

  • Hi there, i have had a mummy tummy for years and thought i was stuck with it, but i've been using hip hop abs dvd by Sean T, its fab and fun and i have lost 6 inches off my mummy tummy! totally recommend it! X
  • Hi everyone welldone for getting started i've been using this site on and off for a while, and find it a great source of support, goodluck on your journey and feel free to add me!
  • Hi Alexia, welcome to my fitness pal, i find this site really helpful, logging what you eat definetly makes a difference, i was surprised how much i was over eating until i started my food diary. goodluck! :happy:
  • Welcome to my fp, it really does work! Good luck on your journey!
  • Yumm it all sounds lovely! but i'm thinking the turkey platter sounds the healthiest, but they all sound reasonably healthy! just don't add chips! ENJOY :happy:
  • Ha Ha I love your theory, there is a scientific reason why my fiance can't manage to multi task because he's not as bright as me and why when he cut his finger he reacted like his arm was falling off! very funny!
  • Hi there i love Zumba!! I log it as dancing in my exercise diary, goodluck and have fun! :happy:
  • Hi there, i agree with heyjude78, i find tracking my food every day very useful, once you have worked out your calorie intake for the day. You can plan your meals with that in mind. My average day is = A bowl of fruit and fibre with skimmed milk, lunch can be a tuna & light mayo sandwhich, or baked poato with light cheese…
  • Homemade carrot and sweet potato soup and bread 220 cals and a banana. I always have soups on the go a good way to get some veggies! :)
  • I agree we all have weeks like this, when you feel you do everything right but no weight loss on the scales! I have been so good this week but haven't lost anything but i'm not going to give up, i really want to do this and feel that i have lost in the past weeks so i know i can do it, and so can you!!! remember you need…
  • Hi Jemimah, i'm Kerry i live in Scotland and i've been using this website for a week now and seem to be doing ok, lost 3lb so far. Its a start! tracking food seems to really help, but i think once this first week is over things may start to get tougher!!