How did I get here??

Donneva Posts: 11 Member
:flowerforyou: Im 30, and the mother of 3 lil angels. I never thought I would be this big. I dont remember how I got here, but you can bet that Im watching the path now. I dont want to be skinny, just healthy. send me luck!!


  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Good luck to you! This site is awesome- you'll love it, and you can do it!
  • adriannenan
    adriannenan Posts: 23 Member
    Tons of luck, girl!!!
  • Donneva
    Donneva Posts: 11 Member
    :smile: Thanks a bunch...feeling positive already.
  • Kezzarama
    Kezzarama Posts: 11
    Welcome to my fp, it really does work! Good luck on your journey!
  • lemonadem
    lemonadem Posts: 398 Member
    How you got there is only important so you recognize what not to do again.

    The MOST important thing is that you want to be healthy, and that you can do anything you want to.

    Welcome, welcome... and good luck!
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    You are half way there once you get there mentally that's half the battle! Good luck !!!
  • Kerriperkins
    Kerriperkins Posts: 35 Member
    Good Luck.....Just remember take it one day at a time. Slowly but surely we will get to our goals. :)
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    You are already well on your way to being healthier ... wanting it is the first step :) Good luck!!
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    hi welcome and gd luck:flowerforyou:
  • jene77
    jene77 Posts: 70 Member
    Best of luck to you! I know you can do it, we can do anything if we want it bad enough!
  • Donneva
    Donneva Posts: 11 Member
    Im feelin the love!!!:heart:
  • Trista_Jean81
    Good luck Girl!!!!!!!
  • Donneva
    Donneva Posts: 11 Member
    you gals are awesome...
  • bethany41h
    bethany41h Posts: 218
    Good luck! Deciding to make a change is half the battle! I hope you get all the support you need here! It sure has helped me so far. I love that it keeps me accountable and I love the encouragement from the community!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    I don't think you need luck. You seem motivated and if you stay the course you will be successful! Happy journey and welcome to MFP :smile:
  • mphwizzkid
    Good Luck! Good Luck! Good Luck!...this site is great and youll get all the support you need, welcome!