

  • The thing I have the hardest time saying no to is bread. Any kind of bread. problem. Whole lotta nope. Candy and cookies? No problem. But bread? OMGs that is my weakness. I've been saying no to it, though, and the trick for me is to not take even one nibble, because the flood gates will open if I do.
  • Hi everyone. :) I'm Kimba, and I was first introduced to low carb via Atkins about 6 years ago. My wife and I went on it together, lost a lot, then we fell off the wagon and gained all of it back (and then some). I went back to low carb in November and have since lost 12 lbs. I'm sticking with it for the long haul this…
  • Real Name: Kimba Height: 5'2" (if I hold the tape just right...I lovingly refer to myself as a Hobbit) HW: 285lbs CW: Around 215 (I no longer weight myself as I have number fixation issues) UGW: Around 150 with my muscle mass Age: 51 Location: BC, Canada All my kids have fur ;) Married to a wonderful woman since 2001 Full…
  • My first week's results..gained 1.4 lbs. Typical for me. :( I'm hoping next week will be better, but I"m at a really low point right now.
  • 217 today, first weight in for this challenge. Here we go! :)
  • I would really love to be Zira from planeto f the Apes (the original version), but in order to do that I need to find a good prosthetic and/or make up kit. I shall be on the hunt for sure. Outside of that, possibly a Jedi or Klingon. I have full Jedi and Klingon regalia anyway, so those would be almost too easy to put…
  • Hi! I'm Xena, and I have 67 lbs to go (started out having to lose 70, so every bit feels like a giant victory!). I'm 5'2 (if I stretch a bit) and lovingly call myself a Hobbit (I do love my meals and my strolls through the garden lol). I live in BC, Canada and we just moved to this town a week ago, so you can imagine how…
  • That is so awesome!!! Congrats!! :D
  • Hi! I can completely relate with your story! Sweets are my downfall, and sugar is like the worst drug to me. Add to that a loving wife who thinks she's being nice by bringing me home giant candy bars from the store, and every half a lb lost is like a giant victory to me. lol Hang in there, you can do it! The community here…
  • Welcome! I just joined MFP yesterday, so I'm completely new here, too. Feel free to add me, and I sure wish you all the best on your weight loss and fitness journey! I'm sure you'll do wonderfully with all the great people here supporting you. :)
  • Yes, we have to bring everything over by ferry. I was really nervous, since before her big trip Luna had only been in a trailer once, for fifteen minutes tops. That was when she was 18 months old, and she was going from where she had been born to where I was boarding her. Fast forward to now, when she's four and wasn't…
  • What a fun idea for a group! I am so in! Halloween is my favourite time of year anyway, so this will help motivate me for sure. :) I, too, will wait till Friday to post my starting weight. We just moved, and the scales are in one of the hidden boxes that fill our new place. I have a general idea where it is, I just need to…
  • We just moved to Sechelt, BC. It's a coastal type town, where boats way outnumber horses. There aren't any hay fields, either. All the hay has to be brought over by ferry! Very different than where I lived before, in farm country. I'm currently boarding at a private home where she has a small barn and a laid back…
  • Wow! you should write a book, that was so spot on. I'm sure it must have helped the OP, because it sure helped me and I just came into this conversation! lol Excellent advice, thank you for sharing! :)
  • From one newcomer to another..welcome! :)
  • Welcome back! I'm in the same starting over boat as well. :) I wish you much success!
  • I havn't had that 'problem' for almost 2 years now. Believe it or not I actually miss 'Aunt Flo'..makes me feel old now that she no longer visits. lol