MotherGoddess Member


  • The "will it blend" blender is a Blendtec, and the answer is yes, it will. They have videos of cell phones, skis, all kind of random stuff getting chewed up by this blender. Vitamix and Blendtec are the two big name blenders that get all the hype. I've heard good things about the Ninja too. Vitamix or Blendtec will run you…
  • I also use and like pacer.
  • This is me! I don't even own regular shoes any more (I'm a stay home mom, so I have the luxury of kickin around in what ever I want). I've got my vffs, and a pair of nice flip flops, and I'm set. I totally lift in my Vibrams, never thought twice about it.
  • I came over here after completing 1/2 of stage 2 in NROLFW. I loved stage 1, but stage 2 was weird and complicated and taking forever in the gym. I hadn't gotten terribly high in my weights, so I went back to the begining. I did up by 10 lbs twice in a row on squats though, and now I'm back to 5 lbs at a time. Loving this…
  • I'm by no means an expert, being fairly new to lifting myself. But here's my 2c if you'd like it. For the deadlifts, it is definitely an exercise that works the low back. You should feel it through your hammies and glutes too, but you will also feel it in your low back. When I first started deadlifts, my low back would…
  • Your cut value of 2194 already includes exercise, unless you're basing it off of the "sedentary" numbers. So try to get as close as you can to 2194 total calories, regardless of exercise. The only modification to this is that on really high burn days (say lifting and HIIT in one day) make sure that your NET doesn't fall…
  • I would go by intensity. 3 hrs of intense workout I would go with the higher, if it's 3 hrs of light workout go with the lower. Or average the two numbers and go with that. You can always tweak later if you need to.
  • Have you taken any measurements from before/after your reset or recently? I ask because you say you're lifting, and that can screw with the scale something awful. Recovering muscle retains loads of water to repair itself, and muscle is more dense then fat anyway. So if you're lifting heavy and the scale is staying steady,…
  • I also lift (and run, and walk everywhere) in my Vibram FiveFingers. They rock. It's pretty much the only shoe I own, so I didn't really give it any thought when I started lifting. Oh, I do own a pair of flip flops, but I'd never wear them to the gym. VFF's it is then. :)
  • I always weigh in the morning, after I've gone to the bathroom, before I've had breakfast. I want a number that as closely as possible is "just me", not last nights dinner and the gallon of water I drank yesterday. But either way, I think the important thing is to be consistent. If your evening routine is more convenient…
  • I would tell him that you know he's coming from a place of love and support, but that in this moment that's not the kind of support you need. Moving SUCKS - especially when there are added stressors. We are in the middle of a similar situation - lease up on our apartment, trying to buy a house, loan probably being denied,…
  • I just sent you a request too :)
  • Hi Everyone! I joined MFP ages ago, but have only been using it consistantly for the past two to three months or so. Christmas 2010 I had a 1 year old baby, a 3 year old and a 5 year old, and was at my all time heaviest. 162, on a 5'1" frame, just 3 lbs shy of my delivery weight for my third baby. I was 145 when I…
  • I also weigh daily (sometimes twice). I log any time I get a record low. Down .2 from yesterday? Logged! But if I go up a bit, I wait until I have a new record low before logging again. So if I logged 146.2 today - which I did :), and tomorrow's weight is 147, then 146.5, then 146 even, I won't log again until the 146 even…
  • And if you run barefoot but do not change your foot fall, you will end up with concussive injuries, like shin splints or stress fractures. When landing heel first, you need all that cushion in your expensive running shoes to absorb the shock. When running barefoot, landing on the ball of your foot, your calf muscle absorbs…
  • Running barefoot can be awesome, but take it slowly and build up. Yes, it will feel like you are "prancing" at first, but notice how light on your feet you feel, like you can run without making any sound. It also uses muscles that you probably have not used in a very long time (if ever) and can lead to overuse injuries if…