troy0 Member


  • again, an anecdotal and unscientific tale to share; I've been maintaining for over a year and hover around the same weight all the time due mainly to awareness of what I eat and some activity. During summer I drank consistently for more that a week, y'know, so as not to be antisocial and all that ;). I calculated that each…
  • Donuts. I read somewhere they're mostly air.
  • I wear my daughters MLP backpack around when i'm out with her sometimes and I get giggles from young girls walking down the st, totally inappropriate. How did I not even know this was a thing ?.
    in Bronies Comment by troy0 August 2014
  • Guzzi 1100 sport ..and Pathend2's Mom.
  • loupgaroubayo I've had the problem with MFP and endomondo before too, what fixed it for me was disconnecting it from MFP, then going into Endo settings and "unlinking" MFP from there too, then go back to MFP and try to reconnect. Its like the conduit at one (or both) ends is not clearing properly when you unlink it, but if…
  • KTM superduke just sold, looking to replace with a ducati hypermotard.
  • Whey protein isolate (WPI) is very low in lactose (less than a tenth of a gram per tablespoon) so may not even affect you. Even the whey concentrates are very low in lactose. Apart from the other good suggestions above, you could also try pea protein. There are many protein sources without having to supplement at all if…
  • shared sentiment
  • Do you have a reference or source for the information about the 12 mil per day male chicks gassed to death ?. Its very interesting and somewhat difficult to believe. I can offer my heartfelt assistance to this plight by waiting for those 12 million little fellas to grow up at their natural rate in my backyard, then eat…
  • I think it would be a factor, definitely. You'll get used to it, you can get some heel inserts if it bothers you too much but the lower drop is worth getting used to. I went from a 12mm drop to a 4mm drop in some trail shoes a while back and had the same thing for about a month, it passes once your calf muscles adjust.
  • Yes, your heart rate does increase when its hotter or more humid, It could be 20 to 40bpm more so that would equate to what you've seen here. So many other factors could account for your findings as well though, maybe you were pushing harder, or the grass was thicker, the hill as you mentioned, were you using a catcher and…
  • Sounds awesome. I've been looking for different ways to do Kale, going to try this. I could live on roasted veggies, on a pumpkin bender at the moment.
  • It does seem high but its possible. Looking at this, with your details estimates the work at 317 calories. Does the NIke app know all the same things about you as the HRM ?. (age/weight/height/Vo2max ?) Keep at it, don't…
  • Any bluetooth heart rate receiver and strap will work with Runtastic and Android (and IOS), the ones on the runtastic site look OK, but get the bluetooth one, not the cheaper one that needs the "dongle" plugged into the phone as well, that would be inconvenient. The benefit is the HRM will work with most other apps as…
  • All the sensible suggestions have already been taken so I'm going with three days of only Lettuce leaves, laxatives, lemon juice and raspberry ketones!. Can't go wrong.
  • good not at very am forming I sentences.
  • Be awesome, but not at the expense of others.
  • I started out running 6 or 7 months ago. It was hard for a couple of months but after that it got easier, now its very enjoyable. I'm running about 20Ks a week at the moment and really miss it if I don't get out there for a couple of days. Take it slow to start, run/walk as much as you need to, but keep pushing your limits…
  • Gold Coast here too.
  • I use endomondo and a Polar rs800cx hrm which is calibrated with a vO2 max value (which itself is admittedly estimated using cooper scores and run distance formulas) and it's always within 10% of the reported endomondo calorie burn. The Polar is generally the lower reading but not always. If I felt endomondo were 50% out I…
  • Hello OP, I was jumping one legged with a twist on the balls of my feet while off center swinging a kettle bell and I seem to have done something to my back. My lawyer would like your contact details to have a chat, please email me ASAP.
  • The only difference between being fat and healthy is effort and discipline. The only easy day was yesterday.
  • ^this Although it's a "best guess" as tbsp is a measure of volume and gram is a measure of mass. A tablespoon of lead will not weigh the same as a tablespoon of feathers.
  • If you can lift all day, progressively lift heavier and control your calories you will indeed lose weight, arguably at a higher rate than cardio alone. You might want to look into that.
  • They should make gloves for monkeys.
  • My new favourite thing. Needs more butter.
  • I'd go with Bacon. I'm working on a formula to make my HRM report calories burned directly in rashers of bacon, instead of those other silly numbers. You know, cut out the middle man.
  • I quit 7 years ago and have never had a single smoke since that day. Increased hunger and weight gain, its all a myth. It only happens when you try to replace smoking with something else - which in all honesty is not uncommon for people already suffering from a form of addiction. It all comes down to will power. Just be…
  • OP may be on to something ! :) What exactly are you eating in this single sitting ?. The fact that you're ravenous when this time comes around indicates your body isnt particularly happy with this "system".
  • Sorry but you are wrong. Several bodyfat scales can have profiles for more than one user with height data etc and even automatically detect which user is standing on them. Even entry level Tanita bodyfat scales have this feature. To the OP, maybe you have the wrong iPhone, the fitbit one does indeed sync directly with the…