Morning workouts ...



  • hosegirl
    hosegirl Posts: 157
    I don't think you will every be happy to do your work out in t he AM if you are nto a morning person. I am. Up at 5:00AM at the gym at 6:00AM work out for an hour and off to work. I feel great and the nice thing is my workout is done for theday! My hubby gave me a personal trainer for my birthday. Those days were killer-up at 4:30 at the gym at 5:30. I really did nto like thos days. The half hour sleep made a difference. But so did the trainer! Now I have a nice routine that I do everyday.
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 886 Member
    I am not a morning person, but I force myself to get up and do at least 20 minute exercise video. Since January 5, I have only missed one day of exercise. Sometimes I struggle with it, but I know I just feel better doing it.
  • kodom_123
    kodom_123 Posts: 117 Member
    I get up 3 days a week at 5:30 to go out and do c25k around 5:45 or 6 because it so hot later in the day and I hate running in front of folks at the gym. I do kettlebell workouts the other days so I can do them inside and not be concerned with the heat so I sleep till 7 or 7:30 those days :P
    So that motivates me..."If I get up and do it now it won't be hot, it will be over for the day and I can sleep in tomorrow" lol But it still takes me half my workout before I feel like I'm not dragging anymore lol. I go to bed earlier and I thought about getting up at 5 to give myself more time to wake up before I have to start moving.
    I do better if I get my workout over and done earlier because if I wait till later I get tired and find a million excuses why I just don't feel like it etc. I am not an evening workout person....So I know if I don't just suck it up and go I won't get it done then I feel sucky the rest of the day lol.
    JIGGLYbellyPUFF Posts: 81 Member
    I like them because I like getting it over with. Another thing I LOVE about morning workouts is that I get to record my exercise/calories burned from exercise early on and that extra cushion in my calories is nice to look at.

    The only reason I started waking up early was when I started c25k (I'm on week 6, repeated a week due to sharking) because I didn't like the sun hitting my face/ it feels sooo good to hit the cold air while I jog. I at the end of week 1 I realized that I hated running in the morning.....until I started running in the morning. I generally dragged my feet getting ready....but as soon as I was already actually working out/finished I had the "**** yeah! glad I did this feeling!".....of course only to drag my feet on the morning of the next time, haha. I'm not sure when it transitioned into "Yeah! Let's do this!" from the get go...I think it was around week 4. I use an app to track my progress (runtastic,I *think* it is similar to runkeeper), and upload it to the website as soon as I'm done with my workout. I like coming back home, logging on, and seeing if I beat my time from the previous time. It's a fun game I play against myself. Weight/ inches come/s off slow, but this is something where I can see and confirm instant progress. That keeps me going now. Now I actually look forward to getting out in the morning. It's pretty nuts....NEVER would have guessed I would be this way a couple of months ago. Anywhoo, gluck!
  • moultonh1
    moultonh1 Posts: 13
    How do you motivate yourself to get up in the morning especially if you are a night owl like me? I tend to not be able to fall asleep early and when i try, I lay there thinking for hours.
  • kattee817
    kattee817 Posts: 2
    I've asked the same of others who are athletic and it seems they are just like the rest of us. They just do what you have to do. It's not easy but you feel so much better when you are done. On weekdays, I get up at 4:45 so that I leave the house by 5:00. When I return home it's time to get my daughter ready for school. Then I get myself ready for work. On weekends, I leave the house before 7:00 to go for a 4 mile hike, not because I like getting up that early, but because of the heat & humidty in VA.

    I can usually wake up without an alarm but I set it anyway because it gives my heart that little jump start, plus I am forced to get out of bed to turn the alarm off.

    I've read that some people sleep in their workout clothes. Not my thing, but perhaps laying them out where they are visible can guilt you not into sleeping in.

    I guess the best way to get past it is to not focus on how much you don't like getting up early. Try to look at the positive benefits. When I get my workout over with in the morning, I have much more energy and I am more productive.
  • kattee817
    kattee817 Posts: 2
    I was never a morning person until about two years ago mainly because of my boyfriend. He's an early bird and we hike a trail together every weekend. So now leaving the house before 8:00 is no biggie, even though I would prefer to lay in the bed. I usually hit the sack at 9:00 PM and wake at 5:00/6:00 AM.
  • tifanico
    tifanico Posts: 16 Member
    I wake up at 5am everyday. I am a single mom and need to finish the work out before my daughter wakes up. I have been doing it for a bout 4 weeks and its getting easier and easier.
    I like it because it gives me less time to make up and excuse to work out. I get it over with and go about my day. I have done it in the evenings and I dont feel as good as when I do it in the mornings.
  • vraesgame
    vraesgame Posts: 129 Member
    My best friend and I were getting up at 4:30 in the morning to workout. We were meeting at 5 but that 30 minutes beforehand gave me a little time to get up and get myself energized... After about a month of doing that I couldn't sleep past 4:30 and it became a habit. It takes time to make a new habit, especially a good one :)
  • MegdKel
    MegdKel Posts: 96 Member
    My hubby and I started getting up around 5:10 to workout about 2 weeks ago, I'm still not used to it :) I have my mad morning face on through my workout and way after, but I *am* getting more used to it! We are determined to stick to it; it feels wonderful to not have to worry about our workout for the rest of the day!
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    I get up at 4:30 am to work out in the mornings. Some mornings it is extra hard to get out of bed. But it feels so much better, getting the day going with a nice exercise session. I will soon be having to get up earlier, because I am almost done with my 30DS and the 20 minute workouts. My next workout DVD is 50 minutes, so I will be getting up even earlier :sad:
    Hopefully it won't take too long getting used to it.