milk_bottle Member


  • Hey :) I used to get really bad shin splints and I found out it was the wrong type of shoe and not stretching my calves enough! If your shoes are too supportive or not supportive enough it'll change the angle of your leg and aggravate the shin, also weak calves can put more pressure on the shin. I found once I had shin…
  • Walking long distances at a decent (around 4mph) is the best way that I've found to slim down legs and to tone incorporate squats and some leg-targeted pilates and you should be away! I find if you add leg muscle workouts to cycling or running it can make your legs bigger because the muscle is working more but everyone is…
  • TDEE is 2106, daily goal is 1400, I have about 10lbs. I'm 5'4.5 and 132. I focus more on measurements now and at the moment they're 38-26-38, thighs 21. My bf% ranges from 20-24% depending on different sites so I haven't got an accurate one there but I know I'm more about reducing bf% and inches than necessarily scale…
  • Did this work for you? I am really skeptical about eating more calories because I was at 1300 and losing really slowly and then I stopped so I upped to 1400 and then the same thing happened. I am scared to eat that much to be honest!
  • I'm a huge porridge fan! But I use Scotts porridge oats not quaker as I find quaker's to be a bit too goopy. I've never tried steel cut oats but I hear they're a lot less goopy so maybe try a different style oat or a different brand. Also maybe you're adding too much water? If they're drier they are more like sticky…
  • Bump to read later. I'm not looking to lose more than 10 but I'd love some tips :)
  • Ohh he's burning off the whopper he had after a few too many beers last night
  • Because I don't like my body and would like to be thinner and more toned. I do pilates and run but I have a small deficit so I can lose about 7-10lbs
  • Christ on a bike. You try waking up with no appetite and eating 1400 calories a day! It's not so simple when you're trying to lose weight and one half of you thinks it's good to have no appetite and the other knows it's physically wrong. Also not everyone here is overweight. I'm 132lbs and 5'5, my appetite disappeared for…
  • I had this dilemma for a while. Yes and no. My advice is that if it's exercise calories you don't have to eat them back if you're not hungry but if you're below target cals for the day have something small but calorie dense like nuts. That is just an opinion though, I'm no dietician!
  • Thanks! Its true like I don't want to be eating super high calorie meals because I don't want to gain and naturally if my body's not wanting food then I feel a bit strange saying have it anyway. I'll try adding oils and stuff that seems pretty healthy :)
  • I was eating 1400 (my bmr) for a while but the past 10 days/fortnight my appetites really slacked. So the consensus is force myself yeah? I've just eaten more to get me up to bmr but it feels horrible. Ugh hopefully it'll pass! I'm not lacking in energy or anything though I don't feel tired or worn out or anything. It's…
  • Trying to lose! But I know it's not good to eat below 1200. I don't like eating crap either. So I had two tablespoons of peanut butter and a handful of raisins, but then got peckish around 8.45 so I ate dinner in the end, just managed 1200 today. Phew! But it's not dangerous to eat 700/800 if you're not starving is it? I…
  • Cassey Ho and Blogilates! She's very perky and motivating and I found it really helped my legs. Also this:
  • feel free to add me too!
  • It's from the same plant so you're getting more or less the same health benefits.
  • Ahh thankyou! I didn't know there was a board for it. Dani3ll3, only about 10lb it's more of a getting in shape/comfortable with my body than going from obese-healthy.
  • You're fine to do swimming and yoga on rest days! If you're already pretty fit it shouldn't be a worry and it will probably help strengthen your knee as it gets used to running more, maybe the cycling as well may be a bit much, but use your head, you know your body better than anyone on here. Swimming and Yoga are normally…