Logging Breakfast??

I'm wondering about logging breakfast. Should I log breakfast as the first meal I eat regardless of time of day or should I only log breakfast as something eaten in the morning? For instance, on the weekends I often won't eat my first meal until 1pm - do I log as breakfast or lunch? I typically only eat two "meals" on the weekend. My husband has the same problem, he works graveyard so his breakfast and my dinner are the same meal.

I'm curious because when I look at my calories per meal allotment on fitbit, it says that I eat too much dinner and not enough breakfast. But if on the weekends I logged my two meals as breakfast and lunch instead of lunch and dinner, I think it would even out.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    It doesn't matter...your total calories for the day is what matters. At the end of the day, if you have consumed less calories than you burn, your body must go into fat stores to compensate. Meal timing is irrelevant and completely personal choice as per what you can do with your schedule, etc.
  • marcvandenberg
    marcvandenberg Posts: 190 Member
    For MFP i doesn't matter.
    You can split up your lunch in a breakfast and luch part.

    We call it Brunch :)
  • amye004
    amye004 Posts: 32
    Log the way you want to!

    For me, the first meal is breakfast, whether it be 10am or 3pm. Whether I log in the next food as lunch or not really depends on my day.

    I would say a good rule to go by is so long as nutrition and calorie goals are being met, do what feels right to you.

    Good Luck! :)
  • rebelate
    rebelate Posts: 218 Member
    It doesn't matter where it's logged, as long as it's logged. If you're concerned about the "title" change it in your diary as meal 1, meal 2, meal 3, etc.

    I log breakfast as the first meal I eat in the day - it doesn't matter the time. My schedule is so off that sometimes breakfast is at 11pm, and other times it's 8am. It really depends on what shift I am working. You can always add notes into your diary under the food section and say "what is my breakfast is really more like lunch."