kodom_123 Member


  • It's funny found your post...the ladies on Eat More 2 Weigh Less posted a link to this article written by the wife of the author of "New Rules of Weight Lifiting" It's about how she shifted from weight lifting to training for a triathalon and got "soft" and gaind fat...lost muscle. It is very interesting. Give it a read…
  • This is me... Started aorund 311 currently around 233 This after was taken at about 247 I think keep trying to resize that last pic
  • bumping so i can find it later when I have more time to read :)
  • this is the one I bought..it's a Champion and it works!!! http://www.barenecessities.com/champion-maximum-control-powersleek-wire-free-sports-bra-1691_product.htm?pf_id=Champion1691&search=
  • Yup! Sucks as it may.... Investing in a GOOD sports bra makes a big diff! I spent $45 on one at Barenecessities.com. You need one that is marked "High Impact" or "Maximum Control" I have seen some at Kohl's too..and you can shop during times to get Kohl's cash and good % off sales too. Those thin flimsy sports bras you can…
  • I have *finaly* started to lose some boobage! I was a 42/44 I (DDDDD) when I started this journey and yeah I went down to a DDDD but man I kept saying I would be happy with a DD or a D even! I am sure I don't have to tell you ladies how hard it is to find a *good* high impact sports bra at a decent price! lol Well, I am…
  • Go for it! I completed my first 5k in week 2 :P Of course I had to walk some but I still beat lots of people lol. I had to take a 2 week break from c25k due to knee pain so I am just getting going again...I am on week 6 still. I plan to do the Color run in November. I may not be able to run the entire thing but that's ok!…
  • I forgot to check back on this lol... Thanks for all the replies! Yes it does have a chest strap and Yup...bingo...i started with a 5 LB KB :P Which I gotta tell ya for the arm work was plently for the first few weeks. I could use a heavier one though for the swings. I am up to an 8 for most stuff and a 10 for the swings,…
  • Yes...you can get an infection on the brests...but more than likely it's a yeast infection. I used to get them ALL the time on my brests. I usually got them only while prego. But it burns and hurts!! Although athlete's foot is a fungus and the meds for it are an anti-fungal cream...the only thing I can think of related to…
  • There are tons in the data base if you jsut don't have the time to enter your own recipe...but they are under "Chili" One L not two.
  • I often feel/wonder the same thing. I am 5'4" and weigh 239. I wear size 18 in most clothing items. I have a couple 16s and still have a sz 20 that fits. I wear L/XL in tops. Sometimes I don't get how someone who looks bigger than me weighs 20 Lbs *less* than me?!?! I guess it's just where we carry our weight and how it…
  • rofl! This!! I have some pants that are 20, some 18, and some 16! I have SEVERAL pairs of old Navy jeans that are at different levels of "just-about-to-fit" stage. lol - a pair of 18s that are ready to be worn out of the house (ie..they button/zip and don't look painted on) - a pair of 16s that button/zip and are a *tad…
  • Here is mine from start to now (almost 10 months) :)
  • I got smoochies for the first time tonight lol.
  • About 3 weeks ago while running down our road our neighbor's billy goat got out of his pen. It began charging at me and our little dog. It was trying to butt me. I turned and faced it..waving my arms..and trying to look big..making all kinds of gutteral noises to scare it back home. Nothing was working! It continued to…
  • I use almond milk because it has 35 calories per cup vs 100 in a cup of 1% Here is my post-workout shake recipe :) 1 Frozen Banana 1-2 scoop chocolate protein powder 1 cup unsweetened Almond milk 1 sugar free jello pudding cup *sometimes I add 1-2 TBS of peanut butter if I need extra cals/protein I blend it all in my Ninja…
  • Goat strikes again..... The goat was in the pin when I went by the frist time and I was watching him...when he saw me he headed straight for the place in the fence where I assume he is getting out. He acted like he was on a mission. On my way back through I was lookng for him...sure enough, there he was on the road. He saw…
  • Bump for later :D
  • The scale I bought recently supposedly calculates the percentage of your body that is fat, water and bone..not sure how accurate it is but I guess it could give a general idea...
  • I started it mid June. I repeated some days until I felt I was ready move on so I am curently doing W4D3 for the second time. Next week scares me a little :P I was barely pushing through those 5 minute intervals and wasn't sure how on Earth I was gonna manage 8 lol...but after a repeat I am feeling confident ;) I love…
  • Welp...the Billy goat was in his pin this morning. He definately took notice. He was laying down and when I passed by he stoood up and watched me till I was gone and on the way back through he stood up again and watch me like a hawk...followed me in the pin and then turned back to his rest spot after I got just past his…
  • LOL...yeah it's funny now. I have been pecked by a goose or two in my day too :P mean little boogers! Turkies are mean too lol. I will let ya know how Fri goes. My husband went out about 8:30 and he said the goat was still out n about but never came outta the gate. He said the billy watched him like a hawk though till he…
  • Yeah I guess I can see that...when I would make advances as soon as he stopped I would take steps backwards and he would advance towards me...I can see how me backing away made him the dominate one. I just wanted to get away LOL. I thought about treats too... I really hope they aren't out on Friday :/
  • I have ben using nike + running.... used to be nike+ GPS. It calls out to me my distance at every mile (I think you can set it for shorter distances) and tells what my current pace is and then at the end tells me how far I went and my over all pace. It tells cals burned etc and plays my music....so is this that much…
  • so I have a question about the macros...MFP has my cholesterol goal set at 300 a day...when I eat two eggs it goes over after just that one meal. So I have cut back to one a day trying to stay under my macros...is it not a bad thing to go over on it if it is good fats and how can you keep up with what you ate that was…
  • I am a DDDD and I ordered mine on bare necessities.com http://www.barenecessities.com/Sports-Bras-DD%2B-Bras_catalog_nxs,155,style,31.htm Look for High impact or maximum support...those hold me together a lot better..they are a little expensive but that's one of the only places I can find my size with good support. I found…
  • Which is really funny because the more time they spend walking by your door to check on you, the less time they are spending doing THEIR job lol
  • I get up 3 days a week at 5:30 to go out and do c25k around 5:45 or 6 because it so hot later in the day and I hate running in front of folks at the gym. I do kettlebell workouts the other days so I can do them inside and not be concerned with the heat so I sleep till 7 or 7:30 those days :P So that motivates me..."If I…
  • LOOOOVE mine! I haven't gone a day without it since March. And ditto what the PP said...the Customer Service is fantastic. Even though it is a little expensive if something does happen to it even if it's your fault (ie: you swim with it, wash it, even lose it) they replace it for FREE!! Totally worth it my opinion. ;)
  • Thank you so much! this was very informative.