christmre Member


  • I started at about 185, 190. I used the Couch to 5K, it really helped to get going.
  • I'm in, I've got to get back into my running, setting a small goal of 40 miles this month.
  • I have to be blunt here. Being a stay at home mom is her job. Being a homemaker means you make the home what it is. It means not only do you take care of the children, you clean the house, do the laundry, go to the grocery, do the cooking, and make your home comfortable for the person who provides the income. You don't get…
  • I just run in the rain unless it's lightning, then I will go on YouTube and do a Leslie Sansone Walk At Home video.
  • Goal - 50 miles 6/2 - 3 miles 6/3 - 3 miles 6/4 - 4.05 miles 6/7 - 2 miles 6/8 - 3 miles 6/9 - 2 miles
  • I would like to join. I'm a new-ish runner, so I'll go for 50 miles this month.
  • I have a fitbit flex, which is synced with MFP, so I do not log any of my exercise with MFP, it logs automatically from my fitbit. I only log food and water on this site.
  • I like cream of wheat with peanut butter myself, it doesn't spike my blood sugar, and keeps me full. Since you need gluten free you could try cream of rice, it's a little higher carb than you want, at 36g. Or an omelette with bell peppers, mushrooms and cheese and your choice of meats is good too.
  • You look great!!
  • I have RA, and can't do a lot of those high impact exercises either, but I have lost weight using the Leslie Sansone Walk At Home workouts. You can buy her videos, rent them on Amazon Instant Video, or watch some of them for free on YouTube. They are low impact, but really work to get your heart rate up. And Leslie is the…
  • Yes, you may lose your boobs, they are fatty tissue. My husband used to say the same thing, he loved my big boobs, he loved my big butt. Thing is, since I've begun losing weight he still loves my body, and now, so do I. He also loves that I have more energy, and that I am happier with the way I look, smaller boobs and all.
  • No one deserves to be assaulted, sexually or otherwise. Whatever the specifics of the assault were, it is still assault. You DO matter, it was NOT your fault. Tell your counselor on Skype how you are feeling, you need to talk through these feelings with a professional.
  • I just started this app today, couldn't believe how out of shape I am, lol. You could always try week 2 next week, and if it doesn't feel right you can go back and repeat the first week, make sure you are taking your rest days, it will really help. Also, make sure you are stretching properly after you exercise, it will…
    in C25k Comment by christmre March 2014
  • I actually prefer homemade food, as I can measure ingredients and know they are accurate. It has been shown that the prepackaged foods are often wrong on calories counts up to 100-200 calories per meal. They also have a lot of preservatives, artificial dyes, and high sodium counts.
  • I understand what you mean, I have RA, and when the weather gets bad, and my pain levels increase, my hunger does as well. I try to lower my carbs and sugars, and increase protein when this happens, also drink a lot of hot tea and water. I find that if I eat a more high carb, high sugar diet, I am hungrier overall. Other…
  • I make my meals at home too, and I use the my recipe function to determine the calories in my food. It seems to work pretty well for me, good luck! :)
  • I like to make a small box of sugar free cheesecake pudding and mix in a can of pumpkin puree, it tastes good, and has vitamins too. Or make mini cheesecakes, but with low fat cream cheese, and half stevia, half sugar.
    in Sugar Comment by christmre February 2014
  • We decided to home school due to our children having some issues learning in a traditional classroom, the older has sensory issues, and the younger has ADHD. They really do better with more individual attention, and we all enjoy it. They do miss snow days though, lol!
  • Hi, I'm 36, a stay at home mom, and I home school two of my three boys. They are 12 and 10 years old. My oldest is 17 and goes to public school. I have been married for 13 years. I am disabled, I have RA and Type 2 Diabetes. I hope you really like the site and meet a lot of supportive friends!
  • I have Type 2 Diabetes, and this program has really helped me to control my carb and sugar intake, and in turn, lower my blood sugars as well as lose weight.
  • I do something similar, just had it for breakfast this morning. Take your slice of bacon (after spraying with non stick spray) and make a ring in the muffin tin, and then just crack an egg into each one instead of beating them. Then after it's done cooking we sprinkle a little cheddar on top. Sometimes we cook the bacon…
  • Yes, buy it and work toward it, especially if you really love it, and it is close to fitting.
  • I notice that when I eat higher amounts of added sugar and carbs, I am always hungry, maybe you are having the same problem? Also I would agree with the others, drinking more water would probably help as well.
  • It sounds like a blood sugar issue. Yogurt usually has a lot of sugar in it. I would have the same problem when I would eat too much sugar for breakfast.
  • Like others have suggested, Leslie Sansone is a great gentle workout. I have joint issues and have no problem doing her videos. I would definitely check her out, and you might even be able to borrow some from your local library. Good luck! :)
  • My favorite moment is after Radar leaves, and they get a letter from him telling them how he is doing once he got home, makes me cry every time.
  • Hi, I too have a cup of tea every morning with milk. I am diabetic, and it doesn't even really seem to affect my blood sugar. I think that they put the daily allowance of sugar very low. As long as you are getting most of your sugars from natural sources, it should not affect your weight loss.
  • Maxwell's Silver Hammer or Blackbird, but it's really hard to choose since they are all so awesome.
  • If you use less fat options, like Neufchatel cheese, lite cool whip, low fat cookies and such it comes in at more like 270 calories for 8 servings