As everyone stated, can't really give any help without an open diary. But if you are truly eating that much a day, quality of food isn't a super huge factor as long as you aren't just eating crappy food. Make sure you hit your calories & macros daily (or as close as possible). I give myself whatever food I'm craving as…
Go get advice from a Doctor and then get into therapy to help get rid of your poor self-image. You're too young (young enough to still be growing) to be damaging your body this severely.
As a 6 year super super senior the best advice I can give you is look for a local farmers market. When I go to a big chain grocer my bill is usually between $70-90 per week for my boyfriend and I, but when I go to the farmers market I get about twice the produce for about $30-$50 a week. Just as examples (Giant/farmers…
in for the LoL, my s/o plays everyyyyy night & it's ridiculously fun to watch him ragequit
Have you asked the Stronglifts group?
I'd suggest looking into a beginner weight lifting program like Stronglifts 5x5, great for building muscle & mass. Eating is key though. My BF is 6'1 and roughly 205lbs with only 15% bodyfat. You've gotta eat about twice as much as you're eating right now to actually put muscle on. If you open your diary, it would be…
What she said! This made me all teary eyed. Congrats to you on becoming a swimmer & on having a great hubby there to support you along the way.
This is my thought too! Be the inspiration for other girls to start lifting & stop being afraid of the big bad men at the squat rack. Go in, kick some *kitten*, and prove to her that girls can lift heavy too!
I eat a lot of the same things for a week. Sundays are usually my cooking day, and I'll either make something in the crockpot & pack it all up so it's easy to grab or make a bunch of chicken & veggies for the week. This way at least every week whatever I make in the crockpot is different and I can mix up the veggies that I…
Some of the best advice I've seen on this is: If you want a bikini body, put on a bikini You look fabulous and just think about how far you've come for confidence!
This! I'll still pop on every couple weekends but not as frequently as I'd like to
check out stronglifts 5x5. I've been doing it for about a month & a half now and it has really helped me. There's a really great women's group on MFP for it so look for that as well for tips. It's a great program and you see results in your strength really quickly
Can I tell you that I love you? I've been having this same issue where I didn't feel like I was getting low enough. I was struggling to push up with my heels, was always up on my toes, and I couldn't figure out how to get a better workout. Last night I went a teeny tiny bit wider in my stance and my *kitten* almost hit the…
I'll be 24 in 2.5 weeks! Feel free to add me. I recently just started SL5x5 and looking for like-minded friends who eat more to lose more. :]
I'm in for more badass friends!
Welcome! It's so much fun & you'll be amazed at how much progress you make in the first month. Having my SO there with me has helped to keep me motivated too so keep each other in line!
Just started about 3 weeks ago so not too far into it, hoping it'll go away because it suckssssss. But I'm gonna see if I can find one of those today on my lunch!
What's your name? Faith Where do you live? Philadelphia What are your food vices/ cheats? wine and cheese fries What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? I haven't been trying at all the last 6 months What's your favorite exercise? Biking! What exercise would you like to try this year? Maybe…
In guys: a little bit of a nerdy side, or a lot of a nerdy side. WoW nerds are so sweet :] And a sense of humor. You can look goofy as heck to most people but I'll be head over heels (hence my current of almost 2 yrs) In me: the confidence that I am gaining and my shoulders
I'm starting late but I'll do my best!
Hopefully getting to see it today!
this. :] Just looks like the one on the left got a tan.
This week my fixation has been: 1/3 c egg whites 3 slices of turkey bacon 1 whole wheat bagel thin and a sprinkle of shredded non-fat cheese I usually also have some sort of fruit every morning regardless of what else I have. Fruit is my morning pick me up.
I made my own variation of these before. SO GOOD! My boyfriend didn't like them but that meant more for me.
I wish I could save this on MFP somehow! I just bought wonton wrappers the other day and was trying to figure out what to do with them.
little ol' Delaware
Measuring is key! My weight hasn't changed but I've lost 4" in only 5 days so far which I find INSANE. It's made me realize that the scale isn't the deciding factor for me anymore.
22 here! (no guys please) Looking for motivation and people to help support on their way to being healthy