eating more to weigh less?

I know this has been beaten to death in other threads but I'm looking for advice!
I'm 5'5, 133 and 24.5% BF and I have been eating 1200 net, walking 40 minutes a day with 20 minutes of pilates 4x a week and I was losing 0.5lb a week for a while but recently it's stopped now for a while (I think I may have even gained 1lb) so I've upped to 1388 (TDEE on sedentary-20% and a few calories above BMR)

How has anyone else fared with this? Is it likely that I'll gain loads in the first month?

I was running 3/4x a week but my gym membership expired so i'm starting again in the new year. Is the extra 1lb gain from that?

Is this a good idea or not?


  • Danni3ll3
    Danni3ll3 Posts: 365 Member
    I am no expert but how much weight are you planning to lose? At 24.5% BF, that is below the average for women from what I have read online.

    By the way, I have done something similar to you. I was eating 1200 calories daily as well as eating back some of my exercise calories, however, I usually ended up below my net of 1200. So I figured out my TDEE including the exercise I do, took away 20% and I am going to try eating to that amount of calories and see what happens. I have been losing weight for the last 3 and half years with a lot of plateaus and one jump in weight due to a cruise this summer, but overall the weight was coming off. It seems to have gotten to a stand still so I got serious with MFP. I would like to be able to drop the last 12 or 13 lbs and get to my goal.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    it really depend son how your body is and reacts to things like that. for me i notice when i eat over 1400 i gain, i was well thought maintaining at 15-1600 and i gained 3 lbs , so i cut myself back down and it's coming off nicely now. everyone said how i woudl gain fast but then stable out and i gained and stayed there...i still have 5 to go till my goal, so i cut myself back down till i can hit that and then i will work it back up to maintain again. i guess 1600 is my cut off forsure...
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    You should go to the group and ask your question here
  • milk_bottle
    milk_bottle Posts: 22 Member
    Ahh thankyou! I didn't know there was a board for it.

    Dani3ll3, only about 10lb it's more of a getting in shape/comfortable with my body than going from obese-healthy.