Let's get to know everyone!



  • ohkurt18
    ohkurt18 Posts: 171 Member
    I'm 40something. Family man with a wonderful wife and a couple strapping young boys, 10 and 13. I dote on all them daily.

    I play competitive tennis, spend as much time outdoors as possible, hunt, fish, off road, etc.

    I have worked in education for over 20 years and I dabble in just about everything - teaching, instructional design, instructional technology, graphics, instructional multimedia development, networks, IT, business analysis, processes, and more.

    I just wanna look good naked.

    I love peanut butter and eat PBJ's almost everyday.

    I drink.

    oh wow., you have dabbled in alot of professional stuff. I cannot stand peanut butter
  • futurejedi
    master in justice studies /public admin
  • ohkurt18
    ohkurt18 Posts: 171 Member
    master in justice studies /public admin

    What job d you partake in?
  • futurejedi
    master in justice studies /public admin

    What job d you partake in?

  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member

    I am Sam/Lilly and I am currently 28.

    I joke. VERY hard. I don't mind making myself the butt of the joke, either. It's all fun.

    -I like to run.
    -I like my junkfood.
    -I like bacon, twinkies, beef, -need a daily coffee to burn cals-, prefer to burn more than 1,000-1,500 when I burn so that I can eat all I want throughout the day.
    -I love to drink water, you could say I'm a bit of a waterfiend. However, once in a while I will have some Dr. Pepper and Coca Cola. (Sometimes mixed together).
    -I love the color red.
    -I have a cat.
    -I'm an excellent driver, except when it comes to mailboxes, so put your mailbox somewhere I can't hit it or you'll be picking up pieces of it in the morning if you invite me over!
    -I sing very badly, but I continue to sing.
    -When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is look for my phone.
    -Sometimes in the morning I walk around with one eye closed because I'm still not done waking up.
    -I curse a lot. Like a damned sailor. No shame.

    OK, I saw you like beef, I do too! I am addicted to beef jerky though. My favorite colors are Teal and silver. I love my pitbull. He is a baby. I can sing a little. But I am not sure. lol I try to just drink water. Though today at dinner a had a mojito.

    God, yes beef. I like beef jerky, as well -nodnod- Although, I prefer rare beef, myself.
    Ooo, teal and silver are gorgeous combinations of color! :)
    Awww, I wish more people would take loving to pittbulls, instead I see those gorgeous beasts at shelters all the time! They need to take the time to learn how to handle a big dog before taking one of them in, srsly! -endrage-
    Got a pic of your pittbull? :)
    Hehe, I only drink vodka :P Don't like anything else. Yet.
  • ohkurt18
    ohkurt18 Posts: 171 Member
    I will put a picture of my pitbull in my profile pictures for you to see. he is a baby. I mean a year and a half and I would kill for this dog iterally. So misunderstood. I am thinking about those color combinations at my wedding if i ever have one. ha
  • ohkurt18
    ohkurt18 Posts: 171 Member

    I am Sam/Lilly and I am currently 28.

    I joke. VERY hard. I don't mind making myself the butt of the joke, either. It's all fun.

    -I like to run.
    -I like my junkfood.
    -I like bacon, twinkies, beef, -need a daily coffee to burn cals-, prefer to burn more than 1,000-1,500 when I burn so that I can eat all I want throughout the day.
    -I love to drink water, you could say I'm a bit of a waterfiend. However, once in a while I will have some Dr. Pepper and Coca Cola. (Sometimes mixed together).
    -I love the color red.
    -I have a cat.
    -I'm an excellent driver, except when it comes to mailboxes, so put your mailbox somewhere I can't hit it or you'll be picking up pieces of it in the morning if you invite me over!
    -I sing very badly, but I continue to sing.
    -When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is look for my phone.
    -Sometimes in the morning I walk around with one eye closed because I'm still not done waking up.
    -I curse a lot. Like a damned sailor. No shame.

    OK, I saw you like beef, I do too! I am addicted to beef jerky though. My favorite colors are Teal and silver. I love my pitbull. He is a baby. I can sing a little. But I am not sure. lol I try to just drink water. Though today at dinner a had a mojito.

    God, yes beef. I like beef jerky, as well -nodnod- Although, I prefer rare beef, myself.
    Ooo, teal and silver are gorgeous combinations of color! :)
    Awww, I wish more people would take loving to pittbulls, instead I see those gorgeous beasts at shelters all the time! They need to take the time to learn how to handle a big dog before taking one of them in, srsly! -endrage-
    Got a pic of your pittbull? :)
    Hehe, I only drink vodka :P Don't like anything else. Yet.

    I put the pictures up! :)
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Awwww, he's absolutely adorable!!
    Pure white hehehe. I want to snug him! Is he completely spoiled? Because he totally looks it :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • arwacky
    arwacky Posts: 1,653
    Im a mythical creature named Griffin, I am powerful and majestic. Some people consider me the "King of Creatures".. but I don't like to think of myself that way. I am just your average Joe in the Creature world. If anyone has priceless possessions or treasures they would like me to watch over for them .. I am an ideal choice to guard over them.

    Other than that, I'm a pretty normal Griffin!

    Nice to meet you -shakes hand-
    Well giffin, will you watch over my rock collection? its very important to me.

    I wish I was a griffin but sadly I am only human. :sad:
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    Hiii, umm I am 25

    Vegetarian for 11 years Vegan for 2 now :heart:
    I consider myself a feminist :bigsmile:
    I hate working out ...most of the time :grumble:
    Ive lost 150 pounds soo farrrrrr wooooooooooohoaoaogsdsdfsdcsd
    favourite colour is purple
    favourite animal is a cow or snail
    favourite chip flavors are ketchup , all dressed or dill pickle
    I have rosacea and its prettty terrible
    ummmmmmmm I only drink water..pretty much ever just a bunch of
    water all the time
    I pee a lot
    Ive had 5 different surgeries ( all when I was a kid :frown: )
    I own like 15 barbie movies and feel no shame about that :laugh:
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I'm Cindy (yeah, that was hard to figure out, right?)
    I'm 41, mom to 2 grown boys (23 and 22) one of which is married, the other of which is gay.
    I've been married for almost 24 years to my high school sweetheart.
    I've got 3 female German Shorthairs, Molly, Maia and Morgan.
    I used to love eating just about everything but I have IBD and a ton of food intolerances now which sucks so I'm pretty limited, but
    I can still eat Dark Chocolate thank god!
    Last year I was diagnosed with brain cancer right after I graduated with my Bachelor's degree and got my dream job (but I do still have that) and I do have the best boss I've ever had.

    I'm in the best shape of my life.
  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    Hi! Welcome! I'm a unicorn and fat and a gamer.
    Also nurse and mom to 3 boys.
    My favorite animal is a linsang.
    Favorite color is rainbow!
    I have the flu :sick:
    *cough cough*

  • phuckingbadasscutie
    phuckingbadasscutie Posts: 1,619 Member
    Hey! My name is Molly, I'm 30 and am also married to my high school love. We have been together since I was 14 and he was 17....I know, crazy right, and we have been married for 9 of those years. We have 4 boys, the oldest is 8. I work very part time to get out of the house and be my own person and I go to school full time. My favorite color is, well I have a few, black, dark purple and any color blue. I love being outside and I really love being on our Harley. My favorite exercise is running, however I recently started heavy lifting and I LOVE it.

    Nice to meet you all.

    As a side note, my boy that is in the pic with me and one of his brothers look nothing like me and I get asked ALL THE TIME if all my kids have the same Dad or if they are all mine or if they are all brothers...its so ridiculous! Which the answer to all of the questions are yes!
  • I am in college. Elementary Education and Learning Behavioral disorders. Love children and I love animals. I am 22. Tell me about you! :)

    I'm studying behavioral disorders also (:

    Oh cool! How is it going for you?

    It's going real well. The program is hard but it's really fascinating. I'm going to be a psychologist.
  • Mello_Rello
    Mello_Rello Posts: 421 Member
    29yrs young
    Psychiatric RN
    Favorite cardio machine is the Arc Trainer
    I hate the stair stepper
    I love bake mac and cheese, vegetable tempura, Oscar filet with béarnaise
    My favorite clean meal is eggplant lasagna
    Staples in my fridge are spinach, eggs, blueberries, turkey
    I plan to start grad school this summer to get my MSN
    I'm super sensitive
    I have dreams about things that usually happen in the future
    I strive to make everyone I meet smile
  • annael25
    annael25 Posts: 60 Member

    My name's Leanna (or Annael backwards, hence my user name).
    I'm 26, turning 27 in June. YAY.
    I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
    Not married, but engaged to my boyfriend of 2+ years. We're getting married in March 2015.
    I graduated from college in 2010 with a degree in print journalism. If anyone's thinking about doing journalism, don't! Unless it's e-journalism/online.
    Embarrassingly enough, I currently work in a call centre. But hey, money is money. :)
    Favourite colour is red.
    My eyelashes on one eye are white.
  • christmre
    christmre Posts: 109 Member
    Hi, I'm 36, a stay at home mom, and I home school two of my three boys. They are 12 and 10 years old. My oldest is 17 and goes to public school. I have been married for 13 years. I am disabled, I have RA and Type 2 Diabetes. I hope you really like the site and meet a lot of supportive friends!

    Is there a reason you are home schooling? Do you like it? or was the public schools not your idea of what a school should be?

    We decided to home school due to our children having some issues learning in a traditional classroom, the older has sensory issues, and the younger has ADHD. They really do better with more individual attention, and we all enjoy it. They do miss snow days though, lol!
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Hey! My name is Molly, I'm 30 and am also married to my high school love. We have been together since I was 14 and he was 17....I know, crazy right, and we have been married for 9 of those years. We have 4 boys, the oldest is 8. I work very part time to get out of the house and be my own person and I go to school full time. My favorite color is, well I have a few, black, dark purple and any color blue. I love being outside and I really love being on our Harley. My favorite exercise is running, however I recently started heavy lifting and I LOVE it.

    Nice to meet you all.

    As a side note, my boy that is in the pic with me and one of his brothers look nothing like me and I get asked ALL THE TIME if all my kids have the same Dad or if they are all mine or if they are all brothers...its so ridiculous! Which the answer to all of the questions are yes!

    Ha, I get asked that when I say my boys are grown... "do they have the same dad? Is your husband their dad?" Uh, yeah.
  • farfalla2015
    I'm 49, Sicilian ,cute, live on the East Coast. I love exercise and eating!! I want to lose 30lbs and I need to do it by tomorrow :smile:
  • JLHNU212
    JLHNU212 Posts: 169 Member
    I am an Investment Sales Assistant, which means I have to sit on my behind a lot, becuase my employer does not see the benefit in having those awesome desks that are either treadmills or stationary bikes!! HAHA! :) I am almost 30, only 2 more months of my 20's, which I am surprisingly NOT OK with!! :) Other than that, I have a toddler and a husband that take up MOST of my time! I would LOVE to be a runner, but I think I look REALLY uncoordinated when I do it!!!!

    I am 22 and was having a hard time. Ha My dream is to just run and keep running. Aww a toddler? whaat is their name? and i can imagine a husband and toddler will take you time. Ha. Do you like you job?

    Yes, my toddler just turned three and his nickname is Mr. B, which is what we call him all the time! :) I do like my job because I have AMAZING co-workers. I have been thinking of going back to school though for nursing! :) Or teaching, because the idea of having summers and snow days off is calling to me!