughly adding them in my head & been successful. Interesting.

    THANK YOU for sharing this!
    I would say you must figure this out Chevitz. The Katch McArdle way to figure out your calories is wideley regarded as the most accurate way to determine your caloric needs for your body to LOSE weight. I'll give you the formula you fill in the blanks.

    I'll use myself as an example:

    First your need to figure out your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). This is the amount of calories you burn if you lie in bed all day, comatose.

    The equation:
    BMR = 370 + (21.6 x LBM(kg)) (Lean Body Mass is calculated by taking your TOTAL WEIGHT x Body Fat %)
    Example - I'm currently 200lbs with 16% BF. 200 x .16 = 32 (I carry 32lbs of fat with me currently)
    LBM = 200lbs - 32lbs BF = 168 Lean Body Mass
    Now we must convert that to Kilograms. Just google "lbs to kg" and you'll get a converter.
    168lbs = 76.20kg
    21.6 * 76.20kg = 1646 + 370 = 2016BMR
    My BMR is 2016 if I were to lay in a bed all day I would burn at least 2000 calories roughly. "But how does that tell me how much I should eat?" Glad you asked :)

    We now take BMR * activity level = Maintenance Calories

    Average activity variables are:
    1.2 = Sedentary (Little or no exercise + desk job)
    1.3-1.4 = Lightly Active (Little daily activity & light exercise 1-3 days a week)
    1.5-1.6 = Moderately Active (Moderately active daily life & Moderate exercise 3-5 days a week)
    1.7-1.8 = Very Active (Physically demanding lifestyle & Hard exercise or sports 6-7 days a week)
    1.9-2.0 = Extremely Active (Hard daily exercise or sports and physical job)

    Example: My BMR * my activity level 1.55 (I workout 5 days a week for 50 - 70 minutes) = 3125 Maintenance Calories (How many calories I should eat a day to maintain my current body build and weight) My advice is that you are very honest about you're daily schedule, taking into account what you do for a living. I picked 1.55 because I'm walking around all day standing and working out 5 days a week 1.55 felt right.

    Maintenance Calories = 3125

    Now that we know my maintenance calories it's time to CUT IT for the fat burn. Most people will say "Cut it by 500 calories blah blah blah" Well since some of you have mentioned your eating 1200, you couldn't cut it to 700 or you would literally slowly die inside. Rather, pick a % that you want to shave off. Most choose 20% off your Maintenance I chose 30% because it's working well for me. The most important thing if you pay attention to your body fat %.

    My Cut Calories = 2187 I rounded up 2200

    It is extremely important that you're eating your 2200 calories everyday. Thinking that you're doing great by eating 1500 or 1700 is really not great, you're putting yourself at a disadvantage. You're body will adapt, get use to 1500 calories and you'll get stuck. Eating at your goal will promote weight loss, promote a faster metabolism, coupled with working out you'll be hitting your goals in NO TIME! Be patient!

    Quick Blurb about Macros: Macros are your most important nutrients that makeup your calories. I hate that MFP has it set up with % because your body doesn't care if you get 40% Protein 30% Carbs yadda yadda. You really should be able to calculate your own macros P F C

    Protein: I would recommend you stick with the bodybuilders recommendations with protein.
    1 - 1.15g total weight (if your body fat is average)
    1 - 1.5g per lb of LEAN BODY MASS (if you know your body fat and calculated your LBM as stated above)
    Each GRAM of Protein is 4 calories. I eat 200g of protein everyday which is = to 800 of my 2200 calories.

    Fat: IS NOT THE DEVIL! STOP! "Fat Free this Fat Free that, OH GOOD I'll load my face with fat free ice cream" Nope. Fat is NECESSARY for the body to maintain health and it even helps burn fat! You need to pick the GOOD fats, Poly and Mono are great fats for the body.
    Average Body Fat - .45 - 1g total body weight (if you don't know your bodyfat)
    High BodyFat - .45 - 1g total LEAN BODY MASS (if you know your bodyfat you'll know your LBM)
    Each GRAM of Fat is 9 calories. I eat 92.4g of fat in my diet which is = to 832 of my 2200 calories.

    Now add those two up 832 calories from fat + 800 calories from protein = 1632
    Now take 2200 - 1632 = 568 calories left for Carbs

    Carbohydrates: Oh no! You'll get fat if you eat these! Ennnhhhhhh Wrong. If you're active, an althlete, or working out 5 days a week with weights you're going to need these to FEED THAT MUSCLE!

    Carbs are my left over calories 568 divided by 4 = 142g
    Considering I'm lifting 5 days a week 142g a day is pathetic so rather then settle for that I choose to take some of my fat down to compensate in the carb department. After all each g of fat is 9 calories so I can get a little over 2g of carbs if I steal it back from fat! Confused?

    Example I said 92.4g of fat in my above. I won't eat that much fat, lets cut it to 80g of fat. 92.4 - 80 = 12.4g * 9 calories in each gram = 112 calories (rounded up) available for relocation
    112 / 4 = 28g extra for carbs :) I went from 142g to 170g (thank GOD). Even that is a little low, so don't freak out if you have a lower fat day, workout hard in the gym and you substitute for some HEALTHY carbs.

    This was really helpful, thank you. I'm stuck on the desolate 135lb plateau, and it's really frustrating me. I got lazy on my eating and was back up to 140 during the holidays, got to 135 without much effort, and have now been stuck here for weeks. I vary between 135-136lbs, and it's making me crazy. I keep within my 1200 net calories, I work out 5-6 days a week... argh!

    This gives me a new tactic. I'm going to try increasing to 1330/day calories, and focus more on the composition of what I'm eating than the caloric number. I was always thrown off by being way over MFP's protein goals for the day; I eat a high protein diet, so I was always way over. This reassures me that that's okay.

    You're awesome!
  • loftus2005
    Im so happy to have found this topic too!! Ive been at a plateau also and so annoyed!! Gonna try this and see what happens!!!!! Thanks a Million!!!!
  • aritchey1977
    aritchey1977 Posts: 65 Member
    I have a question. Do you eat the calories that you burn when you work out? Like if you burn 500 during a workout do you eat that much extra to make up for it? I try to not eat whatever calories I burn when I work out and just stay in the 1450 that I'm allowed. What's your opinion about that?
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    thanks for sharing this, a plateau is what ultimately destroyed my last weight loss attempt, glad I know better now
  • rpdaries
    rpdaries Posts: 7 Member
    MaynardLD50, you are a legend, thank for sharing such valuable information. Its hard to keep track of the do and don't sometimes.
  • carole456
    carole456 Posts: 121 Member
    Thanks for the info!
  • Galletakek
    commenting soo I can read later :)
  • Erykah3584
    Erykah3584 Posts: 324 Member
    Thanks for sharing! Ive been on a plateau since August and Im sure its because my cals are set to 1200. I doubled my workouts and only drained myself and felt more tired than ever. I think its time to raise my cals but Im so scared! lol
  • CloneSN
    CloneSN Posts: 42 Member
    wow! I gotta follow your story! I'm in a similar situation as you, and i'm dreading the plateau. What fruits and veggies would you eat?
  • kwikstop
    kwikstop Posts: 28 Member
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
  • NitaCB
    NitaCB Posts: 532 Member
    Just on a side note- for any of you who say 'I always go over on protein' or something to that effect... Don't you know you can custom set your macros to be at the percentages you want? You don't have to stick to the ridiculously low amount of 15% (I think it is) that is the default setting on MFP. Just go to your goals and click to custom change them.
  • FireballStrike
    FireballStrike Posts: 85 Member
    Bumpity bump bump.
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    great post! I took down the name of the book. It turns out my body has probably been in starvation mode for quite some time now (i normally don't eat frequently or regularly and I didn't eat as many calories as I should) I lost some weight when I joined mfp but then seemed to plateau, I knew it was about the calories but I couldn't figure out how to change it. I know some people don't feel you need to eat 5 times a day or so with small meals in order to lose weight, but I do, just to ensure that i get above 1200. Lately I've been getting better by working towards at least 1400 or so. But I do a lot of walking daily and usually end up with a net of about 500-600. I've begun weight loss again at a slow pace that I'm happy with. I hope from your post and from others that more people will be aware of how important it is to make sure you're eating and getting enough calories.
  • cansmith80
    This is the most informational and valuable post I have ever read on MFP. I am sending a friend request to you. I saw a net of -29 calories on someone's food diary today, and I saw posts congratulating that diary. Thanks so much for sharing.
  • skb32881
    skb32881 Posts: 105 Member
  • godiva99
    What a great thread! Thanks for sharing your experience with us and helping us figure things is of course 1 am here and I'm out of it so will have to read again tomorrow.

    I had been wondering about this because I've been having a hard time these past few days and I think this is why... I have been overweight since having my daughters and I jsut started the JM 30DS 2 weeks ago while counting calories at the same time. MFP put me a 1600 daily cals to loose 1lb per week. I'm getting an extra 277 cals from the workouts but I rarely eat into them. I make sure I don't because then what's the point? But I've been tired, irritable, loosing my desire to work out and not seeing a difference in my body. I've been at it for 15 days so far and I want to cry because I just feel HEAVY, instead of feelng lighter and healthier. My legs feel like cynder blocks! I lost 3 lbs the first week, but only 1 the second week.

    But I am not eating my full 1600 cals either. I have been feeling hungry a bit, but not acting on it, just drinking water. Now, the calorie calculator recommended here puts me at 2128 cals for fat loss and 1596 for extreme weight loss. So I should be eating my full 1600 that MFP has me on, or should I go for 2100?

    Could you, would you, please, guide me here? I'm no good at this...I always had a fantastic metabolism and build, so I never learned to be healthy. I'm 35 and weigh 180lbs and my bad cholesterol is high :-(
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    ThanKs so much for sharing! Maybe that's my problem now!!
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    Eat more - doesn't have to be the whole 3000cal tho!
  • loftus2005
    Ok, Can someone please explain "net calories"?