

  • Wrreck
    Wrreck Posts: 99 Member
    Quite a few years ago I went for an early morning bike ride and came across a wolf sitting right in the ditch eating a dead chicken. I've never seen one so up close and personal before so I stopped my bike. It seemed as though it was as curious about me as I was it for a while we just watched one another. Then it finally got up and took the chicken into the woods. It was a thrill I'll never forget.
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    About 8 years ago I went on a long evening horseback ride. A bat flew into my hair and got his feet tangled up in my up-do. Noises came out of my mouth that were not human. I totally spooked my horse, I finally got free, and cried hyterically all the way home. I even left my horse in the dark. My hubby retrieved my horse and I couldn't go out at dusk for a good month. Still never ride at that time of day without a hat. Nothing gives my children more laughter than this story. There have been several incidents of wet pants. I have yet to find the humor!!!!!

    Crying I am laughing so hard!! I am so sorry this happened to YOU, but so glad it happened so you could share this story!
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    Quite a few years ago I went for an early morning bike ride and came across a wolf sitting right in the ditch eating a dead chicken. I've never seen one so up close and personal before so I stopped my bike. It seemed as though it was as curious about me as I was it for a while we just watched one another. Then it finally got up and took the chicken into the woods. It was a thrill I'll never forget.

    That had to be amazing!
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    I was out for a run while living in Istanbul, and took a wrong turn going back home. I got completely lost, so I stopped a stranger and asked in beginner's Turkish the direction of my compound, Kemercountry. This nasty creeper looked me up and down while taking a drag off his cigarette, and said in English, "You, me, ah, sex? Then Kemercountry!" I gave him the universal sign to go **** himself, then ran. I never went running outside the compound again.
  • msacurrie
    msacurrie Posts: 144 Member
    I worked at a summer camp the past three summers and one of my co-counselors took a 6 mile run every morning before the kids woke up - she encountered a momma bear with her cubs one time - and she was mad she didn't have her camera! haha! :D
  • kodom_123
    kodom_123 Posts: 117 Member
    About 3 weeks ago while running down our road our neighbor's billy goat got out of his pen. It began charging at me and our little dog. It was trying to butt me. I turned and faced it..waving my arms..and trying to look big..making all kinds of gutteral noises to scare it back home. Nothing was working! It continued to chase me almost all the way back to my house! I wouldn't turn my back on it because I was afraid it would head butt me in the backside! I called my dad (who is my next door neighbor) and he came on his scooter and hearded the billy goat back home...I was hoarse for 3 days after that!

    That freaking goat has gotten out of his pen almost every morning to come chase us. My husband had to try and scare it back home...it chased him home and all the way onto our porch!! I posted a video of it on youtube... "My goat Nemesis" :P
    Thankfully I guess the owners got tired of having to put him back in the pen every morning and put him somewhere else or maybe they ate him..lol...we haven't seen him in or out of the pen in a week.
  • randysbombshellgirl
    randysbombshellgirl Posts: 338 Member
    Last year I was running my usual route that went down a dirt road with the ocean on oneside and woods on the other. I see in the distance what looked like a medium size dog as I got closer I realized it was a coyote. I'd never seen one and heard they were very shy so I decided to give her a wide berth thinking she would head for the woods when she saw me....ah not so much she starts to wave her head back and forth as if to say "no no no" then she charged me. Never ran do fast in my life! I think she must have had her pups in the area.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    My husband and I surprised a very pregnant deer on a hike and she gave birth right in front of us.
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    About 3 weeks ago while running down our road our neighbor's billy goat got out of his pen. It began charging at me and our little dog. It was trying to butt me. I turned and faced it..waving my arms..and trying to look big..making all kinds of gutteral noises to scare it back home. Nothing was working! It continued to chase me almost all the way back to my house! I wouldn't turn my back on it because I was afraid it would head butt me in the backside! I called my dad (who is my next door neighbor) and he came on his scooter and hearded the billy goat back home...I was hoarse for 3 days after that!

    That freaking goat has gotten out of his pen almost every morning to come chase us. My husband had to try and scare it back home...it chased him home and all the way onto our porch!! I posted a video of it on youtube... "My goat Nemesis" :P
    Thankfully I guess the owners got tired of having to put him back in the pen every morning and put him somewhere else or maybe they ate him..lol...we haven't seen him in or out of the pen in a week.

    Omg that is too funny!! Glad he didn't butt you! But I bet he helped to increase your speed lol!
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    My husband and I surprised a very pregnant deer on a hike and she gave birth right in front of us.

    How did you react to that?! So bizarre!
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    My husband and I surprised a very pregnant deer on a hike and she gave birth right in front of us.

    How did you react to that?! So bizarre!

    We stopped because she ran when she heard us, the doe popped out on one side of the trail and she was on the other. She was waiting and watching us and we didn't want to move because we weren't sure what she was going to do. We were definitely surprised but then the doe got up and she called to it and it wobbled towards her.
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    My husband and I surprised a very pregnant deer on a hike and she gave birth right in front of us.

    How did you react to that?! So bizarre!

    We stopped because she ran when she heard us, the doe popped out on one side of the trail and she was on the other. She was waiting and watching us and we didn't want to move because we weren't sure what she was going to do. We were definitely surprised but then the doe got up and she called to it and it wobbled towards her.

    Omg I have witnessed horses birthing. That had to be amazing to witness!
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    Just got backing from a 3 mile run in the country, where I nearly got run over by a deer!!! Tell me your funny/scary running stories!

    Thank goodness you didn't die like grandma!
  • Keiko385
    Keiko385 Posts: 514 Member
    I have nothing to contribute but giggles :laugh:
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    i grew up out in the sticks .....seeing wild animals outside all the time is the norm, how ever finding them in your kitchen is not.... happend a couple times, a horse was the largest one and a sqwerl the smallest.

    the horse was hiding from a mnt lion, found out just how fast i could load my 30/30 and my pants that day

    the sqwerl was a pet of my little brother

    looking back on it now i think we needed better doors

    edited to add not counting my pet coy-dog
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    These are hilarious!!! My dog and I ran into a heard of long horn cattle on a trail. They were HUGE!!!! At least they were docile and we were able to pass them with out any problems.
  • RancidPolecat2
    I was skipping in the garden and a fox came out of the bushes, sat down and watched me skip!!

    Hahaha wonder what was going thru the fox's mind!!

    Maybe it was thinking that since you were NOT being a lazy dog, it couldn't jump over you, no matter how quick it was.