sebbole Member


  • This recipe looks pretty good! Might have to try. I live with a bunch of girls and when we do turkey burgers we make them terriyaki style. We have these terri-powder packets that we throw in and put a little bit of water in to keep it moist. They are really good. If you can't find terri powder, I'm sure straight terriyaki…
  • try drinking a glass of chocolate milk (ovaltine) or having a protein bar right after your workout. If you don't wanna eat your exercise calories thats fine, just make sure you get enough protein for your muscles to grow.
    in HELP!!! Comment by sebbole November 2011
  • Whole foods sells ZEVIA, its a soda made with stevia. It takes a bit to get used to the flavor, but I'll drink it every now and then when I'm craving. Its zero calories so it fits nicely into the program :) You could also try club soda, add a little fruit juice and wean yourself that way. As far as sugar goes, thats my…
  • Try allowing yourself a cheat meal here and there. And if you want to splurge and have a cookie, make sure it fits into your calories for that day. Thats what I do. Also, if I'm going somewhere where there is going to be drinking, I allow myself one or two drinks. And I'm usually always satisfied with that. It just comes…
  • My newest favorite product is the Imagine brand butternut squash soup. They sell it at whole foods and its so yummy and creamy and comforting and for only 90 calories a cup, its perfect!
  • I am a 32DD(D) and my go to sports bra is the coolmax sports bra by lunaire. You can order it online from Amazon and it will run you about $35. If you're lucky enough to live by a Dillard's they also sell them there. I absolutely love love love this bra. I never bounce. Its fully equipped with underwire and everything, so…
  • You may not have an eating disorder, but some of these actions are a bit over the top. Cutting your food into tiny teaspoons is a bit much I think and I think if I saw my significant other doing that it would worry me a little too. Try eating with a larger fork and setting your utensils down after each bite. This way you…