schmidty13 Member


  • What I meant by that is this. If I lift a weight that is difficult for me to complete the 8-10th rep, I end up with soreness the next day, but not pain. If I lift a heavier weight that is difficult to complete 5 reps, I end up with pain, not typical post-workout muscle soreness. I hope this clarifies better.
  • Thanks for all the replies/suggestions everyone. I think I will try starting over with Stronglifts and see how it goes.
  • It's not doing the weight that is the issue. I can successfully do 5x5 with more weight than just the bar. It's that when doing that weight it seems to aggravate something in my shoulder (pain, not soreness). If I lift to just under failure at a weight that I can rep 8-10 times I end up with soreness, but not the pain.…
  • Ideally build muscle, I think. I am pretty happy with my weight, but not the appearance. I slimmed down and remained jiggly, if that makes sense.
  • 45-60 min. To those who stated they do cardio before weights, may I ask why? I have been conditioned to believe the opposite is more beneificial, but I am always open to other ideas.
  • Wait, what? Texas?
  • Best Post Ever And to the OP, I know EXACTLY what you mean!!!
  • I frequent this site solely to learn and gather useful information, and have never felt the need to post something until now. Can't help but notice how annoying and pointless every one of your posts lately has been. Must be nice to have that kind of free time. That is all.
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