

  • I have baby kale blend (spinach, kale, chard), celery, blueberries, unsweetened applesauce, unflavoured whey protein powder and water. The applesauce and blueberries drown out the veggies but I used to have vanilla protein powder in which I didn't need the applesauce. I will say that I have solid food with it. Some walnuts…
    in smoothie Comment by amye004 January 2014
  • I do the same but add a squeeze of lemon. Makes Kale super tasty!
  • Definitetly ease them into it. Get their opinions on what they would like for dinner (I always liked when my mom asked). I would start by switching out fast food to made at home. Burgers: Make your own patties! This will control the portion and allow you to play with flavour. -Make in advance, cook, freeze and they are…
  • Tried working out in the morning and as soon as I was finished I was ready for bed. So it is just a 20 min walking the dog before I go to work, nothing too intense as I will struggle the rest of the day. During the week, I work out during my lunch or in the evenings or both. Weekends tend to be more early to late morning…
  • Sometimes I replace it for oatmeal and eat it for breakfast. Instead of water use unsweetened apple sauce (although you definitely have to pay close attention that you don't burn the bottom of the pot because that was a pain to clean) through in some cinnamon and nuts (I enjoy pecans) and enjoy! I substitute all water for…
    in Quinoa Comment by amye004 May 2013
  • I average 50g a day with at least 1.5L water Looking over my food journal and pretty much all the foods I seem to eat have some sort of fibre in it,at least a gram or two. I mainly use oats, veggies, fruit, avocado (1/2 of one a day, lots of fibre!), quinoa, chia seeds, whole wheat products. It all adds up pretty quickly!
  • Being aware that you emotionally eat is a huge step in the right direction! It means that you can increase that awareness and find substitutions. Go for a walk/zumba/run/yoga whatever kind of exercise you like! I used to be (and sometimes still am) an emotional eater but have found that now I would rather go for a walk or…
  • Log the way you want to! For me, the first meal is breakfast, whether it be 10am or 3pm. Whether I log in the next food as lunch or not really depends on my day. I would say a good rule to go by is so long as nutrition and calorie goals are being met, do what feels right to you. Good Luck! :)
  • During the week: 2 hard boiled eggs 1/2 cup oatmeal with 1/4 cup friut (this week it's strawberries) 1Tbs Chia seed 1 Tbs cinnamon Weekend: Banana "Pancakes" 1 Banana + 2 eggs mixed together 1 Tbsp Almond Butter (for all pancakes that are made) 1 cup skim milk
  • Some responds I would use: No, I'm seriously not getting it, my plan is to order it, have them cook it, bring it to me, and then change my mind. I am eating it because it tastes good...mmmmm veggies If I am going to pay for the food, I'm going to get it the way I like it. If you want to be blunt/ are completely fed up: I…
  • There are lots of benefits to fruit including vitamins, fibre, antioxidents, and tastiness.Yes it has sugar but that is not the only thing going for it so please don't concentrate on that. I swapped out the sugar on my tracker because I would always go over and it was driving me crazy because it was through things like…
  • A couple things. First of all as someone who has exercised over a long period of time, your body will not be in shock/ all of a sudden break down because of aging. That being said, the body is going to change and you should make sure you are doing preventative things so you don't get a serious injury. Stretching, proper…
  • You have to retrain yourself to think differently at those results because you are slipping into old habits by using the new ones to justify them. Treat yourself to something not food related, or if you are going to have a food treat make sure to log everything and portion those treats/fit them into your day so you can…
  • My breakfast during the week is 2 hard boiled eggs, 1/2 cup oatmeal (I just buy plain oats and cook it that way, no packets/flavours) with 1/4 cup raspberries, 1 Tbsp chia seeds, and 1 Tbsp cinnamon. Keeps me full for quite a long time.
  • I tried it and it's soooooooo good! Thanks for the recipe! :)
  • The instructors that I have had always say to just have fun with it and try to follow the movements as best you can. People of all levels do the class without a problem so don't worry, jump in! Some songs they will repeat the next week to make sure you can pick up the moves (they seem to change after a couple of weeks). If…
  • I have actually never heard of Morning Star foods. I would choose a portabello mushroom instead. Brush it with balsamic vinegar, and grill it. Goes great with homemade pesto and roasted red pepper as toppings. Fresh, cheaper than a box of burgers (veggie or not), I can pronounce all the ingredients, and it's tasty.
  • Track your food on the weekend! It can also play a factor into why your weight fluctuates and give you some insight as to your weekend habits. If you want to drink, then drink. Do not deprive yourself if you want it but make it apart of your daily intake. I would also recommend you have water that night (even just before…
  • Deleted.
  • I am diagnosised deficient through bloodwork and I have to take 1200mg a day in order to avoid the shots. I would not put stock on losing weight faster when you begin supplementing because everyone's body is different and not only B12 will affect your matabolism. It hasn't made a noticeable difference in terms of…
  • A couple things. 1. Retrain your brain. I am the type of person who prefers not to have the chocolate bar around as I will eat the whole thing. I live with a roommate who doesn't have that problem and so I have had to retrain myself to think differently. It went from "i'll have a tiny piece" to 'you will eat the whole…
  • I count herbal teas (caffeine free, no sugar, no cream/milk) as part of my water intake. I don't see how it is any different then water with lemon or water with crystal light.
  • In my experience, when I push my body too hard, it usually pushes back, in the form of a visit to the hospital and a month off. Please listen to your body. If it hurts to walk, there is no harm in resting for a day. Pushing through it, can increase your risk for permanent damage and long term time off. I also highly…
  • If you want to eat more protein without it showing a negative, change your goals! Click on My Home Click on Goals Click on Change Goals Button on the bottom of the page Click custom. (I know the first two are right, a little fuzzy about the others but its easy enough tofollow from there). I increased my protein as it helps…
  • What do you mean someone to call you out when you're not losing weight? Not eating within your range? Not exercising? Make different food choices? You've admitted that you need the support which is important thing to know about yourself, now I think you need to be specific in what you are looking for and then search for…
  • Been on almost a month after almost a year of not. Found it does work for me. Attitude change towards tracking (was not a big fan) helped as well!
  • Nutrition point of view being the other nurtrients and fibre that I get from the food choices I make
  • I eat a mainly meat free diet so I can't afford to drop carbs from a nutrition point of view. What I focus on is healthy food, whole foods (minimal processed foods), and portion control. My grains tend to be things like oats, quinoa, brown rice, and multigrained wraps. Fruit is an everyday thing. I really couldn't tell you…
  • Turn this into a positive by analyzing the situation for next time. Was there something different about your day to cause you to have a funny feeling? What type of carbs did you eat? Was there something you could have substituted instead? How can you maintain your portion next time? One of my favourite quote is "save your…
  • To me, I stay in my calorie range but my main focus is nutrition, and cutting down on processed foods. The focus is portion awareness, that way all foods can be inclued because that is realistic to my life. I refuse to be hungry if I am I will eat despite the calorie count. I drink a ton of water and herbal teas (no milk…