Hangovers & Eating

Ok... So I know most alcohol has high calories anyway so most of us probably don't drink it often... And I am FAR FROM a raging alcholic, LOL, but if I do go out (maybe once a month?) and have a few drinks, the next day all I want to do is eat - and eat the most terrible foods!! (Burgers, fried foods, OTT breakfasts, etc!)

I only had a couple of drinks for Australia Day yesterday but all I want to do today is eat Hot Chips (Fries)... Ohhh I would kill for some right now....

Anyone else face this problem after the occasional night out?... and have any tricks to curb my cravings!?! I am thinking a baked potatoe or something for dinner, coz its heavy and should fill me up...

Thanks in advance :flowerforyou:


  • skyeashlee
    skyeashlee Posts: 108 Member
    oooh me too ! i become the bottomless pit, and craaave coke (no diet or zero!!)...quater pounders, vegemite toast (white bread of course!)..hot chips with gravy & tom sauce.. ohlalalaaaa !!!! but i havent been faced with this challenge as yet as havent been drunk since being healthy hehe.. (evil alcohol)..

    why not make some home made chips with sweet potato and pumpkin ?? bake them too !! MUCH healthier, and u seem to like bubble n squeek have some of that too!!! and google healthy hangover delights that might just bring up some tricks for the tastebuds ...

    I will let u know my personal experience when that time comes.. hehe..happy hangover !!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I would just eat the chips (get a small serve!), log them, drink plenty of water and move on. I find that if I am focussed on one particular food I'm better to eat a bit of it (sometimes I will eat half and throw the rest away if it's not really that good) and then I can focus on healthier stuff for the rest of the day.
  • sveschak
    I take a "treat day or two" this includes a night out with adult beverages and greasy food to cure the hangover. Then start fresh on day three....if you're only doing this once a month you should be fine! :) I haven't had a drink since New Year's, but once I conquere a couple weight loss goals I'll be able to indulge in "treat days" again. :)
  • rpdaries
    rpdaries Posts: 7 Member
    it's so good to hear everyone has their 'treat days'. I tried to be so good on Australia day and then the next day I ate junk because I felt I deserved it after after being good the day before...how crazy is that. The homemade oven chips is a top idea. Anyway it's all back to normal today, its hard to understand sometimes we we just give in.
  • catic
    catic Posts: 156
    The best cure to a hangover is greasy food. I normally hit up a chip truck and get a poutine...mmmm or MacDonalds works in a pinch.... When your hung over, calories don't count.