hsmaldo Member


  • This is exactly what I was thinking!! LOLOLOL!
  • I loved soda and diet soda and would drink some every week. Due to restrictions in my caffeine intake though, I cut them out. When I have one now, the first thing I notice is that the taste is SO horrible and I wonder how I ever drank it before. I've thrown out most of it because it's no longer enjoyable to me. I also…
  • I agree with moving the crib out of your room. I also don't think you should start with her in the bed with you and then move her over later. If she wakes up in her crib instead of where she fell asleep with you, that could be scary and disorienting and could lead to more crying. I would continue with the nighttime routine…
  • I have started making my own as well. I make a pot of coffee using the espresso blends, then store it in the fridge. In the morning before I leave for work, I pour 1 cup of the cold coffee, either 3 TBSP of French vanilla creamer and 1 cup 1 % milk and add ice. OR I pour 1 cup cold coffee, 3/4 oz Torani's sugar free…
  • OMG!! This just sent me over the edge! LOLOLOLOL! And now everyone knows that I'm not working either!!! LOLOLOL
  • Most everyone has offered really good advice here, but I just wanted to add, make sure you put a hold or freeze on any and all joint credit cards. Moving money out of the bank account and changing locks is a great start, but he can leave a trail of destruction with credit cards. Call your credit card companies ASAP! Sorry…
  • Have you seen an MS Specialist or neurologist for your concerns? If not, I would start there...not with an orthopedist and PCP...
  • Very well said.
  • I thought that was why it was posted in the fun and games section....
  • I was thinking this exactly! I would let the Beyoncé thing go....she doesn't need to be a part of this. :wink: I think there are some deeper insecurity issues though that need to be addressed though, either directly or indirectly...depending on what you're comfortable with. Compliments are a wonderful thing and we ALL like…
  • do you have a microwave? I either take whole raw eggs and scramble them in the microwave (need a covered dish for this) or I prepare them ahead of time and warm them up for about 25-45 seconds in the microwave at work. In the microwave: crack eggs into container and stir. Microwave for ~30 seconds. stir. repeat this 1-3…
  • I'm surprised no one has mentioned mangos as a "goldilocks" fruit. I mean, at about $1 each, it has to be timed just right in order to get the most awesomest tasting fruit ever. But for every 1 that is perfect, I end up enduring at least 10 overripe and under ripe fruits. :grumble:
  • Okay...wait...now I'M confused too...so do I have to log in today and then next week I can send the friend request....with a message...but I'm already close to not logging in for a month...so do I wait one more week and then just click add? Good thing you only log in once a week...because if we were friends and I had to…
  • I've logged in to MFP, but I have not logged in my diary...for a few weeks...does that count? Does it have to be exactly a week? Cause I really need some friends who are at the same devotion level as I am. But if it has to be exactly one week, what if I log today and then stop and you can add me next week? :laugh:
  • Thank you for posting this! I tried once, but the directions I had called for keeping it in the oven with the light on, but I don't have a light in my oven and it didn't come out very well. I've been wanting to try again and once I buy a decent thermometer, I'll give this a try!
  • LOL...can't fault you on that!
  • Yeah, seems a little is lacking in the science or else misleading in the title... because I only exhale when I sleep....
  • Yay for someone actually LISTENING to you! You look FANTASTIC!!!
  • you could throw in broccoli, snap or snow peas, mushrooms, bean sprouts, etc. Not too sure about the sauce, I usually just use some oyster sauce, rice wine and sesame oil
  • Good job for not giving in to the "F**k it" urge and eating your healthy meal. If I'm "busy" stressed, I don't tend to eat. If' I'm "emotionally" stressed, I DO eat and have a hard time controlling that...
  • If you loved your Toyota, maybe you could go for a Corolla S. Mine is a 2003 with 155K and I still have not had any major maintenance costs. It's sporty and fun to drive (I have a 5 speed) and gets 34 mpg on average. I'm going to be sad to see it go as well...but I don't see that happening for another 3-4 years... My IL's…
  • LOVE LOVE LOVE our Jetta TDI...our 2002 gets 48 mpg and has 260K on it and still running GREAT.
  • Those are no fun...you should totally go for the Audi RS 5....it'll blow those cars out of the water...(probably blow your budget too though....)
  • Out here, it's pretty much impossible to plan a wedding for under $20K....$50-$100K is the norm. One of the worst weddings I attended was when the best man got up to make his speech and brought up all the drunken stuff he and the groom had done in college and the girls and girlfriends he used to have...it was SO…
  • Well, we're set to get a record number of cicadas this year on the East coast....but no, I don't think I"ll be adding them to my food diary...
  • And BOOOO to your dietician for saying you have to choose one or the other. I BF my last until about 20 months and only added 100-200 cal/day extra and I was able to lose weight....albeit slowly, but it wasn't impossible!
  • Yes...wait...no....wait...yes... um, maybe I'll sit this one out...
  • I guess, but as far as I know, NJ's not exactly known for their ....basketball...??? But maybe that's why they're paying them so much....