My Plateau Nutrition Story, Learn from my mistakes.



  • suepeta
    suepeta Posts: 42
  • fit4everyoung
    bump to read later!
  • Cortez123
    Cortez123 Posts: 78 Member
    Thank you for posting this...and bump :smile:
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Not to take anything from your story - but get real people...

    I stopped reading responses at the first page....

    Thanks - no wonder I have stayed the same for the last 5 days; and wow - thats why I plateau'd this week....

    You are likely to stay the same for 5 days and a plaueau is not a week.....

    But whatever,.....
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Absolutely GREAT post! I think MFP should take some of your info and add it to a FAQ section so it can be retained permanently for others to refer to when they get stuck on a plateau!! Very good advice and information. Thanks a TON for posting this.

    What?! Thats crazy! This isnt a scientific story - its based on one persons experience (granted a lot of you feel the same, but shesh)....

    I'd like MFP to provide help and assistance based on medical studies thanks.
  • lovelee79
    lovelee79 Posts: 362
    Thanks for posting I think your experience will help a lot of people!
  • NitaCB
    NitaCB Posts: 532 Member
    Absolutely GREAT post! I think MFP should take some of your info and add it to a FAQ section so it can be retained permanently for others to refer to when they get stuck on a plateau!! Very good advice and information. Thanks a TON for posting this.

    What?! Thats crazy! This isnt a scientific story - its based on one persons experience (granted a lot of you feel the same, but shesh)....

    I'd like MFP to provide help and assistance based on medical studies thanks.

    You're totally entitled to your own opinion. Just please don't rubbish people for their responses to what is a very valid and I think relevant issue to share.
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    I think this is good, sound advice. My job is in human health and nutrition and what the OP is saying is generally taken as a consensus by people working in the field - of which research IS a huge part.

    Granted, there are many other factors which may make individuals more or less able to lose weight, and some do much faster than others but essentially the body needs fuel to burn fat. The more fuel, the greater the fat burn.

    Thanks for the post - hopefully many people will take heed and start eating, and enjoy eating more wonderful food! :-)
  • empage81
    empage81 Posts: 15 Member
    bump for later
  • AH2013
    AH2013 Posts: 385 Member
    Fab post! Trying to get myself out of a plateau right now by upping my exercise and calories! Thanks for this :)
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Lyadeia- I have that book, but I know that it's really aimed more at the strength training side of things. Do you think I could still benefit from it even though I'm heavily a cardio girl? I need to have a look through it again.

    I just gave you a long answer on your post on my page, but so everyone can see my answer I will give the short version here, lol.

    I honestly believe that ANYONE can and will benefit from his book. I personally used to be a cardio junkie doing 6 days of cardio per week and not doing strength training other than certain body weight movements that were in the cardio sessions (like the push ups and planks in Insanity).

    The weight training does not have to dominate your workout routine, but I firmly believe that it should never be left out. I personally started with just 2 days per week of total body training and still did cardio 4-5 days a week. When I saw how awesome my firm muscles were starting to look and feel, I upped the strength training and reduced the cardio...I now personally do a 4 day split routine and 30 minutes of cardio after each 30 minute weight training session. I am really seeing the effects of this! I went from a size 10 at Thanksgiving to a size 6 just last week during Tom Venuto's Holiday Challenge. I posted my progress pictures about this in the Success Stories section about a week ago. I only lost a total of 6 pounds, but the pictures tell a whole 'nother story!

    I totally believe that to achieve the body we want, it takes a sensible diet AND cardio AND weight training all in good balance. Of course this balance is different for everyone depending on their personal goals, but none of the components should be left out.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Absolutely GREAT post! I think MFP should take some of your info and add it to a FAQ section so it can be retained permanently for others to refer to when they get stuck on a plateau!! Very good advice and information. Thanks a TON for posting this.

    What?! Thats crazy! This isnt a scientific story - its based on one persons experience (granted a lot of you feel the same, but shesh)....

    I'd like MFP to provide help and assistance based on medical studies thanks.

    Read the book. Then read the references section. It is totally 100% based on scientific peer reviewed studies, and Tom gives examples of personal success stories using those principles.

    This thread was started by someone with his own personal success, yes... But the book he references is based not on one man's personal experience, but years of many person's experiences coupled with documented scientific fact.
  • monkeymouse74
    Bump for later.:blushing:
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    Now if you truly are burning 3000 calories and you end at a net -600 you're body and it's organs are eating themselves for energy.

    probably not though. please don't propagate myths.
  • MaynardLD50
    MaynardLD50 Posts: 36 Member
    Now if you truly are burning 3000 calories and you end at a net -600 you're body and it's organs are eating themselves for energy.

    probably not though. please don't propagate myths.
    More like "Of course not, you must be saying this tongue in cheek because everything I read on the internet can't be true can it?"

    No, it was tongue and cheek.
  • MaynardLD50
    MaynardLD50 Posts: 36 Member
    Absolutely GREAT post! I think MFP should take some of your info and add it to a FAQ section so it can be retained permanently for others to refer to when they get stuck on a plateau!! Very good advice and information. Thanks a TON for posting this.

    What?! Thats crazy! This isnt a scientific story - its based on one persons experience (granted a lot of you feel the same, but shesh)....

    I'd like MFP to provide help and assistance based on medical studies thanks.
    The bulk of my reading and studies are primarily dug up from medical studies and based on research findings, so please before you begin thread dumping and calling these people crazy why don't you go study? I don't mean to sound nasty, but lashing out at people for taking something away from a struggle I went through is unnecessary and while we're getting personal after viewing your food diary maybe you should heed some of my advice.
  • versuga
    versuga Posts: 130 Member
  • djcon
    djcon Posts: 216 Member
  • danascot
    danascot Posts: 100 Member
  • MaynardLD50
    MaynardLD50 Posts: 36 Member
    hmmm.calculator tells me for extreme weight loss, at my current size to eat about 2000 calories based on exercise level. i'm going to have to think about this. i'm well under that.
    I would highly recommend you don't go for the "Extreme Fat Loss!" approach to your change. The old saying of slow and steady wins the race holds VERY true when it comes to losing weight. Remember you're not dieting, your changing your lifestyle.
    Thank you for listening to my story. I'm interested in the book you related to in your message...does the author refer to women in this book or is it mainly for men?
    Mellolife, Tom Venuto's book caters to humans :) The book is not really gender specific, but some may take it as he is talking to a man because men are predominately thought of when you use the term "BodyBuilding." I would challenge that though in the fact that in our journey to lose weight are we not all "BodyBuilding"? His book gives you fantastic guidelines and knowledge to encourage the correct decisions when choosing your foods.
    Still telling me to eat 1,214 for "extreme" fat loss
    Cindy, slow and steady! I cannot stress the importance of taking this slow. Do not sacrifice lean body mass for the scale to ready 10Lbs lighter. :) you'll get there. Think about it this way, I'm 29, I spent 29 years of my life basically abusing my body by not taking care of it. Now that I care I want to fix it in a matter of months? Take your time and it will pay off in the end.
    I have increased my calories, and I seemed to be on a plateau as a result of it. I think everyone's body works differently.
    This is very important to remember for everyone as you go. When you measure your results you need to adjust accordingly. Just today I weighed in and was a little shy of my 1Lb lost for the week. I went to looking at what I ate, what I can adjust. Good post.
    Yikes !!! Math ...
    It's worth it! If you need help let me know via message and I'll gladly help you :)
    Thanks for posting. I will definitely be reading this over again. I downloaded "BFFM" a long time ago and found it to be full of useful information, but I wasn't ready for it yet. It seemed to be written for body builders, and I was so not a body builder then. I'm not now either, but at least I'm transforming it!

    I have been stuck in a huge plateau for about 10 months now and cannot seem to find the answer. I've upped calories, decreased calories, changed workouts, etc. I will work on the info in your post and see if this gives my any hope. I have had some success - I've lost pants sizes and inches, but I am really starting to lose patience as far as weight is concerned. Thanks again!
    Lkm, that's astounding! 10 month plateau! I would be going nuts, so kudos to you for hanging in there. I would say that if your in a 10 month plateau something isn't clicking in your diet and workouts. BFFM is a great manual for the knowledge, but I find his theories on Cardio to be outdated and silly. He advocates a massive amount of cardio when in reality you get the best benefits from weight training mixed with cardio. What I've found works best for ME is when I do my weight lifting metabolic, generally heavy and 30 second rests between sets. After I complete my lifting I'll finish with about 30 minutes of cardio.
    Question -- how are you tracking your body fat % / lean body mass? I have a scale that purports to provide body fat % but I question the accuracy.
    I recommend this scale. While it is underestimating it a little now (just had it professionally measured) it's pretty accurate.
    this needs to be bumped, ok I got bump happy, but seriously this needs to stay on message board!
    Thank you! I'm honored that so many feel this help!
    I agree! I lost another pound this week on my second week of higher calories.. YAY!!! I couldnt wait three weeks I HAD to get on the scale to see what was happening. Plus netting a couple hundred more everyday- FABULOUS!! :o)
    See! Great freaking job!
    But my question is... I've worked out where I should be with the Katch-McCardle calculator, do you think that I should just aim for that number (which for me is 1850) regardless of the exercise I've done for the day? Or should I go for say a reasonably small deficit of about 0.7 lbs a week and eat back all of my exercises? If I do it the second day I am ridiculously hungry on my one rest day a week, especially as it's the day after a long run, which is usually a 'hungry day'.
    I'm not sure about this eat back your exercise calories way of things yet. It's on my list of things to read this month, but I'm knee deep in medical studies on cyclical calories. Coming from what I know thus far I would suggest sticking with the Katch McCardle calculations, but actually hit that 1850 and not a calorie short.
    Not to take anything from your story - but get real people...

    I stopped reading responses at the first page....

    Thanks - no wonder I have stayed the same for the last 5 days; and wow - thats why I plateau'd this week....

    You are likely to stay the same for 5 days and a plaueau is not a week.....

    But whatever,.....
    Haters gonna hate.

    Thanks all for the majority nice comments. I'm probably going to start a MyFitnessPal blog here to share some of my findings from research studies and scouring the field for new credible knowledge. To those that have written me personally I promise I'm trying to get back to you as fast as possible :) I have a 15 month old little boy who is amazing and a fantastic wife that are occupying my free time a lot, so I'll get to you I promise.