Having a real bad time.

SuperBowlVikings Posts: 42 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Did this for a month immaculate diet, exercise no fizzy drinks the lot and put on a pound. The last 10 days I've been eating a lot healthier than I used to but not exercising however today I just woke up in a terrible mood what has lasted all day and stupidly I've comfort eaten. Need pretty much any motivation I can get, please add me and drop me a message or whatever. Cheers.


  • bethelmer
    bethelmer Posts: 9
    Forgive yourself and keep going. That happens to everyone from time to time. I haven't lost any weight either, but I feel better and have more stamina. I know that what I am doing is really good for me...but sometimes I just need a day off. I take the day and move on. You can do it....tomorrow is a new day. Good luck to you!
  • Put your fork/spoon down after every bite, take a drink of water and talk, if no one is there....type or write in a journal. You CAN win this battle .......no one starts out overweight ....*hugs*
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Everyone bad days/weeks/months. When you fall off a horse you just have to get back on.

    You'll be all right, kiddo. You know what you have to do - you just have to do it.
  • lifechanges06
    lifechanges06 Posts: 26 Member
    hang in there. dont give up. and if u eat bad just start over the next day. dont beat yourself up. hell last week i planned on eating an entire bag of popcorn...and i did it and while i was doing it i was thinking i shouldnt be but i was aggrevated with work and just feeling crappy but i just started over the next day.
  • Kezzarama
    Kezzarama Posts: 11
    I agree we all have weeks like this, when you feel you do everything right but no weight loss on the scales! I have been so good this week but haven't lost anything but i'm not going to give up, i really want to do this and feel that i have lost in the past weeks so i know i can do it, and so can you!!! remember you need to make sure that you are also eating enough because your body can start to store fat if you don't. I know its hard but it will be worth it. Goodluck and don't give up!
  • elmowoof
    elmowoof Posts: 10 Member
    I know how you feel....Isn't if amazing how easy it is to put on the weight (hell, I'm an expert at that). I think that we all get discouraged from time to time!!
  • SayRah
    SayRah Posts: 104
    If you fall off the bandwagon, get right back on!
  • heeney12
    heeney12 Posts: 22
    There is nothing more discouraging than getting on the scale and seeing the numbers stay the same or go up when you feel like you are making the necessary changes. But like everyone has posted, this takes time. Today was not a good day for me. I ended up eating three ice cream sandwiches!!! Afterwards I felt disgusted with myself and found some kind of motivation to get on the treadmill and clean my house so that I could at least attempt to fix the mess I caused. I didn't completely fix it because I wasn't able to burn off as many calories I took in unless I as wiling to be on the treadmill for two hours. So tomorrow I will know that if I don't want to hate myself and have those disgusted feelings then I can't make myself feel better with eating whatever and how ever much I want. I don't know if this helps but at least you know you are not alone in this struggle.
  • Sarabeara1977
    Sarabeara1977 Posts: 1 Member
    It happens to all of us, believe me! I had that kind of a day four days in a row! But I have come so far that I just say that I deserve a break from it all and I let myself enjoy the greatful gift of food. Before I read your post I was going thru my kitchen looking for something that I could eat that was within the calories I had left for the day and saying outloud how nice it must be to eat what you want and not have to worry about gaining weight.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I was in the exact same position yesterday and got some real good advice, motivation and support from the wonderful members of this site. Read my post it's called 'What am I doing wrong?????' check out all the fantastic responses then you'll know exactly what to do.

    I'll send you a friend request too so we can motivate each other:smile:
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