

  • Here's my half-baked theory, which is based on mostly nothing but my imagination: When you diet maybe your body starts to be more "thrifty" with calories, such as perhaps not fueling your immune system as well, or not fueling your brain as well, or pretty much just "skimping" in how it spends its energy. When you binge a…
  • Hmm, continuing to monitor weight and only logging if I gain could work. Good idea.
  • Yes, it is. But it is also a real drain on my mental energy, which is an issue for a low-energy person who suffers from depression, like me. Just getting my bills paid on time every month is difficult, not because of lack of funds but just the mental stress.
  • Maybe there are some other numbers that you can start keeping track of, which will show change even when weight or measurements don't. Resting pulse rate is one. Maybe the time or distance of your workouts, or how much weight you can lift, or number of reps, or something, could be another. Flexibility can be measured with…
  • My favorites are: eggplants tomatoes artichokes spinach winter squash, if my husband cooks them (they are too much a bother for me to cook) nectarines, if they are *perfect* strawberries mushrooms probably don't count but I love them
  • I crave food even when I'm full; it is a very frequent thing for me! Here's what I have decided to do when I feel this way (I am not sure yet if it works): chew minty gum, brush my teeth with minty toothpaste, or use minty mouthwash. The mint flavor should make me not want to eat other food, as it tastes rather gross with…
  • Yes, important thing to remember!
  • Whole wheat pita with chick peas, tomatoes, onions, and a little vinegar, and a dollop of hummus.
  • The Zone diet is *mainly* about eating 30% protein, 30% fat, and 40% carbs (that is, percentage of calories). I sometimes found it hard to get that much protein. I'm not going to sweat it as much this time, but still try to pay attention to eating protein. I don't really enjoy lean meats that much, though. Or meat in…
  • I used the Zone diet, plus treadmill and hand weights. This time I am not planning to be so strict about sticking to the Zone, but still leaning in that direction. Also I'm going to try to lose weight slower, so as not to stress my body or my mind so much. Also, I'm hoping that sharing with friends on a site like this will…