hsmaldo Member


  • Maybe start teaching portion sizes rather than calorie counting. Like a portion size of crackers would be 12 crackers or whatever it happens to be...
  • You've gotten some good ideas here about increasing activities and such, but I think one thing you mentioned can be addressed without too much of a problem or conflict and that's the mindless eating where you mentioned her eating and reading. So, maybe to help everyone in the family, don't allow snacking to be done with an…
  • I don't know about the vitamins, but I DO take kefir--especially when I'm on an antibiotic. My hubby has also been on HMF-Replete probiotic for years now (he takes a little each day--not the recommended entire sachet) and it has helped immensely with his acid reflux to the point he's no longer on nexium. Most good…
  • So, portion out 1 serving of high quality chocolate.
  • I replaced all things soda with all things iced tea. Half the calories and I still feel like I'm not depriving myself of everything. Now soda just tastes gross and I instantly feel bloated and blah if I drink anything carbonated! It's a tough habit to break, but for me, it was worth it!
  • Some else mentioned it, but in your post about what you had for lunch, it included quite a bit of fruit (530 cal). While fruit is healthy, it is more calorie dense and has more naturally occuring sugars (carbs) which will not keep you satisfied for very long. I've found that what helps me, is to incorporate veggies with…
  • I'm married to a teacher and know that your workday doesn't end when you leave the school--not by a long shot! I get where you're coming from, understand your frustration and know that like you just put on your post, you "need to vent." your relationship is not in jeopardy because you "aired out your maritial problms on…
  • yeah...me too...must be part of that "new math"...
  • I definitely think you are making the right decision. And you're right that it's okay for her to be upset...but from the sounds of your relationship, I don't think that it'll last too long... I hope it goes well and that she'll take you up on your offer!
  • I get that she is a good kid and you trust her to make good decisions. That's awesome and I don't doubt that she would live up to your expectations of doing the right thing and staying out of trouble. It's the other kids I don't trust. The upperclassmen with questionable morals. The ones I wouldn't put past slipping…
  • bread with peanut butter sandwich w/swiss, ham, chicken or roast beef, lettuce and mustard large romaine salad w/ 1-2 T dressing ice cream
  • My advice? 1. They've committed one crime that they've gotten away with, what's to say they won't commit others? (with your daughter this time?) 2. I would not put my daughter into a position to be bullied 3. It’s not basically a school dance. The school has no control over this function. The parents of these boys do. And…
  • Hi and welcome! I'm on Tecfidera as well and I've been getting away with eating a slice of bread with 1 T peanut butter with my morning pill and ice cream with my evening pill. I also take Kefir water as a probiotic before each pill and when I started I was also doing a baby aspirin before each pill. As far as exercising,…
  • Hi Leslie and welcome! Sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed. You may want to wait to go public with your diagnosis--ESPECIALLY with your employer (if you're employed) because while the ADA laws are in place, HR doesn't always play by the rules. :/ It took me a month to get in to see a neuro after I was in the ER with…
  • This....it's been working for me too...even if I can't work out at lunch, I can go on a quick paced 1 mile walk on my 15 min break...
  • Yeah, I don't even buy the candy anymore. We don't ever get kids trick or treating at our house. But I do have 2 kids who like to go trick-or-treating. Not sure what I'll do with all that candy...I think I'll let them keep a small portion and then be "that" person who contributes the candy to the workplace during weeks…
  • I did "off" days for quite a few years and was always disappointed in the lack of weight loss. When I started staying within my calorie range each day, that's when I really saw the weight come off steadily. I went over my calories last night and was up this morning (lots of seafood=water weight) but still...every day prior…
  • Couldn't agree more with everyone who has suggested going to HR. Under the HIPPA laws, you don't need to provide ANYTHING medical to your supervisor--only HR in certain events. This is ridiculous to be brought into "meetings" regarding your weight. It's harassment, and the comments made to you are bullying. ALL are HR…
  • Silly me, after what I found on google only mentioned bread crumb, cheese and sauce recipes, whatever was I thinking for posting for ideas for a recipe in the RECIPE section of a fitness site that is visited by thousands of people every day. :huh:
  • Thanks so much!! The mongolian grill style sounds fantastic!! I'll give that a try!
  • Hey, just wanted to say thanks for that...cause I hadn't met my quota for meeting sarcastic/unhelpful posters for the day yet. Now I'm one closer to that goal.
  • Thanks for the recipe for traditional braciole.... Anybody have any other ideas for NON-TRADITIONAL uses for the cut of beef??
  • I would say a light blue to pick up those hues in the carpet, but wonder if blue would be too depressing for the workplace. Gray or silver may make it feel more like an institution, so I would 2nd the poster who mentioned yellow/beige...something warmer and more inviting...
  • I would suggest maybe recalculating your calories based on your new weight and new activity level (inactive). You may just be consuming a few too many if your original calculations were for when you were heavier and more active? That's the only suggestion I have...good luck! :)
  • Neither did he! Thank goodness! LOL! I said that it could be that your weight loss is affecting your hormone levels. It's been found that as you lose weight, estrogen can be released when fat is lost since it is stored in the cells http://www.livestrong.com/article/380208-is-estrogen-released-when-belly-fat-is-lost/ The…
  • I want to get to at least 165, then I'll reevaluate!
  • Me too, go to Settings/Email preferences and you can select what activity will send you an email notification...
  • Is this something new or something you've been dealing with for quite some time? If it's a rather new development, I would certainly get it looked at by a dr sooner rather than later...
  • Is it a tightness in your throat/chest? Does it feel like something got stuck in your throat? Does it feel like spasms? I don't think it's normal and think that you may be best off to check with your doctor.